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Everything posted by Kimberly

  1. With how many things are expected for December, I have no idea how they're going to fit it all without delaying something. And I have a sickening feeling one of those somethings will be the construction rework.
  2. Yeah that just doesn't seem to work for me. I don't know if it's an advantage you have with superior gear or what, but if I don't handle the wraiths she heals, if I try to avoid the firewalls she switches to the physical carapace and I can't do enough damage to live on SS/vamp alone, etc.
  3. Well that's a freaking relief. Maybe I can actually do qbd then regularly, low fps and all. Will chaotics be suitable until I can get drygore maces? Thanks Leik.
  4. The rigors of boss hunting as Q mentioned would not be a problem at all if I didn't have such bad framerate issues. I used to bosshunt all the time preeoc with clanmates. Problem is if I tried it now and did a chain of abilities, or were in any sort of group, or any new flashy area, I'd have 10fps. It's so damn depressing. :/ For example, went to corp & dks yesterday with some fellas and made about 7mil with less than two hours of work. (Extremely lucky.) Went duo zil with someone for giggles and while we got a drop, I was largely useless due to 5-10fps. I tried qbd before and even on lowest graphic settings and just sound effects, I had 5fps. No way in hell could I catch the wraiths in time, or properly sidestep them, etc. And that's ignoring the big ass unclickable nameplates that pop up.
  5. Had this happen to me, since I had absolutely NO WAY of knowing it would lock me out of participating towards the monument. I understand they were really busy lately with the pressures of organizing Runefest and making sure content that HAD to be in the game was there on time...but it's extremely stupid that no one thought to make sure completing one didn't screw up the other? Every time I think about this, I can't help but get a little burnt up about it.
  6. The ability to bend all the elements didn't come from Rava. Those powers were unlocked by the elemental lion turtles. Rava, and Vaatu, would just be the means with which they can bend all four at the same time. Unalaq could still be possessed, but I think it's unlikely that you'll see a "dark avatar showdown." They've got a lot to wrap up in one episode. I really hope that it's an extended one, or we're going to have a miserable cliffhanger until book 3.
  7. She's a law enforcer, though. Tenzin and Korra were political figures in Book One, she could afford to "be reasonable" and go with their orders. They were above her. Mako is a nobody with a criminal past and nothing but hearsay as evidence. It makes sense. It irritates me too because it's one of those, "IF YOU JUST LISTENED THIS WOULD HAVE BEEN OVER 5 EPISODES AGOOOOOOO" sort of thing. Frustrating but eh
  8. Er. When you say ship I thought you actually were talking about the ships, like the things that navigate the sea Based on the context of your little paragraph there...does it mean something else?
  9. Levels: [hide=Div levels] [73 div missing rip] [/hide] Still too chicken to bosshunt, rip.
  10. Hrnggg is it online yet I was so sad when I realized last week didn't have an episode
  11. You can have a personal opinion of something and still hold it separate from doing your duties that seem to conflict with it. Additionally, it's less of a positive statement and more of a "everything that Jagex said about the bonds update has been fabricated nonsense." Most people don't have a problem with Jagex selling bonds. And while they understandably can't just say, "We wanted a piece of the pie to bolster our profits since you guys don't seem to care" it's still a little frustrating to the average player regardless of what your stance on RWTing is.
  12. Stained glass is what I both love and hate about Mojang. On the one hand, it's cool that they added it. On the other, I really can't comprehend how it wasn't added earlier. In fact, I think it WAS, as an April Fool's "joke", and removed. They had a lot of problems getting it to work right and stuff of that nature. Opacity problems and junk. Likely the recent code-tidying allowed it to be a possibility. I highly recommend anyone who hasn't played in a while, or hasn't played due to how poorly it ran, to try it once more. Not only did they add a ton of features in the latest updates, but the game runs muuuuuch more smoothly. I regularly get 60+ fps on my old machine that used to get 5-15fps during 1.5 and below.
  13. Dragonborn is the DLC I'd recommend most, then Hearthfire, then Dawnguard. I'd only recommen buying Heartfire at full price though. Dragonborn IS worth it at full price, but with black friday/steam sales coming up there's no need to buy it at full price. Dawnguard I'd definitely recommend waiting until a sale. It's a good dlc, but not worth $20 USD.
  14. I would've thought the fact that it's the only wand for the higher tiers that is moderately affordable, but damn if you didn't just prove me wrong. There's a big difference in damage from t60 to t80 spells, that should go without saying.
  15. I'd agree with you for all minus the point that vwand is "artificially" overpriced, considering it has a rarer droprate than other virtus gear and is the only wand even moderately obtainable for the average person. It's overpriced for what it should be, yes, but that price point is by no means artificial.
  16. ...Right, but fixing your graphics settings has no correlation to the network issues that have been going on, is what I think he's trying to say. That suggestion supplied by Jagex didn't really work and it was just a basic troubleshooting response. >_>' I'd imagine the reason why he quoted Yoko was to again emphasize that it's not a client side issue, but a server issue.
  17. But it wasn't useful for the average player to get 99 smith. They could buy the byproduct from others for a lot less than the cost of 99 smithing, even in classic. The only time when this wasn't true was when there were only a handful with 99 smith and no one was undercutting each other to keep the cost too high to reasonably buy without getting the levels yourself. And even then... Just wasn't worth it.
  18. If those are the days people long for, then they should be hoarding energies for the production skill at the end of the year, no? Because the only good part about that was the control they had over the market of those items and the money they made as a result. Even still, today's much-larger player base would nullify any benefit of reaching 99 just to make money. By the time you hit that milestone, either so many people have made it with you and will viciously undercut you to sell their product or you got it too late that the undercutting has finally lead to a bottom-out of prices that hardly make the effort seem worth it. 99 smith was only worthwhile because you made money off of it. People only talk fondly of it because it's a mythical-styled time period that this game can no longer regain because it's grown so much in size that it just wouldn't work. You can't have a 10year old game and not have any overlap, and there's too much overlap AND too many players to ever have that time period come again. Using it as a benchmark for when skills were meaningful at this point is comparing apples to oranges, as terrible as that saying is.
  19. Hey Vann, moved you topic to Help & Advice. Good luck :)
  20. Wanted to take a moment to say a VERY belated congrats to you 999 for getting featured by PopularMMOs for his Scaperune mod. Regardless of my disagreements, that's still a big accomplishment and I know you put a lot of work into it. Grats :)
  21. The balance of the natural world isn't good or bad though. It just is, and maintaining it in times of strife could lead to some bad decisions later down the line in order to maintain that balance. To sort of jump back a few posts before, I think Icthlarin's choice of side is a lot of what Guthixians would have chosen. The best way at that time, to the best of our knowledge, was to get them to not play Sliske's game. A deadly contest for the Stone of Jas, regardless if it was really on the table, is one of the quickest way to disrupt the natural balance of the world. So even though novices might not be able to choose Guthixian, I think once they reach that point of learning what happened during TWW, it will put the choice you're guided to originally (icthlarin) into perspective.
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