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Everything posted by Kimberly

  1. Moved to Help and Advice. I actually remember you, asianboy7o7. :) If you've lost the password to your tipit forum account, you can fill out an account problem form and an administrator will try to help you recover it. You might not have incurred any black marks on your account. In fact, did you know they changed that system a while ago? Now it's just this progress bar with offenses listed under it. Oh the days of blackmarks, long gone! XD I'd say try logging back into your Runescape account via the runescape website and making sure if you have them or not. A lot of those emails you get are phishing attempts. Castlewars is kind of dead sadly. But slayer is still a big skill that lots of people love. The new combat system sped it up a lot though. Honestly though, it's a bit hard to give you a breakdown of the past 4 years, but I'll give it a whirl. Lots of quests have come out, goes without saying. Just look at your quest menu :) The logout timer is now 5mins instead of 30 seconds like it used to be. AFK training is hard to come by and all the methods of training combat overnight are completely broken. The wilderness is back, but dead. Free trade is back, too. No more bounty hunter though. There's a new prayer book unlocked by Temple at Sennisten quest. New normal magic spells (surges). Ancients have had their names changed but they still work in the same fashion iirc. Divination is a new skill, and there's another skill incoming called the inventor skill. Dungeoneering had a lot of changes to it as well so it's much better than it was on release. Membership prices have gone up, but you can also buy membership via ingame gold now so there's that. There's a LOT of microtransactions in the game now. I glossed over a LOT of things. Really, there's just too much to mention. A synopsis doesn't do it justice.
  2. You're comparing it to PVP before wilderness removed - a community that had years to grow and evolve to what it was. A community that knew there were other pkers out there that they could test themselves against and potentially make profit if they were crafty and skilled enough. In the early months, there needs to be a reason for PvP both at multiple levels, not just large groups. Or else like Fallstar predicted, it's doomed to fail due to safe organizations. Enticing the defenseless or unskilled to go into the wilderness is as important a part of regrowing the PvP community as is big activities like Warbands. There will always be a dominate group, but there has to be plenty of room for smaller groups to thrive. In the past, those dominate groups were clans. Now, it's friend's chats. Loosely organized but large volume enough to overcome that in most cases. They're the top of the pyramid. We need those tinier reasons to get individuals and small groups in there or again, like Fallstar said, it won't work. So yes, helpless skillers are a weak form of pvp, but it's a few bricks in a strong foundation for bringing pvp back. The hard part is thinking of things that fit that bill, for Jagex. Even so, don't disdain their efforts. They've got a seemingly insurmountable task, regardless if it was brought about by their own actions, and muley mindsets like yours to overcome in order to bring people back into the wilderness. Sidenote:[hide] Warbands was an underappreciated stroke of genius that shockingly took into account the current state of the game. Like Fallstar pointed out, friends chats and crafty web developers made this D&D work like clockwork in relative safety. But more and more groups are coming out of the woodwork to attack people at warbands because people are going on sites like reddit and saying "look at how much money I made pking". They're not making as much money though, and hopefully Jagex now learns that they can't expect a tradable item to retain it's value enough to be an enticing bit of bait for pkers, but that's beside the point. People are getting interested. The exp reward from these activities ensures at least that there will constantly be people in the wilderness every 6 hours to loot camps. They purposely picked skills with high costs or tedious training times to ensure the content's popularity. They purposely made it group oriented. And then, even though it made it harder for users, made competition slightly more fierce by synching world times etc. It was just brilliant. There just needs to be MORE things like it.[/hide] E: lots of changes to structure of the post, sorry
  3. Kimberly


    I made more money at frosts than I did without torva/full slayer helm task boost. 20ish kills per hour even with zerking on second and fourth phases doesn't really seem to get you a lot of cash/hr by comparison. I still only get 3 to 3:30min kills with maces/bandos off task. Granted if there's a way to get under 2 to 3 minute kills reliably with tetsu/bandos + maces at the qbd off task then my alternate suggestion is useless and should be ignored. :) Sorry. EDIT: Th e Doctor explained why my kill speeds were a problem and why QBD would likely be just fine for you. I apologize for the bad advice :/
  4. The moral struggles were a contrived mess. Combat was even more watered down from 2. The content was ripped out in a lot of ways and charged for as dlc (a strong hallmark since 2's release.) The story wasn't really all that good compared to the first one.
  5. When I was starting out I used tetsu top/bottom, penance, item protect until I was able to not-die replaced with vampyris later, bandos helm/slayerhelm, bandos boots/gloves, and mh/oh claws (later replaced with drygores.) I'm tried using full bandos when I had claws for the dmg boost but I just couldn't hit enough and ended up dying a few times by carelessness. Dunno if that's the BEST but it's what I had when I tried melee.
  6. Grats on the 178m mark and 85 smith! :) If you can tolerate an average dger (at least, below DGSweeper level) I'd love to DG with you sometime if you're ever looking for a 5th. And welcome to tipit <3
  7. So if we were to do a ladder battle for pokemon x/y What would one need to do huh huhuhuhuh
  8. You could buy energies to convert for extra div exp for a small boost and finish off with something quick like prayer at the end to avoid wasting any bonus if that's what you mean.
  9. Apparently there's the first batch of combat familiar reworks to come next week. YEAH! Brb buying titans/scrolls. I am so not setting myself up for crushing disappointment.
  10. BLAWG UPDATES. This is a blog update of thank yous, because thanks to some wonderful people I've had more desperately needed relaxation brought through enjoyable activities than I had in ages. Thanks to the lovely Mark, I know how to warband now. Thanks to this I'm steadily climbing my way to 99 construction. I decided to say screw holding off on it since the delay of the construction rework. (Thanks Obama!) Thanks to Leik's lovely guide, advice from Jack/Ambler/Tim/Jason, I learned how to QBD. I still don't have torva yet, but my kill times have fallen under 4mins a kill now, hovering close to the 3:30-3:45 mark. It's been a great help. Thanks to wonderful encouragement from my friends, I was able to start branching out of my shell and try bossing again. Flipping, slay-bossing, trying new things like Corporeal beast. I started to hit milestones that even two months ago I thought I would never reach. [hide][/hide] Drygores, all PoP scrolls, Tokharr-Kal [hide][/hide] Elite DG diaries [hide][/hide] My first sigil split ever Thanks to Jack, Jason, Meamzed, Wiccan Moon, and D u a n e I actually got ot learn how to Nex as a melee DPSer. I've still got a lot to go, but thanks to those lovelies I don't utterly and terribly fear Nex now. Thanks to Pantsuonhead, DoSlayer, Mc Akbaba, Jason, and Gwyn I'm slowly but surely working my way into learning voker role at KK. Just thank you all so much. I love you all. Each one of you is a brightness in my life and I am so grateful to know you all. And I know I am bound to have missed some people in the list - I am a terrible person with a terrible memory. But know that if I did, still from the bottom of my heart I appreciate all you've helped me with, taught me, and shared with me. From sinks, to silly skype calls/mumble nights, and all the wonderful things in between, thank you all. <3
  11. Can I just say that I really like Armadyl's voiceactor? Everyone was shocked that he just sounded so ordinary. Yet he's one of the younger (and weaker) gods with almost painfully naive notions of justice. He's the good guy that gets everyone killed in a zombie apocalypse because he always does what's right. He was driven into mourning when he believed that he lead his entire race to their deaths for his ideals, yet there's still no signs that he learned from his mistakes. (He's like an early-in-life Saradomin, full of unexpected power and lofty ideals.) Ordinary suits him. Because that's all he is. Just a normal creature trying to use his authority for justice, for the right thing, even if the right thing isn't necessarily the best thing to do. I don't want either of these gods to die. There's so much potential for their stories to be explored. Yet I could live with Bandos dying if it meant that we would eventually see Armadyl is pushed to his breaking point. Like say, if the rest of the Aviansies were wiped out and Armadyl snapped and stole the wand from Sir Owen/Saradomin and succumbed to madness at seeing the rest of the newly-resurrected (and corrupted due to what he'd need to do to steal the wand) Aviansies. Just think, a god gone mad with grief and despair roaming Gielinor targeting Saradominists and eventually Falador, feeling in his madness that Saradomin and his followers sabotaged the wand somehow and blaming them. You need to raise an army of Inventors in the first group quest (or world event) to take him down. JUST HRNGG Bandos has his own crimes to answer for, both for the upcoming world event and the things he did during the God Wars. Peace is more a byproduct of swift and fair justice. At least, that's what I think. Might be wrong.
  12. If they're already using up-front extra loyalty points as special enticing extras, then the whole point of loyalty points has gone out the window. Might as well just merge the system with runecoins and simplify things by making auras buyable with coins. Seems that's what they're trying to do anyway. After all, why would I want to (barely) buy a bank booster when I can buy supreme <whatever aura> that I can't get with anything else? I hope the VIP world will convert an existing world rather than adding a new one. We definitely don't need more worlds available.
  13. [hide=Bitter, hateful, miserable anger here that likely makes no sense -- you've been warned.] WHAT THE [bleep] WELL I'M SO GLAD WE'RE NOT GETTING THE CONSTRUCTION REWORK. A NEW SLAYER MONSTER AND A DRAWN OUT GOD EVENT WAS SO WORTH IT YEAH. YEAH! SO WORTH IT. OH DON'T FORGET THE BLACK SANTA HAT, YEAH. THAT'S COOL. RIGHT?? GUYS WE'RE SO COOL. ajfhagsjdfkjnealgskjids bgsdhisfars bdjgryehrsf hausa ty utt 8rqwue[y wtiu gt hytj[/hide] Ahem. The new god content sounds like warbands without the wilderness honestly. I still think 6 weeks is too long, but it's nice that it's not a 10 week slog like Battle of Lumbridge. That said it sounds like it will be neat and fun. Tip.it pking skype call anyone? :) The Harbingers sound annoyingly like a fancy tormented demon. I'm not really looking forward to it, especially since one of its signature drops seems to be a mask which grants combat exp. Considering most people 92+ slayer generally don't need combat exp, that sounds lackluster. Still there will be tons of money in the razorback gloves. I just don't think I'll bother with them because easier moneymaking options exist aka frost dragons and such. Do you do anything besides complain? :geek: It's actually a valid concern. The ability balance hasn't been that great in the past. Unless the abilities are EXACTLY the same in what they do, you'll have people choosing one side over the other simply for best dps abilities. I understand why they implemented something like this - enticing people to take allegiance seriously - but this doesn't seem like the most inspired choice.
  14. If it worked like the last festive aura promotion, then you'll be able to activate the aura once a day to gain a 50% exp boost for one hour or up to 50k exp whichever happens sooner.
  15. I'd be surprised if Infinity personally issued the ban himself. That said it's not a matter of disregarding Infinity's posts, but taking it with a pound and a half of salt.
  16. And yet there's pvp action in the wilderness due entirely due to WBs, though granted it's not as effective as it used to be. (Which could be countered a bit by decreasing the worlds available to accurately represent the active playerbase today, but meh I'm getting off track.) You just need a reason to get people out there that is long lasting. (aka not the shortlived price point of the Wand of Treachery that was doomed from the start) Make some of those things undesirable in a group setting. Draw in the masses so that people can start screwing each other over. The principles are still sound. They'd still work. I just don't think they can pull off the amount of changes that need to happen all at once to actually make it work in today's environment.
  17. It's a first step to enticing people to go pvp when you're starting from a community that has essentially eschewed all forms of dangerous pvp interaction. You've got to have a reason to go in there. Draw in the skillers, draw in the beginning pkers, then most importantly keep the reason for skillers/inexpereienced pkers to still stay there, keep that fledgling community growing, and hope it takes root. I personally don't think that it's going to be successful unless the concerns with the singleway toggle and gear/abilities are fixed, but hey maybe I'm wrong.
  18. Additionally those skill guilds still exist. w100 / 138 for crystal trees, the lfm/lrc worlds, dg world, bonfire world, etc. They exist, often right under your nose. People still engage each other in those places, sometimes even pleasantly. Don't forget that friends and clan chats allowed people to skill apart from eachother yet still talk. You have to roll with the change and go to where the people are.
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