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Everything posted by TTanT

  1. ^3 is because the entire point of legalizing it is to reduce the spread of STD's. Just because you're willing to risk getting some whack disease doesn't mean the rest of us want to aid a system that would only help them spread. Buying a cheap guitar will at worst annoy your friends with shitty tunes. Getting an STD (and then probably spreading it) can really screw people over. 4 is to prevent (or at least minimize) blackmail. I don't get 2, though.
  2. Well I don't know the name of her school, and her hometown is too dinky to register on Facebook. My hometown had a population of ~2000 (not a typo), and hers isn't much bigger.
  3. I haven't seen her since 6th grade, so who knows. She asked me to add her on Facebook, but there're approximately 10000000000000 people with her name so I never found her account.
  4. Welp, forced myself to make small talk with a girl sitting next to me in my lecture (it was coincidence that it was a pretty girl and not a guy that sat next to me, I swear) and it went smashingly. Or at least she didn't call the cops when I shoved her down, stomped on her, and then helped her back up (push pull and all that). On a more serious note: An old childhood friend of mine sent me a letter today (just read it now), and this has left me feeling pretty guilty. She sends me 1-2 letters a year, usually updating me on how her life's going and such, but due to a combination of procrastination and forgetfulness I only reply once every other year or so. In this one she mentioned driving down to visit me (she lives several states away), and while I can understand wanting to see an old friend again I can't quite get how a person would still be trying to gain contact after being ignored for so long. ...Then there's the fact that after rambling about games we played as kids she said "I hope we can hang out as adults someday" (yes with it bolded like that). I honestly hope that isn't implying what I think it is. She hasn't even seen me since I was a 6th grader. Most of me wants to do what I always do when stuff from my childhood pops up, which is ignore it until it goes away. But on the other hand I feel like I've been being a dick in that fashion for way too long. I dunno.
  5. Welp, I guess I'd better get started with starting conversations then. I'll make a point of trying to do that at least once a day until it starts to feel natural. Whether with said crush or with someone else. ...If I stopped posting here I managed to get arrested somehow. (Probably by rubbing a girl's arm and pulling her hair.)
  6. [bleep] got erased from my vocabulary a few months ago due to Tumblr. But you're right, I'm being timid again and I need to stop doing that. I've been rejected enough times to know it isn't that bad. [Rambling and answering my own question]This is going to sound weird, but.... How does one approach random people? Like I can't imagine doing it (outside of a context that explains it such as a club or something) without it being extremely weird and awkward. I guess I'm less afraid of rejection and more terrible at getting to know new people. Which is probably why my only college friends are from clubs and such.... Do I just sit near a person and start up a conversation? Yeah actually that sounds about right. Why do I over-complicate these things so much?[/Rambling and answering my own question] Edit: Why are you guys able to say "[bleep]" but when I type it I get censored?
  7. TTanT


    The day Lang makes a serious post is the day this forum will be shut down. But I'd say "exaggerated version of myself" would be an accurate depiction of my internet persona. I'm a lot more bold and upfront here, but I don't really take on a brand new personality.
  8. So I decide to stop actively trying to find someone I like, and then immediately stumble into a rather acute crush. Ain't life funny. The thing is, it's about as shallow of a crush as you can imagine judging that I have literally never spoken to her before. She's in a recitation and lecture of mine, and I kind of just crushed on first sight unfortunately. So far I've been taking the approach of "it's creepy to make moves on someone you have literally no connections to whatsoever" approach by trying to just make the crush go away. Needless to say that isn't very pleasant though. So should I attempt to take steps towards asking her out despite the creepiness factor or should I just suck it up and wait for the crush to die?
  9. TTanT


    ^I really doubt many of us are. Something about potentially having hours to formulate a witty reply and no need to worry about physical repercussions can really do wonders for one's apparent confidence.
  10. Unreal expectations garnered from society in general? And probably porn. I don't think that has much to do with it...breasts on a woman are a sexual characteristic that implies fertility, and has (probably) been attractive to men for the last hundred thousand years. Well breast size (regardless of how you prefer it) is a part of physical appeal, and physical appeal is one the biggest differences between "amazing friend" and "girlfriend". Some guys think big boobs are prettier, others think small ones are, and others still think that they're all awesome. It's like having a preference for a hair color or body type.
  11. ^They're basically refined reworks. All of the visuals are vastly improved (the backgrounds were amazing), and the battle scenes and major plot points were strung out a bit more and made prettier, but in exchange they had to drop some of the less important plot points (a non-spoiler example would be that the opening "dream" sequence of Homura fighting Walpurgisnacht is left out). But the two movies together are about the same length as the anime, and you're not missing much if you watch one and not the other. So more eyecandy and much better animation, but no new plot points. Still worth seeing if you can find a friend to go with, though. It forces them to stay until the plot twists. The third movie is definitely going to be new, though. I just hope it can live up to its predecessors.
  12. TTanT


    Clearly you were never one of the unpopular people during gym class. :P I was and I still loved it. I was that [wagon] who would go into the no-man's land in the center and pretend to be on the other team, and then hit their best throwers from behind. ...Maybe those tactics were part of why I was so unpopular, now that I think about it.
  13. ^I've spent far too long on their wiki reading about those. I'm also psyched for when the third movie comes out this year. (The first two showed in a local theater so I figure I'll get to see the third as well.)
  14. ...Nex if you don't edit the spoilers from your quote of me this will all be for naught. And it's very hard to get friends to watch Madoka unless they really trust your taste in shows. Especially without spoiling the plot.Despite that it's easily my favorite anime, and if you have time I'd recommend you read "A Different Story" (an in-depth look into Mami and Kyoko's backstories) and "Oriko Magica" (a past timeline). Edit: [hide= 'Angel Beats Spoilers']I really liked how the name ended up being a pun on the big plot twist, and all of the subtle references to it that were stuffed into the show and eyecatch. [/hide]
  15. TTanT


    I never had many fat classmates and it's only been a year since I left highschool. I dunno though, might just be I live in a trim community.
  17. ^Gurren Lagann never really hit me emotionally. [hide= 'Frick these are spoilers I didn't realize for some reason'] All of the deaths were accepted so stoutly (or in Kamina's case were just so heroic) that they had a surreal quality to them. [/hide] Not to say it wasn't a glorious anime. But then I've always found futility far sadder than sacrifices, so as long as the anime leaves hope it's fine. [hide=Example with massive Clannad and Clannad Afterstory Spoilers] Nagisa's death hit me a lot less hard than Fuko's vanishing, for example. A person dying (though it was depressing) just hit me less hard than the idea of being completely forgotten, especially after the amount of work they all put into trying to save her and make her happy. Especially since she remembered none of it when she finally woke up. [/hide]
  18. TTanT


    And masters of the sexing.
  19. TTanT


    I'm an expert internet gynecologist. Ladies.
  20. Oppressive state regimes that maintain an outdated feudal system and deny the working class their deserved rights. Oh, people who assume all guys prefer large breasts. It's one thing to have that as your preference, and another to try to mock others for not sharing it.
  21. Yeah mods delete posts (or more accurately move them to the secret mod-zone of illegal posts, heroin, and strippers) after they send warnings. And I figure it's better to just let your imaginations run with it, since it was a lame joke anyways.
  22. ^I can't come off it if it if they kee- Actually nevermind I have enough infractions without getting banned over a joke.
  23. @Tyler: I never knew that, and that actually does make a lot more sense. @Thread: I'm only ~9 posts behind Surprise so I guess I'd better get complaining: How my University's internet will randomly boot you off for no good reason.
  24. ^We realize there's a reason, but there's such a thing as going overboard. If thei tipe lyke dis then you can feel free to yell at them for it, but freaking out at someone over using a slang term or maybe forgetting a a bit of punctuation (and of course typos*) is just a dick move. And if you correct my grammar and I can prove that your point is either wrong or arguable I swear to all that is holy I will never ever let you live it down. *Yes typos aren't grammatical mistakes, but people often treat them as such. Forums are one thing (although if a post has, say, a thousand characters a typo or two really is pretty excusable), but freaking out over them in an FPS (or any other such environment where you have to type fast so that no-one kills you while you're distracted) is just stupid.
  25. TTanT


    Considering actively hitting a gym for what would be the first time in my life (I've always relied on body-weight exercises to stay in shape, but I figure I'll get more progress faster if I move up from that).
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