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Everything posted by KingDallar

  2. There will always be MINOR technicalitites but... The way it looks makes me want to stay active.. It's more personal and I like it that way...
  3. OMG had a laugh when browsing this forum. I'll see if my friend still has the picture where he and I have pulled enough to fill up our inventories with P hats..
  4. Hm.. Maybe you wanna lower the reqs abit... But you thought it would very great. The points you are making could easily make it egible for the game. Dallar
  5. I believe you can actually. You could alot of stuff in RSC that you can't do in RS2.. I think that trading them is a thing that's equal to both versions. Can't remember exactly though
  6. That's actually some interesting points you've got there. I've always thought that the Skeletal Wyverns were worthless.. I don't know if this will make me go kill them but it's good to be enlightened...
  7. It's not a clan. It doesn't need trusted members, pk leader and such. And the sig-sizes in difference? Hmmm...
  8. It's a two way situation. I think that all 99's should be celebrated with the opportunity of getting a skill cape.. But people who pay to play the game should have some advances.. I don't know
  9. The new Wilderness is hard to learn about at the time.. there are so many things out there that I could get you confused by mentioning just a fraction of whats new out there
  10. I just started learning how to kill other people so this is truly amazing to me. Good job! :)
  11. I've never been at the bosses.. What's behind the particular door?
  12. Don't be ashamed of it. If you like playing the game then why not?
  13. Insane :D And nice name.. And a piece of advice.. Only use your money if you feel it's right. It's stupid throwing your wealth away to a skill that won't do you any good.
  14. The skin is unique and I love it. It all fits very beautifully
  15. I often asked my friend why he does it because I see no point in it. The wealth you make through skills.. The wealth you make through drops.. Why not combine it for more wealth.. It's stupid
  16. You'll be just fine as long as you keep the portal room, the alter and the glory room close to the entrance :)
  17. You haven't put much into this guide have you? Finish it and we'll see
  18. I just installed it and I already feel a huge difference in speed, stability and combatibility.. I recommend it !
  19. Yeah thanks.. Useful information tbh :)
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