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Everything posted by Dupin

  1. Oh, you silly people. It's quite obvious the next skill will be "Terrible Punning". Jagex has been hinting at it for years now. It looks to me like the next update will have nothing to do with the Strange Power, but there will be an unannounced update, similar to the past few strange power updates.
  2. With those stats you should be able to kill him easily. Just look up a guide. And definitely bring a tort of brews. You can use the titan when the tort is empty.
  3. I love what you did on the left with the cloud colors and the birds. I'm not sure if the light difference between the left and the right is intentional, but it looks good, although it might be a little too much. Very nice.
  4. I have heard it takes a week to a month for 90-99 if you train efficiently. That may be a little off though; I'm no expert on pures.
  5. I hate to get people's hopes up, but is it possible this new helmet could be connected to the "Strange Power Dungeon" area that recently plopped down to the east of the wilderness? I haven't had time to experience any recent content firsthand, but wasn't there something about proving yourself worthy before passing the fremmenik guards? And I believe the helmet was called Helmet of Trials or something? I dunno, maybe I'm just making stuff up because a 300+ qp dungeon would be epic.
  6. That's a great idea. You should try to find a better camera, some of the fuzziness in it is probably because whatever camera you used wasn't really top quality in terms of sound.
  7. Pretty good. Technically, it's quite impressive, although it was ruined in some parts by inaccuracies. For something played by ear, it's great, especially the runs close to the beginning. I'd love to see a camera angle that shows your hands. However, it's sort of lacking. In music, as in literature, it's important to have some sort of over-arching plot. You have to make it go somewhere instead of just whacking out flurries of notes. As Shakespeare put it, it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. Perhaps if you were to perform it again, you could emphasize the developments and try to make one line stand out. Otherwise, you risk boring the listener, no matter how technically advanced a performance is. In short, an excellent performance, but it could be better with some sort of melodic line to bring out the beauty of the harmonies.
  8. Great thread. I was pretty much the same as most of the people on this thread. And btw, I still have that lego that was posted on the first page :D To add to the collection of pics, Good times.
  9. Dupin


    Most adults don't understand the happenings on the internet. In 20 years, it'll be great when the new adults who were practically raised with a controller in their hands and a keyboard at their fingers actually start using some damn common sense. Yeah and then there will be something new that comes out that most of us "don't understand". Damn if my parents find out about /b/ they wont understand Parents are probably more easily influenced by the media than the children they are trying to "protect" :/ I want a newspaper/new show to do a report on 4Chan..... That'd shock people. Actually, Oprah did it once. She called the episode "Pedifiles". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stn_XCo_dyg&feature=related As for my day, it was boring and average. Except that the silly high school music program thought it would be fun to cram the entire band program from 5th to 12th grade into one concert. Needless to say, I have a headache.
  10. RuneScape is crack. Virtual crack. It eats your braiinsss. True story. Anything that is a habit can become an addiction, meaning your brain is dependent on it for happiness. Of course, it's not extreme enough to be a "physical addiction" where you would get all trembly and hallucinate, but you are still dependent. So it's an addiction.
  11. [hide] LoL agreed i logged on looking at my hp and being like "wtf?" then i read this update about how hitting high is cool and how they go and rename a skill and try to make it less confusing which inturns only makes it more confusing because your used to the other way. Be prepared for more skill name c hanges i guess. This guy wins two RSOF reward points, which can be redeemed to unlock CRUISE CONTROL, making all of your posts look much more FURIOUS and SERIOUSLY SRS BSNS. They should give you 2 reward points for being an excellent Troll. Apparently everyone who disagrees with Jagex updates must be an RSOF actually most of those people suck up to Jagex if there is alot of people complaining about it on RSOF then there must be something wrong with the update because i usally get told off when i disagree. Actually, I'm just making fun of you because you lack imagination and have apparently neglected to consider the implications of this update before you posted. There's a difference between disagreeing with an update based on logical conjecture and disagreeing with an update out of ignorance of what that update entails. FYI, using the RSOF as the basis for your argument is so funny that I can't even think of a clever retort. [/hide] Oh, quit making fun of him. He obviously has recently entered this strange intellectual environment and is having some trouble adjusting. Protip: Try adjusting your screen brightness. On topic, I hate it when awesome things happen and I don't have time to go check it out. First they add some random area in the wilderness, and now this. The shattered heart actually looks pretty cool, but I'm a bit disappointed with the time people spend before getting the stones. It seems from what people have been saying it would be pretty simple to complete this in one day. Or is it repeatable?
  12. Thanks for the summary, you saved me about an hour of reading. I still read some of it though, stopped about halfway thru. No wai!! Don't the majority of merch ccs manipulate prices? What's the point of merching in a cc with a group of people if you aren't trying to create artificial demand, and therefore manipulating the price?
  13. Epic update. Too bad I can't use any of it. Oh well, at least it gives me a reason to leave Piscatoris and do some slaying. :o Welcome to 300m+ in one day.
  14. The only thing I got out of that picture is that Jagex employees are massive nerds ;P That doesn't look like runescape at all; is that what it looks like when they are building it?
  15. You want to stake, do real Pvp. Duel arena is for having fun and fighting people without losing anything substantial.
  16. Jagex's biggest obstacle in selling this stuff is most RS players don't like to go around saying "I spend a large amount of my free time on an online video game". Perhaps if the connections were more subtle, I might buy something. The Zaros hat is sort of tempting, but seriously, where would you wear that? High School Chess Club?
  17. Why was root beer not included in the fizzy drinks section? and also, WTFBBQ? Has Jagex run out of poll ideas? Does anyone actually eat meals while playing Runescape? You can order fast food online?!?
  18. Lieing post is a lie. Seriously, never believe RSOF. The people who think this is even a possibility should be ashamed of themselves.
  19. Like what? Candy, food, other junk. Took an Xbox 360 headset the other day, it was just sitting there begging to be stolen. It's like I see things and just feel the urge to take them, even when I know I don't even want them. I stole a damn chocolate bar, I'm allergic to milk -.- klep·to·ma·ni·a (klpt-mn-, -mny) n. An obsessive impulse to steal regardless of economic need. You should try to control yourself before you get caught... That's the problem. I'm good at it. The best thing you can do is chop your right hand off. If you steal with your left hand, cut that off as well. If you are using your stubs to steal things, saw your arms off (although it may be a little tricky). If you find that you can pick objects up with your feet, chop them off. If you manage to bounce with your torso and steal with your teeth... :unsure: OFF WITH HIS HEAD! Seriously man, don't listen to these fools. Someday, you will need your ninja skills and you will realize that all the stealing you did is paying off. Also, it's been proven that small amounts of money at a time as opposed to one large sum adds up to more. Also, if you are real pro you can sell the stuff you don't need. I'm sure there are fools on the street who will buy that chocolate for like 5 bucks. I would like to confess that I have forgotten my original confession. I'll be bach.
  20. I relax all day and then rush through some work late at night, and then sleep. For relaxation, I basically do whatever I feel like doing. It is quite relaxing to do nothing at all and just waste time after dealing with all sorts of schedules and stuff. Whatever I want could be anything from reading a book (current books in progress are It, Sherlock Holmes Volume 1, The Essential Tales of Edgar Allen Poe, and a collection of the works of Robert Louis Stevenson) to watching random junk on Hulu, or browsing tip.it/playing RS. And when that gets boring, I try to get the old PS2 to work.
  21. Dupin


    As a matter of fact many of them explicitly warned against "factions," i.e. political parties. Probably because they figured something like what we have now would happen. Smart dudes. This is correct. First of all, two of the things George Washington warned America not to do in his last speech were form political parties and get involved in other nations' business. Oops :? Also, we haven't always had these specific two political parties. The democratic party has always existed in the US (it was called Republican in its early days, strangely), but Republicans were preceded by all sorts of strange things. Like Whigs or something. Edit: Oops. Somehow there was only one page the first time I saw this. Post may be a bit late.
  22. Jagex disallowed new potions to be used in PVP, why can't they do that with new weapons? I'm pretty sure they are planning to do that with the 80+ armors they are making. I'm not positive, but I think they mentioned it in one of the content Q&As.
  23. Yes! And my monitor is wide enough to see farther than the minimap, so sometimes there are gray spaces on the screen. Very annoying. OT: It doesn't really happen to me any more. I suggest getting a new computer if it really bothers you that much, or switching to SD.
  24. AMG its a possessed chair@@ I don't remember that ship being there, but it may be because I did those quests a long time ago, on a small screen.
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