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Everything posted by Dupin

  1. It would be hard to find the right time, but if you are with a group of people and find a way to subtly work it into the conversation, mention how you dislike girls with moustaches. Don't make her feel insecure about it, but try to say it in a general way. That way, if next time you see her it's gone, you'll know she's making an effort to be attractive to you. Perhaps you might mention that "There are plenty of women who shave, men aren't the only ones" or something. The important thing is not to seem like a douche while you do it.
  2. XxBong$moka420xX and the likes are everywhere... Are they usually 12-18 and try to act tough? Hate those guys. Crowning example of why the rating on the game's box is to be obeyed... :razz: Tbh anyone who puts XX or iIi or any of that junk in his name needs to go spend some time talking to people irl. Gamers these days just can't be bothered to be creative.
  3. Dupin


    The theoretical "perfect family" doesn't exist. Sure, some people are happy, but anybody who claims there isn't anything wrong, not even a distant relative or a shady history, is either lieing or misinformed. These events are what define us. Just think, if your (relation here) hadn't been a (problem here) and you hadn't dealt with it by (insert your personal epic journey here), you would be completely uninteresting as a person and would either end up in some average, boring position in life or not have learned that life lesson that taught you to never get involved with (see aformentioned problem). As for myself, I have what appears to be a happy family, with both parents clean and successful and living at home. However, anyone who gets involved would see that we have problems, just like the rest of the world. Yes, I have a father, but is it really better if there is no happiness or kindness involved, and all I really learn is how to avoid tension? But I'm not complaining - this makes me who I am. Maybe my personality is a bit dark, but let's face it, nobody wants to read about some guy who was always happy and never had problems. It's the freaks who make it into history books.
  4. I would assume I had eaten some wierd hallucinogenic mushrooms, because I'm pretty sure the mushroom clouds are a figment of Hollywood's imagination. The actual explosion takes place in a fraction of a second, a human wouldn't see that cloud without using some camera that takes pictures every .001 seconds. And anyways, if you see the cloud then you're already dead. So I suppose I would go into some deep reverie about the existence of ghosts, and decide what I wanted to do now that I'm undead. Which, coincidentally, would make a great thread. If you found, upon waking up, that you hadn't actually woken up but instead had become a ghost (assuming they exist), what would you do?
  5. -I occasionally miss a note when I'm singing at the Children's Hospital. -Sometimes I spend too much time volunteering at one food pantry and don't make it to my other volunteer job on time. -I'm too friendly -I only go to Church on Saturday, Sunday, and Thursday, when services are also offered on Tuesdays. -I only share my drugs with white, heterosexual men -I sometimes post sarcastic comments on the interwebs. Jk lawl. Srs tho, -I can't raise my voice. It's like a disease without any cure. -I feel no desire for the approval of my peers. -I naturally distrust authority. -I'm cynical and overly critical. I see the flaws in people. -I am annoyed by people who talk too much or don't seem to think about what they say. -I don't feel any real motivation. I am never excited about anything. -In school, I get As on individual assignments but Ds for the term because I couldn't be bothered to write half the essays. Oh, and my eyesight is pretty bad.
  6. Dupin


    I recently read Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. To rekindle the flames, the grammar in it was awful, but it was an excellent read. Of course, Vonnegut is a professional author and I'm sure he could write with good grammar, but that's not the point - my point is that good grammar in writing is not an absolute necessity. Instead, grammar, structure, and writing style are simply narrative tools that can help an author convey his or her point more effectively. Is the ability to write with good grammar a necessity? No. Is it useful? Of course. And yes, reading books is the best way to build strong grammar skills. However, grammar is only a small part of writing a story. Anyways, right now I'm reading The Hunt for Red October by Tom Clancy. It's good, but I haven't really found anything extremely exciting. It will probably pick up the pace once I get further in. I also have Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea ready for when I finish, and after that I'm going to look for Red Dragon, the first in the series about that psychotic killer guy. I've been reading a collection of satire on the side, and I must include my little mini-rant: MACHIAVELLI IS NOT (BLEEP)ING SATIRE. He may have included a witty comment here and there, and everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I shouldn't be sujected to the entirety of "The Prince" in its barely-translated version. Someone needs to argue with me about this.
  7. I agree, themed worlds have problems. Instead of having a few small games going on multiple worlds, anyone who wants to play a minigame has to go to some world with hundreds of players and a bunch of high lvl clans lagging everything up and just hope to find a quiet corner to actually enjoy the game. My biggest complaint is with Soul Wars. When it first came out, there were small groups of people playing on pretty much every world. For anyone who hasn't tried it, a 20 player game of Soul Wars game is lots of fun. Unfortunately, anybody who wants to play Soul Wars these days has to flock to one of the two themed worlds for it, both of which are dominated by immature pures and massive clans of high levels who can't be bothered to train the real way. In addition, the game is so full of players that nobody could possibly have any fun. For these reasons, players who are looking to enjoy the game are driven away. I occasionally play Castle Wars, and the themed worlds appear to have the same problem, although it isn't quite as bad because pures aren't interested in a minigame that doesn't give easy exp. It is possible to find a good world for Cwars, you just need to do a bit of hopping. The solution? Join a clan. If you can find a group of 10 people to join you in the Fight Pits, even for just a couple matches, you may find you no longer feel the need to visit one of the laggy, over-populated themed worlds. Perhaps you will even be able to set up more events, and permanently ease your pain. If that doesn't work, I reccommend opium.
  8. Dupin

    This made me cry

    Where do you people get the idea that the game is full of young kids? I don't really talk to people that often, but most of my friends are adults, or at least mature teens. Granted, I haven't been on a free world in years and I like to keep away from the activities full of pures and knuckleheads, but I think people are really just assuming everyone is 11 because they don't realise they're being trolled.
  9. I already run, play the piano, play the gutiar, and am fit. Protip: It takes a bit more than that :P Actually, it takes none of that. No girl would want you because you do or are these things, and no girl would disqualify you on the basis of not doing or being these things. @ I'm happy for you harrinator :). As much as I want to agree with you on this point, romy, and I know you have insider info and such, I have to disagree. Though 'tis true that while one would not be attracted or disqualified by these qualities, one with them is more generally desirable than one without them, all other things being equal. As much as so many people would like to deny it, some things can be attractive, and these are some of these things. I believe you to be correct in that it is not a causal relationship though. Just because you do a particular activity does not do anything. Something about the execution of that activity though... I don't think I'm being quite clear. I suppose I should let the self-proclaimed attraction experts talk about this, as much as I hate them scientififying it. It *may* be true that these activities or qualities are a plus, but not any more than other qualities. Trust me when I say this- none of these activities and qualities would ever tilt a girl's decision this way or that way. Ever. I call bs. The music leads to being musical, which may not be extremely important, but it's better than not being musical. Running and being in good shape definitely influence people's opinions, if only because not running or being in good shape will discourage people. In addition, as harrinator pointed out, it inspires confidence, which is very important in terms of attraction.
  10. I already run, play the piano, play the gutiar, and am fit. Protip: It takes a bit more than that :P
  11. This analogy is so ridiculous that I scarcely even know what to do with it. You're trying to make fun of my position but apparently aren't capable of even understanding it. I don't support crashing, so I wouldn't be in that situation. The "three days in a row" thing is crap as well, but you knew that. I'll try again using small words. My position is that if you come to a spot and someone is already there, that if possible you should try another spot or a different world. It has nothing to do with "rights" and "deserving" and everything to do with simple courtesy and treating others as you would like to be treated. I realize this is too complex a concept for some people. I completely understand your opinion. The crashed person had no right to the boss. He/she simply believes that since he was there first, everyone else should stand aside. If I must spell it out for you, the "three days in a row" is like when somebody is at a boss for 30 minutes. Then somebody else shows up with more right to the boss (better stats), and the crashed person proceeds to complain and post whiny threads on Tip.it. And then he sprouts wings, and flaps around the restaurant humming the theme from "Monty Python and the Holy Grail". Gotcha. Cool story bro. I was making a reference to the fact that when faced with logic, you fall back on your own personal opinions, usually resulting in some sort of insult.
  12. Dupin

    RIP Runescape

    Which section of the OP's post lacks logic? That part^. It's hard to find in that huge wall of text, but it starts with "Jagex" and ends with "terrible". Don't add too much grammar or evidence, for people might confuse it with a real discussion.
  13. Very well constructed. I agree with most of what you've written. Looking at my stats, no one would guess I have spent about 6 years on Runescape and didn't have more than a million gp until a year ago, when I completed WGS and sold the dragon armor piece. However, the connections between RS and real life are a bit off. In Runescape, achievements and goals are very definite. For example, if I were to decide I want 99 fishing, that goal would be exact. If it takes me months of dull grinding (*cough*afk TV-watching*cough*), so be it. The achievement, and that feeling of success, provides the happiness I was looking for. Real life does not have these definite achievements, nor does it have clear paths to success. Therefore, in real life it is much more common for people to be misled about what actually makes them happy.
  14. Some people find it fun to look back and say, "Look at me, I clicked the mouse lotsa times, and now I have a make-believe achievement." Runescape is not a particularly enjoyable game, it's more of an escape from the normal worries of real life. As for the "It's because of skillcapes" discussion, is that necessarily a bad thing? MMOs have always been about the achievements, whether it's buying a partyhat or completing a difficult quest. The skillcapes are merely a way of showing off your achievements.
  15. That's a laughably poor analogy. The person who takes the last item on the shelf is analagous to the one who is already in a spot. The person who comes up afterwards is the crasher. So you've got that rather backwards. My position is that the person who was there first and got the last item on the shelf gets to keep it; if I want it, I need to ask the guy for it, and if he says no, try another store. Your position is that if there's only one item on the shelf and the other guy got there first, it's perfectly fine for you to take it by force if you are strong enough to rip it out of his hands and fast enough to run away before the security guards show up. That's a laughably poor analogy. You go to a restaurant three days in a row, and sit at the same table. The fourth day, you arrive to find that somebody made a reservation and was given the table you had sat at the past three days. You go over and politely ask them to move using such valid arguments as "Crasher n00b gtfo" and "You're an asshat". The owner of the restaurant walks over and tells you that you had no right to the table, and you say he's an "obnoxious jerk" with no morals. Cry moar son. Personal attacks are always great to spice up an intelligent discussion. Your feet stink, and your ears stick out.
  16. Exactly. It happens, but people who hear it normally say "Meh" and ignore the critic.
  17. [hide] I'm curious, what stereotypes would those be? first I just want to point out that stereotypes are generalizations, therefore they show general trends, not the opinions of anyone in particular. they are also opinions, reflecting me. - Americans believe in the right to freedom, even when the moral cost is substantial. - The american justice system protects itself, not individuals - Americans are mostly far to the right, politically. - Religion stands strong in America, in principle, but the morality of religion seems lost. - America has been holliwoodified by hollywood, culture (sports, music, opinion etc.) have changed accordingly - extreme examples, dominate american opinions. they are scaremongered by their media - differences in american society are massive. The middle class of america are worse off than in Europe. - Socialism is always horrible, every man is his own castle. - view and knowledge about the world outside america is limited. few actively seek this on their own, and must meet other cultures before they see things globally. What a load of [cabbage]. How can you realize your intellectual potential unless you experiment as you grow up? academia is not for everyone Lawl juxtaposition. respecting someone's opinion, even though you disagree is often appreciated by those willing to give their honest opinions. I comparatively give my opinions, however irrational they are. that's why they are clearly presented as opinions, not as fact. Disagree, respectfully if you will. I'm curious to see you try to characterize a culture different to your own. To claim my opinions are stupid, I assume you think you could do a better job yourself. Please do that. I'm interested in broadening my horizons. your juxtaposition says more about you than me: criticism is a lot easier than constructive or reasoned criticism; Initial respect harder than xenophobic scorn. consider yourself challenged. :) [/hide] I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. I meant that the stereotypes you posted are cabbage, not your opinions. And you want stereotypes of other cultures from me? Hmm...I never liked stereotypes, but how about "All English people love football (soccer)". From my experience that has been accurate to a certain extent.
  18. Actually, that's not entirely true. I love books, but I've found that action scenes and fights are much better in movies. Somehow the intensity and fast-paced action just can't be captured in words.
  19. Regret: I already ate all of my Easter chocolate and it's not even lunchtime yet.
  20. This. If you don't want to get crashed, train more, get higher levels like herblore for extremes, or just simply raising your melee stats... For example, Bandos, crashing people makes you last longer, giving you more profit for what you spent in supplies, less food used, less effort.. Uh...I think the opposition isn't arguing about whether we have the RIGHT to, but whether we SHOULD. Pretty much presented reasons why you should... He means morally. People on the internet have morals? Precisely. That is why the proposition's (OP) notion must fall. As I stated before, morality is just an invention of the weak to control the strong. The sense of entitlement and "right" here is just ridiculous.
  21. Granted, but it also makes you swell up and turn blue, like a big blueberry. I wish for a fish.
  22. Dupin


    That is correct, but it is still costly for all the food, pots, bolts, etc.
  23. You can always start by making a pure and then train its other levels if you don't like it. If I were you I would make a balanced account and quest with it, but that's just me.
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