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Everything posted by Dupin

  1. Finished, with no guides or help. For some reason it says I have 0 points, the commendation points are the things you spend with the pest control reward people, right? E: Ticket in inventory. D'oh.
  2. It's low level, but at least it's a quest.
  3. You're denying the fact that people decide to go against their urges to fight, steal, sexually harass, drink while drunk, etc. because they don't deem it worth going to jail over - something I have literally heard many people talk about - and you're telling me to open my mind? I think this says everything that needs to be said about our debate. You know people who have urges to commit serious crimes, yet decide not to based on fear of prison? I'm sorry, but that't ridiculous. First of all, fear of prison is not a powerful motivation. I can't argue about that with you, seeing as you claim to have firsthand experience that it is, and I that it isn't, but let's keep in mind that there are people in prison, so therefore it is not completely effective. Also, the vast majority of crimes are not cold-blooded. Many people are jailed for minor offences, and a large majority of murders happen unintentionally, or are not premeditated. I'm not sure if you're an atheist, but imagine if I were to claim anyone who doesn't believe in religion is immoral. That would be ridiculous, as there are plenty of other reasons to live a good life without having some irrational fear of an eternity in the pits. The same goes for prison.
  4. O is right next to L. Are people seriously so lazy that they can't type a three letter abbreviation? It makes me so m.
  5. Isn't it possible that possible other life forms are much smarter than us, so therefor developed more quickly? Don't forget the Flying Spaghetti Monster or other fast-than-light-traveling demigods. Yes, and be sure to consider the fact that Cthulhu's minions came from space. Unfortunately, I did not actually read the book, so I cannot defend it. I assume the arguement was that it would take them a certain amount of time to develop that brainpower, and could not be smarter than us from the beginning.
  6. On the original topic, the traditional perception of prisons being full of "evil" people is inaccurate. From my experience, the so-called "criminals" I have met have been kids who grew up in an environment that disrespects the law and encourages fighting, drugs, and other dangerous and unlawful behaviors. These kids will go on to become true criminals because that is all they know how to be. As for serious criminals such as serial killers and rapists, they have mental conditions as a result of childhood problems or genetical disorders. But the majority of people in jail are men who were born on the wrong side of the law. For the current discussion, I completely agree that the justice system in the USA is ineffective. More often than not, what you will see is petty criminals being turned into serious killers with a powerful dislike of rules and society in general.
  7. Dupin


    Has anyone ever tried no-bakes? They're a type of cookie made with chocolate, peanut butter, and outmeal. They're delicious, but if you didn't have acne before, you will after eating a few of those. Right now I'm eating gummy worms and fireball candies because I'm too lazy to forage for real food for breakfast.
  8. Even so OP's question still remains. Why isnt the gender balance 50/50? Because society says men should be all aggressive and competitve, while women shouldn't play games where they might chip their nail polish. We are only as good as the world allows us to be.
  9. I see what you did there.
  10. I see no solid evidence of the existence of alien spacecraft. However, it would be ridiculous to think we are the only intelligent life form in existence. A friend of mine recently explained an interesting concept to me. According to some scientist who did the maths, aliens could not possibly visit our planet. I forget the details, but basically, the galaxy is too young for any civilization to have reached the point where it can travel large distances through space. Whichever star it is that's closest to us is too young to have supported life forms for long enough that they would build spaceships, and the rest are ridiculously far away.
  11. You don't. You can't just get up one morning and be a new person. If you want to change your looks, just get off your rear and do it. Changing your attitudes and emotions doesn't happen. You can put yourself in situations that will make you respond in a new way, but you will still be the same person.
  12. I cringed when he told me about this text. Girl ended up messaging him on Facebook and said: He replied.. My reaction: Jesus christ, what a train wreck. Any advice on what he should do? He's screwed. Then again, this chick seems rather inexperienced too, so over time if he can prove he's got a little more manhood in him, he might be alright. It's gonna take a lot to recover from that mess of a conversation though. Need to get them face to face to have an actual discussion...and no dancing around their bullcrap. No direct admitting to anything. Tell your guy friend to tell her to meet him at some place. When she shows up, he should jsut kiss her. The nand there. No words. No hello. No wave. No acknowledgement. She walks up to him - he gets up and kisses her. She'll never know what hit her. You guys are forgetting that they both seem to be young and inexperienced. This sort of message is how an early high school relationship falls together. Of course, he should try to be more direct and at least ask her out without all the poor grammar and "lollolol" junk, but automatically saying "he's screwed" is ridiculous - she doesn't have any experience either. As for kissing her immediately, that's idiotic. An inexperienced and cautious girl like her would immediately push him away simply out of surprise. Of course, if he got the body language right and managed to do it without making it seem completely random, it would work, but judging by those Facebook messages he'd probably mess it up.
  13. I believe OP meant there are fewer females in the game by "underrepresented". There have been several posts like this in this thread and they have all annoyed me. Females are not better than males at anything. Males are not better than females at anything. These massive stereotypes are what caused the lack of females in video games in the first place.
  14. Obviously, everybody who annoys anyone is a child. In my experience, the people who call each other names based on age, whichever side of the arguement they're on, don't realize that maturity and age are two completely different things. This is coming from someone who's ranting about being called random names in a video game on the internet. What are you talking about? Give me one example of "greed" in Runescape. It's a game, the object is to try to achieve one's goals. And how exactly does one not play as an individual in a game with a trade limit and rules against account sharing?
  15. This. Especially when it's on TV. If anyone's ever seen "Pranked" they'll know what I'm talking about. On a related note, teenagers/college kids who are obviously losers but somehow still manage to convince themselves that they're the coolest things since the invention of the Chipwich.
  16. It was nice, but people shouldn't over-analyze it. As far as philosophy goes, it's junk. However, the concept is interesting and the original message is good, if a bit cliche. What was the intention of the author? If this is some sort of religious message, I don't like it, but if he/she is just making a metaphor it isn't so bad.
  17. Dupin


    Try 1st to Die by James Patterson. It's a fast-paced thriller about a series of serial murders in California. There are a bunch of sequels as well, but I haven't read those. Also, anybody who has never read Stephen King must do so at some point. I would reccommend The Shining especially. As for short stories, Poe has written some good thrillers and a couple detective stories, and the Sherlock Holmes stories are excellent if you haven't already read those.
  18. TDs do NOT drop elite clues, it says so in the update FAQ on RSOF. It also says there's a better chance to get an elite clue from Bork or the Skeletal Horror since you can only kill one each day. The MTK bug was a bit fishy when you think about it. Nothing relating to MTK in any way was updated. I think MMG just decided he wanted to train herblore.
  19. I finished my level 3 clue, got some law and nature runes, a rune pickaxe, and some Nardah teles. Total 50k for a couple hours' work. Still, I can't complain compared to the guy who only got a couple earth runes.
  20. I was in Mod Marks clan chat a few months ago he said "I'd like to see Zaros in Godwars someday" I thought Zaros didn't fight in the God Wars? He was betrayed by Zamorak, then the God Wars were started when there was all this land with no God ruling it. His followers were hunted and killed off as well, except for a few very special Mahjarrat. Even if they did make some excuse to give him an area, what would they put in it? His only followers (that I can think of, at least) are some Mahjarrat, which can't be put in a dungeon obviously, and the people in the Desert Bandit Camp.
  21. I sense a disturbance in the force. This thread was almost off the first page of Forum Games, and Goonstalf had posted in a million random threads. :twisted: Devious.
  22. I do believe there has been some sort of mistranslation here. Where can I find this "cat spellbook" you speak so highly of? [spoiler=Possible sayings from rs wikia] These are sort of lame actually. Oh well, at least the book will look cool. I can't see any reason why the price of these new items should stay high though. The stats aren't useful, and the looks aren't quite revolutionary.
  23. What about tornadoes? Heading out right now to look for the aurora again. It was less cloudy today, maybe I'll actually see some color :pray: It stops getting exciting after awhile. >tornadoes >not exciting lolwut I know what you mean, but if I, or anyone else from outside of "tornado alley", saw one of those, I'd freak out. Edit: Went out at from 1:30ish to 2:30ish, saw nothing. I suppose the real light show will start when I try to get up at 8am.
  24. Cat=Catalytic? Does that use all catalytic runes for the spell? I think I've missed something here, that would be ridiculously OP. I'm jealous, but tbh I don't see that armor going anywhere. It's relatively ugly, it's rune, and there are better Zaros items. I'm hoping to make me a full Zaros book and see what the prayers say :D
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