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Everything posted by Synthox

  1. That wasn't that funny to be honest,except for the part that the person above mentioned, I chuckled there.
  2. This Rune Wiki Page should have what you want, and since it's just numbers the wiki should be pretty accurate. Wow that's really surprising. I didn't expect so many people with 99 farming - is it really that easy? Also surprised at mining - didn't think it would be that low. I checked personally, and it's not. The real number is around 13,000. EDIT: didn't see the pics already posted, sorry.
  3. You are awesome because you listen to SS. Reading that just made my day.

  4. I can't remember the last time I saw you anywhere, but no matter.

    Happy birthday!

  5. Keep in mind, unless you're going to the chaos tunnels, there is an extremely high risk of being pk'd going to green drags. So don't bring anything you don't want to lose.
  6. Nail biting. I'm trying to stop bu damn, it's hard >.< Also I hear the voices of characters in stories I've written in my head, and I think I asked one for advice once. Needless to say, I aced the test.
  7. This doesn't happen to me all that often but occasionally I do run into a spammer. And I'm 90% sure that turning public chat off gets rid pf quickchat, but that might not be what you're looking for.
  8. The Scythe--Elvenking. I just realized this is my favorite song.
  9. All I can say to this is:
  10. Nature Altar is just north of Shilo Village... Other than that, yes, f2p should have laws+chaos.
  11. Gratz, rc and herb are very respectable lvls.
  12. That is annoying, I agree.
  13. Synthox


    If they suck as much as you say, then they couldn't have taken all that much effort to make.
  14. [bluntstatement] Bots will exist forever in every online game. Suck it up. [/bluntstatement]
  15. Clandestinity Now--Solution .45 (The version without the nonsense lyrics, which is only available via youtube as far as I know)
  16. Synthox


    indeed, but how is this relevant to the OP That's not at all what I said. I merely observed that the first post in a rant is usually condescending. By the way, you're guilty of this too. So if we could not have this ruin the rant that would be great. Thank you for your cooperation.
  17. Synthox


    I love how the first post in a rant is almost never constructive. I can only think of one or two rant's I've read that actually contained some sympathy. If people came here to be bullied by elite tipiters, then this would be called the bully forum. As for the OT, RS is not dying. Yet. I doubt it will last past 2020, simply because all the content worth adding will have been added by then.
  18. Idk why anyone uses limewire when you can use Atube catcher and Mp3tag and get free music off youtube. Albeit it's bad quality, but I use it when I want music that isn't on Itunes.
  19. Botting thread #9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
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