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Everything posted by Squakus

  1. Yes, though it won't always appear and when it does it's on a rare slot.
  2. With 8 kills until the bonus chances goes away: Random level-up: I was skilling for the title, and killed a random npc in passing, hoping for sacred metal fragments: Objective complete! \:D/
  3. I have tried using the override with a saradomin sword, it does not work. It does seem to work on everything which uses maul animations, so balmung and blisterwood polearm work too. A good way to check if your weapon uses the right animation set is to try using the sever ability with it on a training dummy. If you attack with the weapon's handle, the greathammer override will work on it.
  4. T11 drops seem to depend on the number of people you have with you, so 5:5 smalls, at any complexity, should give you a high chance of getting a primal maul.
  5. When I did 87-93 cooking I burned ~1/33 sharks, with the rate decreasing as I leveled. Once you reach 92 you could use the emissary banner boost to ensure no burns for 30 minutes, if you don't plan on using the boost for something else that day.
  6. Do you get an extra point for each additional floor beyond 250, or do you need to do them all again? Either way, I'm probably not going to get any points there, I can't make it past f100, but asking out of curiosity.
  7. What is needed to be done for the Dominion Tower seasonal hiscore? All I can find out is what it says on the hiscore page: "Complete the dominion tower on endurance mode." But endurance mode goes on forever, and it would be nice to unlock the "ruler of the tower" title. Sorry if this is off-topic, but seasonal hiscores were released along with rs3 so I felt this belonged here.
  8. The clones are pretty weak, I was able to solo mod raven's 105k lp mage while using dragonbane bolts and no food or deaths. They are fun to fight, but aren't worth killing for anything else unless you are very close to capping and need 5+ kills for a single tear.
  9. I actually see Sliske more like Richard from LFG, who will do something destructive on impulse for the fun of it, but carefully so as not to screw himself over, and if it can be used for later advantage, that's a bonus.
  10. I stand at the entrance to the base and tag everything that runs through, the sentries do the rest of the damage with incendiary shot. Even with that I still only get ~350-400 sacred metal fragments a day. Unspam: Hammer Time!
  11. End of day two of my participation in the Battle of Lumbridge. Ended up cashing in the 6k tears in to Saradomin, because his warpriest gear and emote look better.
  12. Only the basilisk, gargoyle and jelly masks left to get, which should come in their own time if Jagex stops putting new stuff on the squeal every weekend.
  13. Aren't the joint xp missions 70k xp? (2x35k)
  14. Apologies for dumping all this in one post, was too lazy to post as I got them. [hide=Today's slayer stuff] D med drop! The teaser: The actual: [/hide] [hide=Some clue stuff] Two TT items, and they're neither comp bows nor meerkat scrolls/pouches, yet they still suck I've always wanted to be a tree for a day... The only clue reward I received worse than this one was a yew shortbow worth a total of 120 gp. This one is after the TT update. (It was a hard clue) [/hide] [hide=Cooking!] I sent out a spice voyage, then noticed I already had 243 of them. Only five minutes thirteen hours and two minutes to save the world get 93 cooking! At this point I left to go out with friends, because irlscape>rs. I ended up collecting the voyage eight hours overdue, but made 282 rocktail soups which sold at +5%! [/hide] And last of all, new outfit! Rawr! It is I, Eater of Penguins!
  15. I play for the lore. In between updates I play for the social aspect, seeing my character improve, and to relax. And for some of the music.
  16. They take around 5-10 minutes, and using a crystal saw doubles the xp from cutting the planks, though not the send-off xp. If you have one as a daily challenge, do it, it's pretty easy. Otherwise, I would prefer ivy for the afkness, but it's up to you.
  17. I got this a few days after Meamzed won the challenge for identical flavour text, and decided it wasn't worth posting. Now that it's being brought up again, I figured why not.
  18. The aura's examine text states that it increases the chance of thieving, which might not mean only pickpocketing. I'm not sure how many success/failure data points I would need to collect to determine if it works on pp though.
  19. Yay 85+ all skills! Soon to be 86+, con is 2.8k xp from a level and hunter won't take forever. By the way, I seem to be having some trouble with posting images. Sometimes I get a message saying "That image extension is not allowed" when I've posted images of the same format before, and the only way to fix it is to re-upload the image to imageshack and embed the new one in the post.
  20. Apologies for hijack. Does the thieving aura work in pp? And isn't it much easier to get black ibis gear after getting the SOTG, which requires 91 thieving before it can be obtained, making hunting for the gear before 91 almost pointless?
  21. Thanks... Started doing my dailies and realized that I still carry my ports book in inventory like a school boy walking to school. But it provides near-instant unlimited transport to the grand exchange! (If you have a spirit tree planted in port sarim, of course...) Why wouldn't you keep it with you at all times?
  22. Written and voiced by Meamzed. That would actually be pretty good, I like his puns.
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