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Everything posted by Huta

  1. so I'm guessing we can assume you are an emo. emo is nothing more than the manchild of the efeminization of modern society, where instead of true deviant behavior, maladjusted middle class teenagers dress in gender neutral clothing, wear black eyeliner and nailpolish, pretend their comfortable suburban lifestyle is pain and agony, and cry a lot while expirementing with gay sex. about sums it up, really
  2. why do you even care what people say? IT'S THE INTERNET people are going to talk [cabbage]. Maybe it's just me, but I honestly don't [bleep]ing care what people say about me on the web. if my claws annoy them, they're making my day by letting me know I'm ruining theirs played since 2002, have used the ignore list 3 whole times. Quit taking it so seriously.
  3. yet ironically, you're jumping on the traditional tip.it response bandwagon. "OMG yeah dude i know what you mean that bugs me too people shouldn't do/say/act like ____"
  4. already mentioned, but thanks dmace vs dds it's not debateable
  5. +150% damage then. And better accuracy. And better speed. With poison. No, it's not debatable.
  6. Dude, don't say it's not debateable. Thats for hunting monsters, against other people it's a different story. Read the title...PKING. you made me get off the iphone and boot up my piece of [cabbage] laptop for this, thanks [wagon]. :evil: Do the math. Dmace is what, 30% damage boost? The dds spec is a 100% damage boost. Dmace spec reduces accuracy. DDS increases accuracy. DDS is 20% faster, less chance for the target to eat up or react, better damage laydown. There's poison to the deal as well. There's no comparison between two. Dmace has some cool looking hits but it's [cabbage] for pvp.
  7. DDS is better than dmace and dlong, no questions about it, not even debateable. DDS has better max, better average, faster speed, poison for a little extra damage (raises your average damage per minute by 18 damage or so), ect ect. Dclaw and AGS are the only two melee weapons that can compare to dds KOs.
  8. Hijacking means stealing accounts? I have an old account I might try this with, it got banned for autotyping back in 06, back when the official stance on autotyping was and I quote "Whither or not using a program to type for you is against the rules, it's dangerous! Many times programs like that are designed to steal your password..." And actually, it wasn't even autotyping, it was like a mousekey app, where you pushed a hotkey to type a phrase for you, it wasn't even automatic. Hopefully I'll get it back, it had some decent [cabbage] on that old account. Looks like I'll have to wait a couple weeks anyway.
  9. Eh, mebbe, I hear people complain about the RuneScape community a lot, but it's never bothered me. I used to sell magazines door-to-door, believe me, no internet insult will even faze my ego. And honestly, RS's community isn't any worse than a lot of the other major mmos out there. The World of Warcraft forums are full of asshats and trolls. The game is filled with gold farmers. Annoying kids and [wagon] morons are everywhere, and even the high end zones are filled with the inevitable elitists and arrogant jerks. It's called the internet. I mean hell, play Age of Conan - or if you're really brave, try Darkfall, and you'll see the RS community for what it is, just average. Not the most annoying, not the most hostile, not the most backstabbing, just plain average. Oh, and don't call me a liar.
  10. It might seem like I picked WoW as some sort of the demi-example, but that's just because it's the biggest kid on the block, and it's the one most other mmos copy in some way. The basic archtype of mmo, the one WoW popularized, is the one everybody remakes in a slightly different way with a new name (or EverQuest if you want to go back to even older roots). The "pick a class, grind your character, raid twenty million times, and get your perfect gear" mmos. I don't even hate WoW, I had some fun times playing that game but it is what it is, and these days when everything seems like a WoW knockoff you really get tired of it. Your second question? Read my post again, please, because I already answered that exact comment in the exact sentence I started naming RS minigames. L2read good sir, I don't like repeating myself.
  11. Well, Shadowbane basically died a couple days ago, even though they gave it an extended 2 months they're just prolonging its death spasms with literally 30 people online on Thurin. That's the best game I've payed in the past 5 years hands down, sad to see it go out with a whisper like this. UO is past its prime, a good game for its era, but it's time to move past that one. I don't play RS actively. The main reasons I like this game are like I said earlier, nostalgia, and my friends. It's not enough to keep me active, and I don't level any more, but I do log in once every couple months to check in on the game. Yes, RS's skills are repetitive and bland, I addressed that in my OP. So is mining Vespar in EVE or harvesting basically anything else in other MMOs. The difference is RS allows you to be repetitive in 21 different ways. Flaky? Maybe, but it apparently works, leveling is the biggest draw that keeps players in this game. The only game with a truly interesting harvesting and crafting system was Vanguard, and people hated how "hard" it was. Same goes for quests. It's ironic that you mention the one RS quest with the dwarf redberry pie, and on the other hand mention the few decent quests in WoW. The vast majority of Runescape quests are not the rinse/repeat "bring xxxx item to xxxx dude at xxxx location and get your xp" or "kill xx amount of xxxx monsters", which is more than the average MMO can say. MMO quests have caught a LOT of flak lately, and developers have been trying to improve them, but RuneScape still beats the vast majority of them in that area. And the minigames? Not talking about the games room, I'm talking about the newer stuff, Stealing Creation, Trouble Brewing,; they're surprisingly imaginative. Other games have sidequests and minigames, but for the most part they're too busy expanding up with new raids and new ridiculously hard to earn sets of the new latest "super epic elite" set of your class's armor, which is one of the biggest oversights and flaws of Warcraft and its countless clones. Just look at the Burning Crusade/WotLK expansions for WoW; yeah, you get death knights and blood elves and goat space people. But you know what changed the game most? Raising the level cap to 70 with BC and 80 with WotLK, and the new raids and armor sets that come alone with that. Maybe I'm just disillusioned with Warcraft and it's clones and I'm overestimating RuneScape's benefits, but I prefer to go my own way when I play, instead of being forced into the linear grind up and countless raids. Despite everything in RS being based on a grind, it did a better job on that than most, and the few MMOs that offer open gameplay are either fundamentally flawed (darkfail) or just don't catch my interest (EVE, not individualist enough).
  12. Jeez, here comes the [cabbage]storm. People are accusing me of starting a circle-jerk, being biased, ignorant; the ironic thing? I haven't actively played this game in over a year. The last time I had an active membership was last fall, and that was only for a month to help out a friend of mine who was playing this game. During this past year or two, I've played World of Warcraft, Darkfall, Shadowbane, Lord of the Rings Online, a bunch of free mmos like Last Chaos and Shaiya and Runes of Magic. In the past I've played Ultima Online, Everquest, I was in the Age of Conan beta...the list goes on. I'm not playing this game now. After a very disappointing experience in Darkfail with combat that's only marginally better than Runescape's, I felt like pointing out the few RS systems that I haven't been able to find a comparisons to, despite all the MMO's I've played. That's questing, varied minigames, and a large assortment of very different skills. Can you really name a game that has the questing of RuneScape? The sheer variety in minigames? That many different skills? No, you can't, and that's all I said. So with all due respect, take your flames and your circle jerks and your accusations of bias and stuff them up your [bleep]ing [wagon]. Thank you. Personally, the only thing this game has over me is a sense of nostalgia, the time I spent on here with my friends pking, taking over Castle Wars, and believe it or not, grinding slayer or getting my first cape. After playing combat and pvp masterpieces like Shadowbane and lore wonders like LotRO, besides the few reasons I posted the actual technical details of RS have really, really lost their appeal to me. I still log in occasionally to do the holiday events and to talk to my friends, but my grinding days are over, and while I may someday end up renewing membership for a couple months to fool around at some pvp minigame or finish getting my last melee cape (just so it's finished) my RuneScape days are done.
  13. You've obviously never played Star Wars Galaxies Pre-CU, or even Pre-NGE. nope, all I know is I heard it was both extremely sandbox and extremely buggy Never checked it out for myself, sci-fi bores me, but maybe that was a mistake.
  14. No matter how you play WoW, it's impossible, absolutely impossible, to call that game a sandbox. It's anything but. It's the poster boy for theme park MMO. Now, I've played WoW, I love my tauren drood. But no matter how you dress up WoW's achievement system and its talent system and its holiday events, it's a dictionary definition for not-a-sandbox. Sandbox would be some of the more oldschool MMOs, like Ultima Online or Shadowbane, though a truly sandbox MMO hasn't really been made yet. Just read up on what the designers for Mortal Online are trying to do and compare that to Warcraft and you'll see the difference. World of Warcraft and it's 20 million knockoffs are linear. You go in one direction. You up your combat, following your class specs, wearing your class armor. You pick your two production skills, usually something that compliments your class. Some of RS's skills are flawed, but for what they are, they are sandbox. There's a freedom there that WoW can't imitate.
  15. Despite what some people might say about Runescape, this game has several things up over other mmos on the market. I haven't played RS actively for a while, spending my minimal free time on whatever other MMOs catch my interest. RuneScape actually has a number of features other mmos have tried to imitate but are still unique to RS. a) True Sandbox MMO. Sandbox is the new catchphrase in MMOs lately, but even though some games may try to portray themselves as a sandbox, they usually have the same fixed goals; get level 50/70/90 and get my set of elites/sealed/top tier/epic/GM armor. Even sandbox games like Darkfall and the upcoming Mortal Online, while much better designed in combat than RS (that's not saying much for DF, though) are relatively fixed compared to RS's true openness. RuneScape offers an unparalleled number of skills, and the freedom to choose between them. Most MMOs are pretty linear; you pick your class, grind at raids to the level cap, get your set of ideal armor, and train your one or two production skills. Once you reach endgame, you do top level raids with your guild. End of story. If you get bored, you pvp or roll a twink or a different class. Even more sandboxy mmos usually lack the number and variety of skills RS offers. RS has a long list of different skills, and while the actual training of most of these skills is repetitive, it's not that much worse than the industry standard for production skills. From woodcutting 50k willows for wc, to harvesting teak in DF, a grind is a grind, and RS is second to none in grind variety. The sheer number of skills, and the freedom to train whichever one you want (or all of them if you want), without being herded in a linear role like most MMOs is what makes RS stand out in this area. B) Minigames. Although a lot of other MMOs have been trying to introduce minigames and other side interests for their game, and a number of them have things similar to Castle Wars, Clan Wars and the Fight Pits, RS still has a lead on the minigame market. Trouble Brewing, Pest Control, Stealing Creations, the Great Orb Project...games for every part of RS, with many different playstyles and concepts behind them. Rewards range from just plain entertainment to special sets of armor to xp. There's literally a minigame for every person. That's not something most games can brag. c) Quests You may not like RS quests, but they're a shining paradox of good design in the MMO world. Quests are OVERWHELMINGLY mundane in basically every MMO out there, either "kill xx of xxxxxx", "kill xxxxxx the evil boss ogre/giant/dragon of xxxx" or "give xxxxxx item to xxxxxx person at xxxxxx location", or some combination of the three. Rewards are also clonish; usually xp, some cash, and a midlevel piece of armor or weapon. That's right, there's more variety in an RS slayer assignment than some quests out there. RS quests are radically different. Puzzles, engaging storylines, and just plain uniqueness define Runescape questing. Yes, there are some hints of the "bring xxxx item to xxxx" in a few RS quests, but for the most part they've phased that out as the game's evolved. Just remember the time you beat the Temple of Light, or navigated your way through Myerditch, or even solved the puzzles of Monkey Madness or Desert Treasure. I have yet to find another mmo with that level of questing. It just doesn't exist. Even the boss fights in RS quests are well introduced - Desert Treasure, for example, has 4, but to access them you're tested on your puzzle solving and your logic (unless you use a quest guide, but then I don't know what to tell you), and introduced to a rich part of the RS storyline. Love them or hate them, quests are one of the things that RuneScape is the absolute industry leader in. Now, after all that cheering on RS, there's the one biggest weakness, the one that hurts Runescape more than anything else, and that's; Combat It's bland. Extremely bland. RS combat is nothing more than a random number generator, with a few variables, mainly stats, gear, and a couple things controlled by the players; pots, prayer and special attacks. The vast majority of the time you're just swinging at the other person, watching 0's and 20's, popping food and waiting for a chance to KO with your dds or darkbow. Now, before I get flamed from here to WoW, I WAS A PKER. Believe me, I know the ins and outs of RS combat. Combat stats are by far the biggest part of my character, and whenever I got bored of slayer or BH, I rolled out to Castle Wars or the Fight Pits to unwind. The difference between Runescape and other MMO combat is simple. In Runescape, rather than influencing the battle, players just RESPOND to it. You don't stunlock, you don't use special combos, you watch your character and respond whenever he takes damage, or whenever you deal enough damage to the other guy to go for the KO. Boss fights are more dependent on how many kills you can last, and how well you safespot, chain pull, or otherwise take advantage of the game's AI. No, I'm not saying that doesn't take skill, not at all. Sara GWD takes skill. A good pker has skill. But one of the effects a linear, "grind to 80" MMO has is when combat is all you got, a good system is what makes your game tick. Most mmos out there beat RS in the combat system department. Hands down. RS combat is interesting, hell, it's what I played for, and when I inevitably start playing again, it's what I'll go back to. But when people say RS sucks, they're usually saying that RS combat sucks. Yeah, the graphics aren't great. The game is grindy. But that's not the real problem. If they ever make an RS3, this is the one thing that desperately needs an update. Bringing the RS combat into the 21st century will go a long ways for this game's popularity and reputation. Especially the teeth-grindingly boring F2P rune-on-rune combat, which is all a lot of people see. tl:dr Runescape has a dynamic world, with many skills and the freedom to choose between them at your leisure; a true sandbox experience. The questing systems and minigames offered are second to none. On the other hand, the biggest weakness, and the one that hurts RS the most, it its extremely basic combat system.
  16. Huta

    We don't need ":)".

    Who gives a [cabbage] about a smiley. I was getting over the fact he's a CEO at 21. I mean, damn.
  17. Huta

    Female Hairstyles

    I have bangs, and I'm pure chiseled male testosterone.
  18. Your wrong. Dharok's plate offers more defence, and you can swap karils just as easily with whip\defender instead of flail. Minute per minute, whip + defender will deal more damage then flail, except for prayer, which is almost never used in safe PVP fights. No, I'm not. Verac's has no negatives to magic defense. That alone, right there, is enough to swing the balance away from Dharok. You're not forced to carry an extra pair of legs for hybrids and pilers because your dharok legs were crippling you and you're not left wide out in the open when somebody surprises you with some magic. And I don't know if you pvp a lot, but prayer is incredibly common in the pits or clan wars (especially clan wars). Coupled with a set effect that is effective on anything in tanky armor and you have a win. Sure, a whip is worth packing for people in lighter gear, but on those beeftanks with +370 slash def or higher, the verac set comes in handy. When all that's at stake is +15 or 20 defense at the most, the versatility of verac outweighs its competitors. You may have crunched a few numbers, but don't think you're some kind of RS combat god, because your practical knowledge is lacking. I've won over 600 games at the pits. A set of verac, with a karil top and bottom, a whip, and a dfs, are almost required equipment. DPS is NOT the only name of the game in there. A dfs will outperform a defender, verac will outpreform its slightly better cousins, and the set effect is NOT a waste. And before you drag this on again, I want to see some REAL numbers showing that whip and defender are better than verac in a safe pvp situation where you're facing somebody with supersets, +350 or higher defense, and piety. Because you can't. 19 more slash attack doesn't give a better hit rate on that type of player than a set of verac. And while you're at it, I want to see pvp proof that a defender beats a dfs. A bonus sum of 38 (defender attack plus defense) doesn't beat a defense bonus of 75 on the dfs in an equal fight where both players are on equal footing with levels and gear.
  19. Verac is one of the best outfits for doing clan wars or fight pits. It's versatile, with a decent prayer bonus, no weaknesses (you can get solid mage defense by swapping out one or two pieces of it for karils in emergencies), and its set effect is better on average than GS or whip when you're fighting quasi-duels (which is what pits and clan wars are, since you don't worry about KOs or running as much). Other than that, the other barrows sets are basically used for their pieces or guthan for occasional slayer situations where your bunyip is being outdpsed. They're definitely not win-all.
  20. Huta

    Nice skirt noob

    Who needs a source? It was designed for female players at their request. Hell, iirc the news post where Jagex announced the d skirt's release said something like "some of our female players have brought to our attention that there is no skirt version of the dragon leg armor released recently with the expansion to the brimhaven dungeon, so we've designed one." Plus you'd have to be blind to not see that the skirt's girly in design. It should be self evident who it was designed for.
  21. Huta

    Nice skirt noob

    Didn't say they looked different, I said they were designed to look decent unisex. (Just look at the guthan "skirt". That's not even remotely feminine.) The dragon skirt was not designed to be unisex, it was designed for female characters. It's a girly, feminine piece of armor, and calling it a "battle kilt" or whatever is just deluding yourself. If people are so worried about the money for a pair of dragon legs, just get a pair of guthan's legs for the price of a d skirt.
  22. Huta

    Nice skirt noob

    Non sequitur. It doesn't cost more money to wear a skirt in real life, and you don't get the same defence bonuses from a skirt in real life either. Also, plateskirts are worn as armour, not casual clothing. If I came to school wearing a full suit of armor, I'd get a pretty different reaction than if I came dressed in a skirt and a blouse. "Dressing like a tran" became cool in RS when Barrows gear came out and people started wearing Verac's and Guthan's, and when the God Wars Dungeon came out and people started wearing Bandos and Armadyl. All of those armour sets have skirts in them and nobody thinks twice about it. Except those other sets you mentioned, barrows especially, (after all, they are the barrows brothers), were designed to look good on both genders. The dragon skirt was designed for and only really looks good on female players. (It wasn't even released until some female players requested them some time after metal dragons entered the game) Sure, you can say it's personal preference, but the vast majority of people must agree with me, because nobody thinks twice about a guthan's skirt but a dragon one racks up the comments, even though they're the same price.
  23. Huta

    Nice skirt noob

    Since when did dressing like a tran become cool in RS? :? If you're so sure of your masculinity, wear a skirt to school.
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