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Everything posted by Huta

  1. That can be fixed so easily - for example. a new spellbook that's effects are tied to the fact that you're wearing a staff. (Take off the staff, the person unfreezes, ect) Don't act so defeatist about it, the truth is magic desperately needs something to be effective, and the problems that a more powerful spellbook might bring to the table can be dealt with during development.
  2. Why do you want a skillcape? Hoping people are going to look up to you? Well, trust me, nobody is going to look up to a firemaking cape. Might as well train something useful.
  3. Oh my goodness thank you! i always noticed the combat level things and its totally true. Tbh though, i dont think they'r gonna revamp the whole combat system anytime soon though, you know? And i still don't get it with all this "mage needs def spells." as has alredy been pointed out, that is exactly what prayer is for! And wats up with all this mage cant beat melee, i pvp often and i can never handle a high lvl mage well if i have on melee armour. and lastly, whats wrong with the usual freeze and run technique? i had always thought that mage was too over powered for that! i was happy when the zammy gs came out with the freezing special, but as we all know, magers could already do that. you freeze, rune away, and pwn with blood spells. sheesh. idk if you all can tell, but being frozen for 20 seconds(as short as it sounds) is a long time, especially in pvp. In closing, anything new is welcome, even in mage, but i think theres enough power for mages already. Although on the subject of range...thats a whole nother story! especially for f2p. Dude, you have 67 magic. You are destined to get pwned by mages. Magic is horribly underpowered. Look at range tanks. All the way up to max level, they're effective against melee. A tank ranger will give one hell of a fight to melee, and melee is supposed to own range. Now, put a mage against a ranger. Screwt. The ranger won't even break a sweat. Heck, as I've proved time and time again, mages have a major headache just trying to kill melee. They have very low damage, very high cost, ineffective armor, low accuracy, no ko. Magic is completely useless as anything but a sidearm for holding people for range or melee hybrids.
  4. Both. Well, depends on what the flamer doesn't have. Except for the fact that 98% of the people with fletching or fm or cooking capes got that cape because they wanted an "achievement". People train combat for a number of reasons, but there's absolutely NO point behind a FM cape or a fletching cape. Honestly, what sort of loser would waste hundreds of hours fletching willows and yews just so they can wear a cape and hope for somebody to say "omg nice cape dudee!"? It's useless, it wastes time money, and it's nothing more than a lame attention grab. And you know what's funny? When someone finally gets their precious fletching cape, then discover to their shock that in reality NOBODY looks up to their "achievement", guess what they do? Yup, time to forum their tears.
  5. I am male and I wear skirts all the time IRL. Whoa, you better be Irish or something. I use skirts to show off my tranliness. Fixt.
  6. I've fought hundreds of meleers with magic alone, dozens of them with karils... I won about 95% of the time. You forget that your melee averages 0 when you're frozen solid :P In a duel arena match with you, I wouldn't really worry about KO'ing you - just wearing you down Autocast doesn't make a difference to me at all either ... I haven't used it in ages You forget how your magic level is basically all of your magic defense - it's very easy to hit people w/ under 85 magic I'm open if you want to try and fight it out in the duel arena yourself. I've been challenging max level mages for ages on the rsof, out of the 15 mages that have deathmathed me the full 3 fights per person, I've lost 3 duels. 3 out of 45. And even if a mage beats me, that doesn't change it's major flaws. Wearing people out does not get kills in pvp. No KO. Low damage. Low accuracy. Weak armor. Almost instant death versus a ranger. Just look at how well a ranger stands up to melee - wouldn't it make sense that a mage would be just that effective against a ranger? A mage has its hands full just trying to beat the class it's supposed to dominate, a ranger doesn't even break a sweat killing a mage.
  7. Now try doing that whilst your opponent has karil's armor and subsequently tries to special you out with their dds. Magic can be used as a primary. But the fact is that its uses are very limited as a primary. You can tear through their melee attack and armor, but what happens if they use ranged? Or even put ranged armor on? I've beaten people wearing Armadyl and ranging me... Primary ancients can beat anyone if you know how to use it Doesn't change that magic is horribly underpowered. If you really think magic can beat melee, I'll deathmatch you in the duel arena. No range. As much as I love magic, it doesn't cut it atm for anything but a "secondary" or "sidearm" for melee, and that's NOT the way it's supposed to be. Other than a few minor changes, magic is the same thing now as it was back in RSC, a bonus for other classes, just a vengeance or a barrage or a teleblock to make things easier for a ranger or a warrior. Mixing the ahrims set effect with shadow and smoke barrage will poison you and lower your attack and strength all while youre at a distance because youve been ice barraged, how are you going to beat that without range? Very popular obviously, however magic robes arent supposed to have a lot of defense. No autocast, it's going to screw you up when you are forced to eat. All the Ahrims and shadow barrage is going to do is strip down my superset, and the attack negative isn't going to matter when you're wearing +120 slash def. Trust me, if he wears full ahrim instead of a shield and an ancient staff, killing him is going to be easier than the usual mage. I've dueled mage on melee 45 times, and I've lost 3. Ice barrage averages 17 damage per cast not including 0s and splashes (and if I'm wearing decent mage def, including splashes that average damage drops to around 8 per cast). My melee averages around 25-26 damage with a whip, up to 33 or so with a godsword. That's just too much damage to overcome on a mage, especially since all I need to kill a mage is 2 lucky numbers while the mage has no choice but to slowly wear me out of food.
  8. Now try doing that whilst your opponent has karil's armor and subsequently tries to special you out with their dds. Magic can be used as a primary. But the fact is that its uses are very limited as a primary. You can tear through their melee attack and armor, but what happens if they use ranged? Or even put ranged armor on? I've beaten people wearing Armadyl and ranging me... Primary ancients can beat anyone if you know how to use it Doesn't change that magic is horribly underpowered. If you really think magic can beat melee, I'll deathmatch you in the duel arena. No range. As much as I love magic, it doesn't cut it atm for anything but a "secondary" or "sidearm" for melee, and that's NOT the way it's supposed to be. Other than a few minor changes, magic is the same thing now as it was back in RSC, a bonus for other classes, just a vengeance or a barrage or a teleblock to make things easier for a ranger or a warrior.
  9. Even with the unlocked Ring of Charos? What about Lucien himself? Actually he does tell you what he's doing with the ring. I remember this being discussed on the thread I created after I found out how to get the RC guild master to tell me what she was searching for. He's searching for an ancient artifact that gives off a "very specific" form of energy, similar to what the RC guild master says. As she is referring to the Eye of Saradomin aka the Stone of Jas, I can only assume that Movario is searching for the same thing, although he doesn't say outright. Here's a wild thought: perhaps the Staff of Armadyl has the stone of Jas on it? If you've completed the quest, "Defender of Varrock", Zemorragul (sp?) already suspects that Lucien has received the staff. Perhaps Movario is searching for the Stone of Ja to add to Lucien's collection? If I was trying to overthrow Zem, I'd grope for every advantage I could get. Yay wild speculation on my part! XD well the stone of Jas is the source of ALL magics so, if Lucien gets it, and learns how to awaken the power of the One Staff, he will simply will become greater then any god. According to peoples' speculations Guthix tried to destroy then hide the stone of Jas. If the god which is teh most feared (admit it everyoen are afraid of Guthixian edicts) couldn't destroy the stone, then maybe the stones power is more then Divine, Lucien would be thinking of becoming the greatest god with it, and the awakened staff. And we have to destroy the One Staff at mount Karamja?
  10. I just had a brilliant idea! Why don't you leave this "skiller over-run forum" and stay at Pure Community's forums :o Omg!!! 3rkid is a genius!!!! =D> when is 3rkid not a genius? lol btw why lol at people? if pures do not have prayer then why not get it? its a skill in this game, not a usless thing Pures DO have prayer. This is why I lol. apart from the basic 13, or possibly 25?(what a strech!) pures have basicly no prayer. Even those with smite, there arnt that many You couldn't be more wrong.
  11. I think the stupidest part isn't just his failed attempt at a fake hack, but the fact that he put it in the Future Updates forum :wall: I might gave posted this a year or so ago, but I don't remember. Anyway, this happened last summer. I was a member back then and was hallying blue dragons at the Hero's Guild. So a level 60 comes up to me and asks what my weapon is. I tell him it's a Dragon Hally. He asks how to get one. I say you have to beat Regicide. He asks me "who's regicide?" :wall: That's not a failed hack. It's so obviously somebody having a laugh at those noobs expense. Seriously. I mean, when he posted "u go up 20 level, im level 40 and te best in runescape", don't tell me you honestly thought he was being serious? No level 40 honestly thinks that he's the best in RuneScape when he's constantly running into people well above 100, and no level 20 even knows what a soul talisman is. God, sarcasm is lost in 'Scape these days.
  12. Lunar wasn't a true magic update. It was a farming update, a runecrafting update, a crafting update, even a melee and ranged update, but it wasn't a magic update. It doesn't bring anything to the table for a mage, it just helps other classes and skills out without helping an actual mage.
  13. I beg your pardon? Teleblock?! Ancients?! Almost lost my whip/fury because of two mages: one froze me, the other one teleblocked me, if it wasn't for my full inv of food and bad timing of them (could run away right after being frozen) I would have been dead. Two melee would have killed you as well. Just because magic gets utility in teleblock and barrage doesn't make it any more balanced. A ranger can be effective while fighting as just a ranger. A melee can be effective as just a meleer. A mage has crappy damage, the lowest accuracy of all combat forms, pathetic armor, and no ko. Yes, magic is underpowered in p2p. Sure, teleblock or barrage are sweet when coupled with ranged or melee, but magic by itself? You lose out, bad. Back when this game evolved from RSC to Rs2, one of the things promised by Jagex was that magic and ranged would become their own combat forms. Magic would no longer be a sidearm to melee. While ranged turned out pretty good, when it came to magic, they missed the mark. Modern and Ancient magic are only used for their holding spells and teleblock while Lunar is a direct contradiction of Jagex's "plans", with vengeance being exactly what magic shouldn't be, a sidearm, a bonus for another class. A while ago on the official forums I challenged any mage, any level, to beat me in a deathmatch duel with JUST magic, while I would fight then with JUST melee. Out of around 15 different people at 3 rounds each, only two mages managed to beat me, one once out of the 3 rounds and one twice out of the three. That means out of 45 fights, I lost 3. Just three. And wasn't magic supposed to beat melee?
  14. Do this if you don't mind losing 10m. Easiest way to get junk is to buy something else that's underpriced on the GE, then use the junk you get from that trade to sell your 3rd age. Sure, it sucks, but that's Jagex in a nutshell.
  15. Although honestly magic isn't much better off in p2p.
  16. It's all well and good coming up with a hypothetical situation that has no real basis in reality to strengthen your point, but when it comes down to it, how many times have you seen that happen? I've played for almost 8 years and not once have I ever come up against (or seen, for that matter) anyone who has done anything near that. Not ever. As far as I can tell, most people who PK use prayer and food but there are hundreds, if not thousands, of kills per day. Very rarely do we get the stalemates all those against pray and food claim to see/have. If these things make PKing as ineffective as claimed, please explain the PvP servers. Thanks. When he talks about prayer and food, he isn't talking about piety and sharks. The things that pkers hate are safing (which despite what most skillers think on these forums is eating at such a ridiculously high hp that ko is almost impossible), and protect prayers. Trust me, nobody will ko me if I pull every string to protect myself. One sara brew and a couple sharks and protect prayers and I have a get out free ticket. I don't care how good you claim to be, I don't even care if you pack multiple combat forms, I'm out of there with my stuff intact. Stalemating is incredibly easy if you have decent stats and the right gear.
  17. What? Just because he has incorrect grammar automatically means that he has an oriental speaking pattern? You disgust me. No, the way he repositioned his verbs in several of the phrases implies oriental origin. I spend a lot of time around orientals, "does the look is important" and "I have a question that many runescapers thinks idiot" follow oriental syntax. Quit trying to be politically correct, you failed.
  18. Jeez, he has an oriental speaking pattern, English is obviously not his first language. These forums can be completely [developmentally delayed]ed at times. Lay off it. I'd go for fashion over function anytime, although there's a time for both.
  19. If it didn't require bloods, I would recommend opening the wave spells to f2p. Not like they get any use in members anyway. Snare is definitely needed on f2p as well, bind is just too ineffective.
  20. Where did I say teleporting was cheating?
  21. It would be difficult to moderate this privilege. For example, player A is fighting player B. Both are in the multicombat wild. Revs crash the duel. In that case, does the dead player(s) lose(s) his items? Too hard to tell. Second, players could also use the dueling system ot circumvent extremely strong monsters if monster were programed then on to not attack dueling players. These are only a few flaws in the free-for-all-no-risk in all worlds. Man, I seriously hope you never design things for a living if you give up on stuff that easily. Off the top of my head, they could code it so if you've taken any damage whatsoever from a player in the last 2 minutes you keep your items even if killed by a monster. And that's ignoring the fact that on our current pvp worlds there are no revs, since the constant risk of attack by players replaces them. I mean seriously, if Jagex spent some time, heck if I spent some time testing and working on something like this I could work most of the kinks out pretty quickly. But that's one issue. You said this was just one, what are the rest? I'm more leaning to the fact of the players' "Ok, which damage is that?" I've lost items in a pvp world on another mmorpg solely because I was flagged for pvp and got piled by an npc during the fight. I'm speaking from experience, but granted that company sucked pathetically in terms of customer service (worse than Jagex's) and item mall honesty. I probably have bad experiences :boohoo: But here's another example: Player A has 100 hp. Player B inflicts 99 damage on them. Player A heals 99 hp. Player B resumes another 99 damage. Therefore, player B has technically done 198 damage. Even if an npc killed Player A at full hp, the player would not lose his or her items. A good idea to not even worry about who loses items is have 2-3 worlds for p2p that are no-item-loss worlds and pvp anywhere. This would allow practice for clans wanting to do Corporal Beast as well as experiment in pvp with spells/weapon attacks. Free potions, runes, arrows, and food. The catch is that you gain no drops, experience, and all items gained are returned to a stall. In other words, these new worlds would be separate from the others in items. They would pretty much be considered "legit" private servers run by Jagex. Honestly, that sounds like a really boring world. The idea behind it is being able to defend your abby demons and chase off people stealing your mining rocks. Unlike WoW, the average training monsters in RS are not that dangerous, so this wouldn't be that much of an issue unless the player is sitting at 2 hp - and if he is and he gets killed, the 2 minute pvp rule would come into play and he would keep his items. As for the boss monsters like the Corporal Beast and the GWD, that's just one of the added risks of working on a pvp world. And don't forget, if a GWD team gets jumped if the enemy does so much as one hp of damage, they keep their items. I don't really see much of an issue, but maybe I'm missing something.
  22. The "if you can't afford to lose it" argument doesn't apply here. The player did bring it into the fight knowing good and well he may lose it. If the escape route is still open (aka no Teleblock) and he is losing, he will most likely use it. He did risk the items. He just didn't lose it. Anyone will do that. There is a chance he could have been Teleblocked. Since his opponent didn't use it, he has the escape route option. The Teletab argument has a point. And a possible solution. Maybe make it so the a Teletabs/Ecto don't work during combat and up to 10 seconds after combat (like the Logout Feature). The only way out is the actually have the Magic Level and the Runes in Inventory to get away. That would make the escapee have to use a minimum of 2 Inventory Spaces (Camelot), and they would have to have the required Level. That might even things out a bit. Not to mention its dangerous to just teleport blindly into the crowded cities on PvP. Maybe even disable House Teleport like the Teletabs/Ecto so that if you are forced to escape by Teleport, you may be in more danger than its worth. I'm not complaining about people using teleport, with the way it's rigged now, looking at it from a money standpoint you'd have to be stupid to not use it if you're risking a lot. I'm just arguing that it's an unbalanced feature. That's cute...coming from the guy that doesn't even know the basics of combat and thinks magic is the most accurate form of attack. Grow up. BTW, that offer for a duel still stands.
  23. Good question, though pkers aren't the only ones guilty of that by far.
  24. The game can't be compared. But people can be. Players are the same essentially no matter the game. While someone might send you a tell after you summoned out with an "lol evaced eh" - but the entire conflict you see here from pkers doesn't exist because it is balanced. Teleporting just isn't balanced. The suggestion in my first post, like I said, doesn't have to be adapted word for word. It just shows the direction things need to go imho. If it was tied to skulled players only, I'd be fine with that. Putting him down? Read his post. It's the generic "welllll if you cant beat em train more." Oldest put down in the book. I was just shutting down that line of discussion. It has nothing to do with making myself feel bigger, in fact through this entire thread I've been trying to get constructive criticism and opinions. Your line about Jagex being different is so far off the wall though. Is this the very same Jagex that said they were "outmoding the old kill and loot system to stay more mainstream in our gameplay"? Your suggestion is fine. If teleblock had a 100% success rate I wouldn't complain. If it only worked on skulled players, I'm fine with that as well. All I care is that something gets changed, because the system is just plain broke right now. You know the old saying - if you can't afford to lose it, guess what? Don't bring it. Holds true here. My suggestion wouldn't make getting away impossible, but it would give every method of escape an element of risk. And doesn't it seem a bit...wrong, that 250m+ of gear could be saved with almost 100% success (if not koed) by a weightless tablet worth 880 gp?
  25. Don't talk to me about training. My stats are better than yours, higher than yours, and I have around 35m more xp than you. 85 magic is nothing to me. The issue is the accuracy problems and the fact that I have to waste a minimum of 5 inventory and an extra 15kg of weight just to counter someone's 1 inventory teletab No other way to put that, that is unbalanced. Deal is none of the people here have EVER played on anything but this poorly designed combat system, so balance is uncomprehendable to you. Teleport, even with it's teleblock counter, is too available for it's power. One MMO I played had only two things that worked like teleporting does in RS. One was an ability for the wizard class, which was a short range teleport used to get away from people. It took one second to cast, during which if you took ANY damage whatsoever the spell was canceled without a chance of recasting it. Plus you were limited to casting it once every 3 minutes. The other was summon, which required a friend on a healer to summon you to his location. The spell itself took 6 seconds to cast, then you had to accept the summon offer, then it took another 10 seconds. During this 16 seconds you couldn't attack your enemy at all or the summon would cancel. Combat system was different there, so 16 seconds wasn't so long that it was useless. 7 seconds in RS combat would be about the same. That game was overrun with pkers. But unlike RS, you never had problems with people constantly complaining about teleporting/summoning, because 16-17 seconds was a long enough amount of time to make it counterable. Pkers don't hate teleporting because of what it does, but because of how ridiculously effective it is. While the entire combat system in this game could use a workover, a few fixes in the pvp section would go a long way. Then you're about to lose a bet. Time and place. I let you spec me twice, then I cancel spell, eat while you empty your bar, safe to full and try again. The best thing about listening to skillers is the fact that first you all complained and moaned that you don't get enough quests and how the new updates are useless with bad xp per hour, then when a decent update comes out (!) that gives good xp rewards, you complain and cry over the fact that your accomplishments are too easy!!! WTF PEOPLE?!? Coding issues are coding issues. Teleporting has been overpowered since it was created, just because it became noticeable again with the release of the pvp worlds doesn't mean it shouldn't be addressed. Just because Jagex doesn't give a rats's [wagon] about balance (when was the last time you pked with a warhammer or a spear?) doesn't mean things shouldn't be fixed. If I was Andrew/Paul, I'd tell you all to go to hell, issue xp wipes for all skillers for being [puncture]s and move on with further game development without a second thought. FTR, this forum has always sounded like the RSOF. This thread doesn't involve you, so I don't see what your issue is.
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