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Everything posted by constrictor

  1. Update: Spent that 3m I made and was able to get this: A SNEAK PEAK OF MY WORK! I am still quite abit of money away from maxing everything, but I am getting there piece by piece.
  2. Started playing 07scape. I am becoming a tad obsessed, will begin to post side posts on it. Current goals are to get all skilling stats 30+ Anyways. Update: About 3m made and will be getting 81 Construction later tonight as well finishing maxing my Formal Gardens. Will post as it happens.
  3. I'm curious to know if anyone has any clue who the top level 3 skiller is (if anyone exists) and what their total level is. I may start going for it.
  4. Congratulations! You're super legit for solo'ing nex (unless I am already oldfashioned and that's not that impressive anymore, but regardless). Way to go. I'll be checking back in here.
  5. Today's Goals: []Break the 9m cash mark []Start getting all non-combat stats to 50+ [x]Buy supplies for 81 Construction []Max out Formal Gardens []Take and post pictures of house I will check these off as the day progresses, and I hopefully get some of them done. Stay tuned! EDIT: Finally put in my gilded altar, was lazy last week and never actually got around to doing it. I also completely maxed my workshop and started my maxing of the formal gardens and found out that tall box hedges give farming EXP so this kick-started me to getting the level for oak trees (once I have this level I will probably begin to seriously farm). Also a little sneak peak of how much I've done so far in-house. EDIT2: Finished off all the farming necessary in my formal gardens, only thing remaining for them all to be maxed is posh fountains which I need 81 Construction for, which I have banked, be ready for update laters. I also got this, again wasn't expecting it, and now have the level for Oak Trees, so thus I begin doing tree runs. Quite low on cash now, hopefully will make like 1-2m tonight and then another 3-6m tomorrow.
  6. Discovered it'd cost me under 5m for 99 Firemaking, and I tend to do alot of bank standing when there's no "business" so I may (depending on how much money I make tonight/tomorrow/this weekend) bank 99 Firemaking this weekend to do on the side.
  7. Previous warnings/offenses are irrelevant. Macroing majors (especially back in 2011) are an automatic permanent ban. From what I had read after it happened, Jagex seemed to have said that you were ALWAYS given a impermanent ban first (usually a month), but maybe that was incorrect.
  8. My calculator gave me 415 days or so..must have missed typed, regardless a long time, and no response to an appeal that was 2 years ago.
  9. I probably could (should have) posted this after it happened, but I rage quitted (understandably so!) soon after this whole ordeal and didn't come back for a good 8 months or more. Anyways, so on my old account (old being not a specific term) I was banned for a "major-macroing" soon after achieving 800 total level, 100% F2P. I have (had) tons of friends who could respond/agree to the legitimacy of my account, and as you can see I have no past "warning bans" or such for macroing, and yet still received a permanent ban. The odd thing is when I try to log in I get this: The seconds actually are counting down, but this means I will recieve (maybe l0l0l) my account back in just..a little over 14 months. If that count down is even accurate. Any thoughts/ideas/contacts? I'd love to get this account back, it was such a stellar piece of work.
  10. From what I have found (being a H/C host gives a little more insight, personally) is that if you type "h/c x2" or something along those lines and don't spam it (spam being anything faster than say 10secs between retyping) you should be totally fine. I personally switched to using the quickchat option "In the open." and was 24-hour-muted within 30 minutes, so I'd stay away from the quickchat option unless you are already muted.
  11. Up to about 5m cash so far today. Hoping that I'll close out at around 10m, but we shall see. I may be right on track for 92 at this point. Fingers crossed! Updated a little of the first post.
  12. Got 48 cooking an added a few more parts to my house, but forgot to take pictures. Money's still coming very slowly, hopefully will have atleast 2m by the end of tonight.
  13. Well didn't do much yesterday, but today I am going to try to get a few cooking levels and also make some money. I will update later with final levels and cash. I hate to ask for stuff, but donations would be awesome!
  14. Lolies. I actually spelt it as "guilded" at first and was like owait n0, and fix'd it. Lost 15m today oops. Hopefuly tonight will get it back or atleast some. We'll see. Still have 10m or so back up, but the 15m was a considerable depletion, getting 92 Construction may be put off a few days to a week.
  15. So this week will mostly be focused on money making, I have currently around 15M in cash and am hoping to turn that into about 45-50M by Saturday, but I am leaving for a ski trip on Sunday-Tuesday, so next week I will get the levels from 80-92 (or the majority of them), and this week will be getting the funding for that. Hope everyone's weekend went well.
  16. Certain..ways. I am gonna get flamed by the majority of people on here bcause of this, but I solo host hot and cold games. There you have it.
  17. I think the game has enough restrictions and rules and is already extremely micromanaged. Do we really need more of them? Gambling only effects those who take part, and you are not forced. So those effected are those who chooseto be, and you reap the benefits (or loses), that's how games work or any cost-risk setup ever for that matter. When you fight a boss you are risking dying and losing everything. It is a gamble. But you are willing to take that gamble because you believe your odds of winning are high, and so you do. Regardless of if you succeed in not dying or not, you are still gambling. So personally I think making such wide notions of why gamblig should be removed by adding rules or trade limits, or god forbid, removing all things with a visual element of randomness, is just creating unecessary messiness in a game that is already quite messy.
  18. Bootstraps bullshit? I am not saying that people can get through everything on their own. Community is necessary for existence. But as much as people love the idea of diversity, and as much as I wholly believe diversity is a GOOD thing, look at the communities around the nation (US for the example). Do housing communities for one tend to be typically diverse? Not really. And I don't think this has anything to with racism, just nature. We tend to commune with those who we are similar to, even if we don't know the person at all beside by appearances. Maybe this is a gross generalization, but I feel it holds true for the most part.(on a side-note: I'd say the only time this may be wrong would be in university/colleges, but then again that's also a generalization from a small amount of personal data.) On the second thing you mention: well the socioeconomic situation of "minorities" is an entirely different subject then their place in the work place. An ENTIRELY different subject. And I honestly, as you pointed out, I cannot say loads on it as I have not studied it very much. I will say however, that it has been an interesting correlation to see how institutionalized churches (or other religious houses) have become, and resultingly, how little now a days someone can walk into a church and be allowed to spend the night or get food, etc. Disregarding religion as a practice, hundreds of years ago, churches were in themselves, sanctuaries - places of refuge. Now they are as much an office as a place of "worship" and I think this has greatly effected how people in general interact with those in different socioeconomic classes than them (this was just a random thought and I thought I'd share).
  19. Congratulations on a completely off-topic post, and while at that, degrading. Please continue with your wonderful arguments, when you obviously can't be clear headed due to 5 words in a signature - I applaud your elitism.
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