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Everything posted by constrictor

  1. She is a girl. Hehehe. I remember when Cow donored to me on my other acc last year. :D
  2. They don't need to disable any other methods. The message has clearly been given that it is NOT wanted and is against the rules. Hell... why not use one of those annoying login popups to explicitly state it. That way there is no excuse for anyone to play the naieve card. Anyone caught doing it now risks instant ban or mute and the punishments now need to come down harsh not only on the hosts but also the players participating. Do so at own risk. And if they do implement the rules quickly and justly, everything's going to rise in price. Buy your partyhats, my fellow players!
  3. So I am dying from Smithing these Iron plates, so I'm post poning 90 Smithing until either a) I get enough money for Addy Bars, b) feel like doing it again, or c) the previous two. Going to do some relaxed Bonfiring and maybe Barcrawl and then some Agility.
  4. Yeah, I don't think I can make another Iron Plate, I've used 80k Iron Bars in less than 4 days and am kind of dying. I think I may take a break and make some money for Addy plates and meanwhile play around with Artisans, though the gp/xp rates don't seem all the much cheaper.
  5. BOTBOTBOTBOTBOTBOTBOTBOT. get it. i make myself laugh often.
  6. You're never on when I am you nooooooooooob. Still have that 2m sitting pretty in my bank for you.
  7. Is the EXP at Artisan's any good? I am looking to find a little faster (but equally as cheap) method of doing 80->90 Smithing than Iron Bars.
  8. Yayyyy! Aiming for 84-86 tomorrow depending on how much time I have.
  9. Spicey Chicken Salad: This is super easy. Ingredients: Chicken (one breast per serving/person) Salad (I use romaine) Hot Sauce (Texas Pete works quite well) Ranch Directions: 1. Clean/cut lettuce into whatever style/amount you like. 2. Cook/boil/fry chicken (however you choose to make this is up to you), then cut the chicken in to either strips or into almost a canned-like consistency. 3. Put chicken on top of salad. 4. Add the desired amount of ranch and texas petes/hotsauce to taste. 5. Mix together and enjoy!
  10. Yeahs, I don't know if I will actually change it we'll see once I finish Smithing today. In other news, not much to update, but I am about 1k from 79 Smtihing, will post a picture at 80 - that'll probably be my stopping point for today.
  11. Hopefully will finish off 80 Smithing today. But first day back to school so my playing time is going to decrease. Considering changing my name..current thoughts are: Odysseus Lanaster Any suggestions?
  13. Lelellelelelel. All done for the day. Maybe will do abit more tonight, but that's enough for now.
  14. Dearloadie another F2P pure. Hehehe. But really, good luck, my friend.
  15. *inserts touchy debate subject* *backs away as the vehemoths feed*
  16. Holy sweet baby kittens, this is amazing. You're perfect for posting it.
  17. Well topped off this morning with 70 Smithing. I got tired mid-yesterday and stopped for awhile and finish it this morning. But I forgots to take picture, so yet another post with no pictures. The goal today is to get 75+, hopefully I can manage that. Here's a picture of me because, well, reasons. I made the potatoes myself.
  18. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. Maybe by May if I'm lucky. I won't have the money for it in awhile, and I am dwindling in dedication to non-stop merching, so we'll see.
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