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Everything posted by constrictor

  1. Beyond the obvious (chips, candy, etc.), what would you label as bad/good? Anything over "x" amount of fat grams per calories or..?
  2. Thoughts, discussions, videos. Post anything on the subject of longboarding! I will edit this and post some pictures of my longboard when I get home. Looking to lean how to slide soon seeing as I am not really a 100% downhiller, and enjoy carving as well as just straight speed. Any good tips?
  3. I highlighted the important part. Saru Inc said that Vann *was* the spirit of the game, yet Vann admitted to breaking the rules. So, nah. The rest of what you said I agree with, although I'd argue that to some degree spirit of the game comes from what makes the game sustainable long term, and frankly, a few select players hoarding all the wealth does not encourage that because new players are so far behind. Seeing as I had missed the portion of where Vann had admitted to rule breaking, I apologize (I have been not keeeping up with this thread regularly). Regardless, I think that is an aspect of the game. The rich will always be rich. If you play to have an ego and that's the aspect that you enjoy, then by all means find away to satisfy that ego within the rules. If other players aren't drawn by having a big ego via large amounts of wealth, but are drawn to having all maxed stats, well by all means, within the rules, reach that goal. The moment you begin to disfavor one "aspect" of player spirit, is the moment all aspects are now susceptible to disfavor - disfavor enough for you to be banned or muted by taking part in that gameplay. Now that, that is a dangerous road to tread, one JaGEX and player-supporters should be careful to walk.
  4. This sounds amazing, I must try. Will post thoughts/results when I do. Is it more of a fluffy white bread..or?
  5. How is the spirit of the game determined, is really question. Does JaGEX determine it? Or do the players (player by player, one player determines it by their own views)? You guys are proposing that what JaGEX decides -> the spirit of the game. Sara Inc. is proposing that what a player believes to be the spirit of the game (the reason why they play the game) decides what that looks like. So in Vann's case, if he believes the spirit of the game is for him to enjoy it -by his standards (as long as they are not breaking rules) - then he can do so. And still to this point, flowers is not against the rules (just frowned upon) and thus flowers is an entirely viable way for a player to enjoy the game (aka the spirit of the game). As a result, though frowned upon, hosting flowers is still within the spirit of the game, in perspective of players (read as certain players). But in relation to JaGEX it is not in the spirit of the game because, well, they frown upon gambling as a whole. What is your attitude towards the game? To enjoy it to your enjoyment or to only enjoy what JaGEX says is the good or bad? If it is the first of these, you my friend, are doing the exact same thing Vann is, just maybe not as closely invested in something that JaGEX greatly dislikes (i.e. flowers).
  6. I got about 2050 calories through the myfitnesspal thing. Well I don't necessarily care about weight, I want to gain muscle and lose fat, so weight-wise I probably will actually gain 3-4 lbs if not more. But by actual weight I may be "underweight" for my height/age but still be fat by actual means. So the goal is to lose the fat (and lose weight as a result) and gain the weight back (and maybe more) with muscle.
  7. On the diet-side of things, what would be a good calorie count per day for my age/height? Press-ups I assume are push-ups? Personally, I'd love to get to 8% or lower body fat, just so that I am not going into college with my weight being a stress factor as well as my school.
  8. I am sure people have posted these in the past (or present), but I would love some help from you guys (I am assuming you have some decent knowledge on the subject) on how best I could improve my fitness. Here are a few things about me: Height: 6' 1.5" Weight: 169.5 lbs Age: 17 (if you need more info here let me know) Personally, I will make a disclaimer that since we are only now leaving winter (I live in the US) I haven't exercised much during the winter, but anyways. So I have noticed that in comparison to last summer, I have 1) gained weight in certain areas and 2) lost muscle mass in other areas. As a result, I would love to get back into the best condition I possibly can, but am unsure about where to start/how best to start. Here are some the places I'd like to work on: Fat Removal: - Around my hips/waist I have a good 1/1.5in of extra fat on top of muscle and I'd love to get rid of most of this (my guess is I am about 13% bodyfat and this is where alot of it is concentrated). - The top of my thighs (below the butt/in the crotch area) -> just so you know, my legs are actually very muscular, I can visible see three muscles on my thighs and my calf muscles are decently toned Muscle gain: - arms (just tone them mostly, but i'd like to get some bulk too), mostly biceps and a little forearms as well - chest, just general chest area (also losing some fat off here would be good too) - abs, though honestly i just need to lose fat off these, i have a very strong core and mostly just need to tone it once i remove all the fat Now what are your guys' thoughts on where best to start? Diet-wise I have little control over what I eat at meals seeing as I am finishing highschool and still living at home. However, what I eat/don't eat in between meals is entirely up to me (and to be entirely honest I tend to be not wise about what I snack on). Exercise-wise I have some control, but the weather is also hit-or miss depending on the day, since winter is still kind of here but spring is coming -> so workouts would be prefered if mostly inside, but i'd love to have a few out door work out suggestions as well. I hear that doing intervals (jog 30 secs, spring 30 secs, etc.) is the best for fat loss, but was wondering if you guys have any additional tips? If this really takes off, I will post progression pictures (and start ones if you guys are actually interested in helping). For any help you can give, thank you!
  9. Hopefully today I will manage 30 Herblore and a few Firemaking levels (and money making of course) at a minimum. On 07scape I plan to atleast go through 1k of my feathers, hopefully more, and possibly do some cooking as well.
  10. So I discovered low-level herbs are impossible to buy. So no 30 Herb yet for me. In other news I got 44 Fishing on 07scape and bought more feathers for probably like 50 or 55 fishing or something. Hoping for 60 then I am going to try my best to do every single non-combat required quest available (which will take a week or so). Anyways, boring post is boring. If anyone would like to sell me 500 guam (clean or grimy I don't care). I would love you forever.
  11. FU now I want Subway. "Dragonkng198 - the beauty of Subway and MiccyD's" ^youre new blog title^
  12. I wonder if those 17 people realise they could become the richest 07 players fairly quickly with one simple forum post and an entry fee of like 50k? No way of enforcement. EDIT: OR atleast very little way, it'd be really hard if you were to open to more than say 10 people. I don't see how? Just clear your friends list, ask for 50k entry and add them and let them in? isn't there a setting where only friends can come in? then delete them when they leave? I don't know how advanced Con's settings were in 07 since it was fairly new.
  13. I disapprove of this change, but then again I don't. One less quest for me to do! Gonna get 30 Herb today and hopefully 60 Firemaking as well as 15m cash.
  14. I have two for you; I personally just took up cooking about a month ago and am still very much learning, but these are two of my favorites (one more unhealthy, the other healthy): Home Fries Ingredients: - Potatoes (how many you use depends on how much you make, each potato will make 8 fries (depending on size these could be very big or very small)). - oil (extra virgin is what I use) - salt/pepper - rosemary "leaves" (dried or fresh, either works) Before following these steps, set the oven at 400F (bake). Directions: 1. Take the potatoes and wash them (or if already washed skip this), then cut them into fourths. Take each fourth and cut that in half, this will make 8 wedge-like fries. 2. Put all the cut potatoes in a bowl, pour the oil on them (just enough to lightly cover them, I don't use measurements, so I apologize for this not being specific). 3. Pour salt/pepper on top, again just enough to lightly cover them (if you like your potatoes really spicey you can add more pepper or other spices as you wish) 4. (optional) sprinkle fresh or dried rosemary on top to add additional flavor. 5. Handmix the potatoes in the bowl so they are lightly covered in everything. 6. Spread them on a baking sheet or pan (to put in the oven) - make sure none of them or like laying on each other. 7. Put into the oven (settings above) set your timer for 18 minutes, remove and move the potatoes around (so they don't burn/stick), return the pan to the oven and set your timer for another 16-18 minutes (or until crispy/golden brown/your liking). 8. Remove let cool for 2-3 minutes and serve! Additional options is to put cheese and bacon (cheddar cheese works best) on top of them and put back into the oven for 2 minutes or so. This makes them not the healthiest, but is quiet yummy if you're in the mood. Spinach-Fruit Salad Ingredients: - Baby Raw Spinach (or just raw spinach) - Fruit (personally I like pears and blackberries) - cooked bacon (optional) - Brie (optional) - walnuts Directions: 1. Mix the spinach, fruit, and walnuts in a bowl 2. Cut the Brie into small (raspberry-sized) portions, spread on top. 3. Top with bacon. 4. Eat and enjoy! You can also add some type of vinaigrette to this, but I have yet to figure out how to make one (that's my next step). I apologize for the lack of measurements, because, as I said above I don't measure stuff, I just do it by what feels right, so if you find measurements that work well please let me know so I can edit it in. I know these aren't much, but enjoy!
  15. Hi. I am not a regular to your blog. But I just scrolled through it. And wow. Your awesomeness disgusts me, just stawp. But really, keep it up, get that 99 awesomeness (100% F2P ;) ).
  16. *insert excuse for being lazy* Probably just gonna merch today, maybe spent a few 100k on Herblore, but nothing much. Funny thing is I thought to start Herblore you HAD to do Druidic Ritual, but I guess not. I'll probably do it anyways because free EXPs. Weeee. Post, you asshats.
  17. I know. But if I put on the lamb skin maybe I can look like a wolf.
  18. Didn't take pics soooooooooooooooooo but got 52 Firemaking (or atleast I think that's when I stopped, I am tired ok). Gonna watch Game of Thrones then pass out. Also update blog name because I want to be in the c00l crowd. That is all.
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