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Everything posted by jakerules13

  1. Is there a recomended level for pyramid plunder? i'm 54, or 56 I'm not sure at the moment haha.
  2. not bug abuse, very wrong though. turn accpet aid off, it's like saying pjing is bug abuse, it's not.
  3. hey good luck to all of you how many chaos does it take to get 300k tokkul?
  4. 3.8 so far, and West Bend East was ranked in the top 100 schols according to the Newsweek magazine special.
  5. there are two tellys that im stuck between, the lvl 19 one and the lvl 22 one so that doesn't really help lol
  6. 680 woidfslakfjsadlkf sdlkf nmklngldf dffidfkldsfj
  7. :D I was going to give about 300k back to someone in items but I never got the name :( I fealt bad for a week after that but got over it.
  8. I was/am thinking about buying wOw but i found out it costs like 12.99 a month plus the 39.99 just to get it how do you afford wOw and play rs at the same time?
  9. hey, is this the thing where the girls in the village convinced there parents to kill all of the people they hated or something along those lines?
  10. please dont flame if i get the story wrong, im pretty sure this is what happened he was filming underwater and he swam above a stingray and it retaliated in defence. the stingray only attacks for defence usually. Irwin would not want people getting mad at stingrays for what happened. i feel bad that a legend has died, but please answer this honestly: were you really expecting him to live much longer the way he lives his life? i'm not saying anything is wrong with it, i actually live a risky life too. it's like nascar, driving with 40 other race cars inches apart at 200 plus miles an hour and not expecting someone to get injured or worse? R.I.P. Steve Irwin
  11. fire giants, fires lol i usually bring back 2k a trip
  12. like 73 or something around that i just got around 500 steel arrows and 2.3k coins yesterday from one lol :D
  13. jad, my mom came by me and i almost swore at her lol then i knew something was wrong and stopped playing rs for a while, now i'm happy with playing 1-2 hours a day instead of that unhappy 4 hours a day trying to do everything just do something tip for everyone out there
  14. aim for 60, you'll never get 70 slayer, prayer and construction without geting really frustrated
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