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Everything posted by jakerules13

  1. i picked zammy back in the day when ahrims, FULL ZAMMY BOOK, mage boots, and ancient staff was still the best mage bonus. that's when i had a lot of money and spent about 2 or 3 million gp on ice burst runes at c wars :D
  2. yea, everyone does even if your 125. you always want more, and that's never going to change for almost everything positive.
  3. first of all, your an idiot. Who actually uses the d scim special or the whip special? only people who are in wars use d scims for praying people. and have we forgoten how many people use dds's? answer that question for me.
  4. so you put the link on there for people to click it? nice one dumb[bleep].
  5. okay, mages can freeze and hit 30 up to 20 seconds, can heal with spells that hit high, can poison you, and are the best training spells in the game. So now tell me that mage is underpowered? by the way i'm 104 combat with 89 magic.
  6. nice find it's called mage bank btw :D
  7. I do that for people who forget half keys and/or die. I've gotten 6 half keys but i give back, i couldn't live with scamming someone.
  8. well i planned on making this right away but i have to go sorry if this makes you mad, i have to remember to make a blog of this lol :D I will update with screenies and all the other crap.
  9. I'm against rc pking ( if you want to call it pking ). Don't go rambling about how your risking your stuff going into the wild please. If you knew someone was going to go into the wild defenceless into the wild and killed them, is that actually a pk? I think of it more like foreshaddowing. If you rc pk, you should really try to pk somewhere else ( and no agility and green drags doesn't count ) and if you can't, just stop pking and go train.
  10. I'd count high lvl as 115+, but I'm 103 and from the U.S. :D
  11. my sisters friend hit a parked car not that badly and got a big choir trip taken away. her picture was also in the paper for choir, the article was about the trip but the newspaper didn't know that her trip got taken away. [cabbage] happens to good people
  12. i would want a strength pker, they can KO and don't give a long time for people to pj and telly =)
  13. why are the pharaoh scepters or whatever worth 1 mil?
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