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Everything posted by dragoncmd

  1. cynical as ever archimage. I really like it, in fact I'm printing out a copy for my english teacher.
  2. Unlike most of your work, I'm not too impressed with the second chapter. I don't know why, it just didn't intrest me.
  3. 4AM?!?!?! Tu eres loco en la cabeza!!! (um yeah that means you're crazy)
  4. Which is better the death or the redemption? They're both extraordinary.
  5. unfortuanetly I haven't gotten a chance to read much yet but I LOVE your prologue. Is this set in a D&D system like your other stories or is it seperate? If it is, what calendar system is that? EDIT: Finished the first chapter, Great as usual, a nice little cliffhangar at the end. I liked the sense of humor thrown into what is otherwise a fairly serious story, but I'm still wondering if your designing these towns yourself or if its taken off a campaign setting.
  6. Zonorhc, I never really thought about not using "get" but that makes sense. Oh, I've been meaning to ask you where you got that avatar for some time now.
  7. yeah, I lost a 5 page paper once cause the comp rebooted, it was 12 midnight and it was the the next day... that sucked. I play on burning legion (full), Boulderfist (medium), Eonar (medium) and ome low population server (forgot the name) I installed guild wars and have now come to the conlusion that WoW sucks.
  8. sometime I'm going to have to read one of your stories all the way through, from what I've read they are very good but I just don't have the time. (its hard enough keeping up with necro)
  9. from what I understood he was imprisoned in underground pass and found a passage to either taverly dungeon or kamaja volcano. You have a very good story just clean up stuff like that, also it would be cool to have Iban attempt to turn him into a souless. If you did that you would have to describe his feeling and attempts to stop himself from attacking adventurers.
  10. :shock: Uuuuhhh :shock: I don't think I'll ever get used to these type of stories. you made one error though, Jagex would never have given the staff back.
  11. itd be funnier if you said a yo-yo. i have gone pking with a yo yo before.. well i guess i wasnt really pking because i turned auto retaliate off and just played with my yo yo with protect from melee on while some guy beat on me with a rune scimmy... but i do that type of stuff all the time. I've gone dueling with chickens a few times. ended up fighting a lv 57 in mith, I was 70 in full rune. killed her with half hp
  12. NO NO NO!! YOU'VE GOT IT ALL WRONG!!! Don't have them stand in a line, make a grid so, kill the person in the center and watch it go from there!
  13. Nonsense... Level 421 - 917187883580515200000 xp Are you lazy? Only 3.821.616.181.585.480.000 moss giants to go for that level! get rich... sell the bones... 400 each... that will be... 1528646472634192000k lol my new goal: prayer lvl 250... ill call you whan i need the bones... and whan i have 1528646472634192000k by mining 127387206052849k rune... when i get 85 mining... ... And I thought lv 70 attack was bad
  14. Great writing....Again. I've always wondered why people are so proud of being F2P and now I have my answer. P.S. When are you going to continue Legends of the Forum?
  15. me too... me three. I avoid talking any more because of stories like this.
  16. sorry I don't know anyone either :( P.S. Forsaken, I love your new sig but whose the guy?
  17. Yeah i kinda figured. And why do you hate the gnome's on wow? Rofl. You might not want to hear this but i have a level 30 gnome mage on wow lol. And today i was so freakin mad, cuz i was almost done with chapter four, and it was really really long and i hit a button and it all went away. I'm going to re-type it now. EDIT: IT JUST HAPPENED AGAIN!!!!!!! You might want to type in it note pad or word and then copy/paste. Nice plot twist at the end, saved by zamarok :? I recently started WoW (installed it the same day 1.9 came out). I have a Night elf rogue, undead warlock, and Troll Hunter. (elf is my main but is on a crowded server) what servers do you guys play on?
  18. Very cool idea, and I especially like the name of the city.
  19. I agree with Sirith, You have a really good story but try thinking that kind of stuff through a bit more. Also just for my sake since noone else seems to care, could you write out numbers instead of putting down numerals? It just makes it easier to read. ("Two" as opposed to "2")
  20. yang_x_ying, We've been trying to get him to publish dreamweb BUT HE WON'T LISTEN! :D
  21. Woot! a Flesh Golem, Those things are cool!
  22. Cabbage; cool it is, Consuming it is not for, Looks pretty it does.
  23. That is really good. Its nice seeing something different on these forums for once.
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