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Everything posted by Wkw

  1. True. I know the big ones recently were Barbie and Oppenheimer. I didn't see either of those, though the later I have downloaded to watch. I can't find myself spending over 4 hours at the cinema anymore. Studios really need to start adding intermissions to their films. The cinemas would make more money off their overpriced food, and the viewers will have a chance to get up and stretch their legs. Sitting for 3.5 hours isn't healthy.
  2. Didn't see it. No interest in seeing it. I'm sick of all the 'reimaginating' of so many movies that we have had for the past 10 years or so. Want something original, not another take on a classic. Disney is the worst out of all of them. All their 'live action' remakes are, imho poor. They should had never called the new Lion King a 'live action remake'... it's as much live action as Toy Story was
  3. I don't think there is anything close to a car in either of the runescapes
  4. In a way I agree. Large blunt, bladed, spiky, plated salvage for all intents and purposes, have the same alch value. The only difference between them is what monsters drop them and what they disassemble into. But on the plus side they have added Orikalkum and Necronium salvages... Oh and oldschool is finally getting its first new skill, Sailing... which I think is absolutely stupid. It's going to be every other skill, but on a boat!
  5. Welcome black Blaze. RS3 has had a lot of changes. Fort Forunty, aka player owned town, necromancy skill, you can fight Zamorak himself... PVP is no longer a part of the wilderness, and micro transactions as far as the eye can see. As for monsters not dropping runite items, they instead drop 'salvage', which alchs and diassembles for the same thing that the metal armor pieces did for. The mining and smithing rework basically made it so that a new player could logically make a lvl 40 armor set with lvl 40 smithing, rather than needing 99 smithing to make a lvl40 platebody. But other than that, for specifics, I would point you to the wiki. I haven't played since shortly after fossil island came out. I play oldschool now, which, if you aren't opposed to starting over, I feel has a far better game progression curve that can not be cheesed with your wallet.
  6. Glad to hear. Hope that stops the influx of bots But then again, runescape and bots go together like butter on toast..
  7. Always see new bots signing up, then later posting. Would any of the staff consider closing registrations, or perhaps adding a runescape question that needs to be answered in via a text box? Something that nearly every player could understand? Perhaps 'What town can anyone access the Grand Exchange from?' or 'What is half of 99 (in runescape)?'
  8. Wild pies require chompy birds to make, which you arguably hunt, but that quest and npc was added in a few years before the hunter skill. Regardless, if you are hunting graahks, well, you shouldn't be hunting those. They haven't been updated for a very long time, and the xp and loot value is incredibly low. https://runescape.wiki/w/Hunter_training#Levels_75-77/99:_Big_Game_Hunter It's been a really long time since I played RS3, but I believe that big game hunter might be the most engaging and worthwhile training method. You have a chance at a dragon mattock which is worth over 50m, and the activity is quite fun. The big chinchompa event is also quite fun for good XP. You just run around in a circle, collect butterflies and feed them to a big chinchompa. I think that teleports appear in hunter areas when the activity starts Are you playing an ironman? Even if you aren't, I would suggest you do some runespan and buy some wicked hood teleport tokens. With that, you can teleport to every alter you have access to. Even if you don't wish to play runespan, you should get 3-6 wicked hood teleports per day to the alters. Although if you wish to use the tokens, I advise you to only charge up the hood with as many teleports as you will use that day. Every day on the daily reset, if you have less than 3-6 teleports, it refreshes. It doesn't do this if you have previously charged it to be over your default value though
  9. https://runescape.wiki/w/Hunter#Temporary_boosts Wild pies never did boost hunter. The extreme hunter potion can give you a +17 boost if you are over 82 hunter, however it needs 80 herb to make, and bull horns from player owned farms to make. It can't be traded (though the super hunter potion and bull horns can be bought) However if you are talking about oldschool, then there is only the +3 boost from the hunter potion, or +-5 from stews https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Hunter#Temporary_boosts Also a cool thing you can do in game chat is type /wiki %search term% (or it might be ::wiki, not too sure) That'll open the official wiki on whatever you searched in your browser. And to not, DO NOT use the fandom wiki. Only runescape.wiki which is endorsed by Jagex
  10. Hope some people who lurk end up seeing this. I myself do not have any old archives.. if I did, I would had needlessly overwrote them when I was ewasting my old PCs, long before this archival project began
  11. Nope, Chuck Testa still here!
  12. There is going to be some fierce competition here!
  13. Small world and . . two years later, I didn't realize you had joined tipit. Love the animations!
  14. As someone who has been on TIF for the longest time, this is utter news to me! Shoutout to if he still lurks here.
  15. Eyyy about time. Now you can join me in touching grass! Elite CAs aren't that bad. At least unlocking the elite tier. Once they changed it over to points, I only had to do a few more tasks to unlock the elite wards (I ignored muspah and TOA tasks because maxing)
  16. Best way to level cooking is just to cook the highest tier fish you can cook. If you have more questions, feel free to pop in to the 'Reddit 07' friends chat.
  17. "Prime is angry" More like, "Call an ambulance, but not for me!" How far we have come, from need a group of people with all three combat styles, to just one person killing all three with magic
  18. So now that reddit is going down the shitter, how about we revitalize tipit to be the premier runescape forum again, and forevermore?
  19. I've seen a lot of older forums do this. Close registrations, or make it so that new accounts are required to be approved by the admins once a week/month/quarter/whenever. Would surely help with the spambots signing up and flooding the forum
  20. I agree. RS3 is such a mismash of graphical styles in addition to the pay to win. I mean, the latest big boss is Zamorak himself. It looks AMAZING https://runescape.wiki/w/Zamorak,_Lord_of_Chaos#Gallery But the token drops, which are lvl 95 melee armor, look horrible and untextured. Because of the way they apply textures.. https://runescape.wiki/w/Zamorak,_Lord_of_Chaos#Signature_drops
  21. Regardless, if OSRS stayed as it was in 2007, without GWD, without any kind of QOL, without the GE, it would had been shut down. If you want to play an absolute static server, private servers exist.
  22. If OSRS was released and stayed the same with no updates, it would had died. If you look at the player graphs, if GWD was never added to oldschool, it would had died by the end of 2013.
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