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Everything posted by unkn0wnwarrior

  1. unkn0wnwarrior


    No, I don't plan to buy her heart. Especially if she goes through with her plans and starts making twice as much as me next year. That said, I would gladly help her pay off her current debts. But that would be money she has to pay back. The only reason I mentioned the money is because that's what I learned about her during that conversation. I'm just going to wait and see, since I do think the 4-year age difference (18-22) is pretty big at this age. I can't see anything happening until she can drink legally. If she cuts back like a lot of people I know did, I could be onto something.
  2. Yeah, I only stopped so I didn't get sick of it. Now I'm playing it again. I love Bloodwing. Corrosive level 5.
  3. unkn0wnwarrior


    I attended a barbeque for my mom's side of the family today. I spent almost the entire time inside half-asleep in a chair because I couldn't sleep after work last night. Now I need to find a way to sleep well tonight. Also, while at work last night, I was talking to a girl that very few people in the place like. Found out that a) she's single and b) she is poor. I'm single and semi-wealthy. Maybe I should see where this goes? I already know some things about her and she does match most of what I'm looking for.
  4. Then you lose it and die :razz: Meh, I've had a good run. I hate working Saturdays... which I was sort of roped into doing this week... today... and I start in 1 hour. Doing a job I detest. Be grateful that you have a job. I am. If you knew how my interview went, you would know the extent of it. But 4 years in, making the same as somebody in their second year kind of sucks. And being passed over for full-time positions because some new people (2 years behind me in seniority) are related to current full-timers. Also, my satellite receiver which has worked ONLY after storms for the last 2 months. My aunt refuses to call about it and she is the only one who knows the information they need.
  5. 1/10- I'm not sure if I have ever seen you outside Forum Games.
  6. I love those movies. I think I just decided what to watch next week.
  7. I started playing Borderlands again. My hunter is now level 47.
  8. unkn0wnwarrior


    I get to work today... on a job I hate. The only reason I didn't say no is because I was told it would only be 5 hours or less... so if he was wrong, I won't be happy at all. Overtime is all well and good, but I don't need the money. Oh, I also worked late last night. I worked 2:50-1:20 last night and now 2:20-10:20 (hopefully less, but that's the maximum) today... up to 10.5 hours of overtime in one week. I must be sick.
  9. Then you lose it and die :razz: Meh, I've had a good run. I hate working Saturdays... which I was sort of roped into doing this week... today... and I start in 1 hour. Doing a job I detest.
  10. I love those things. We used to have a book of those, maybe even that one. I just finished StarCraft: I Mensk, which was alright. Next up is Do Animals Think? which I bought in October. It looks like an interesting read.
  11. unkn0wnwarrior


    Then happy birthday... but I'm still older. Last night I got the privilege of tasting the same product over and over again for almost 3 and a half hours...
  12. I don't know for sure what my mobile number is, and I don't know at all what my home number is. Luckily, they're both stored in my mobile phone so I don't need to.
  13. Yeah, I'll try most things, but I rarely end up liking it. It actually bugs me that I like so little.
  14. What! I love The Boondock Saints! :P I think the movie would have been good if the chemistry between the two brothers was good. If it felt like a sort of journey shared by two brothers, a way for them to grow up together and realize the unfairness of the world, it would have been good. That's why I was expecting it to end with one or both of them in prison or dead. But instead we got a happy carefree ending where nothing was learned, and no characters were developed, and the two didn't feel like they were really brothers or on a journey at all. Just guys who worked together who did some stuff. But you know, opinions, etc. etc. I never saw the end, but what I saw was definitely worth it. I really should watch it again.
  15. As with every movie, I'll see it when I see it. I am in no real hurry, even though it does look awesome.
  16. unkn0wnwarrior


    Today I almost got to find out how long it would take to walk home from work. I got about halfway (took about 10 minutes) and my sister pulled into a driveway and gave me a ride the rest. So I still have only an estimate to go on.
  17. That picky eater thing is me, as well. Except that I really am very picky. I have a very short list of foods I like.
  18. I only had one English teacher who turned down alternate interpretations. The other 2 (I had one teacher twice; unfortunately, it was the close-minded one) were open to anything legitimate. But that one teacher used to turn down anything that wasn't EXACTLY what she thought.
  19. I liked it, although I feel my local critics were too generous. I watched the Toy Story series over the last 3 days. 2 of my favourites as a kid and a fitting end (assuming they DO end it) to it.
  20. unkn0wnwarrior


    Today, my cellphone was officially used for its first call (at least, the first to receive an answer)... and it wasn't by me. A woman I work with locked her keys in her car, so I let her use my phone to call her husband.
  21. unkn0wnwarrior


    About 10 years ago, I experienced that very thing. One family had a tree fall onto their house. They ended up cutting it up and I spent an afternoon helping move the pieces.
  22. Since you offered, would you mind placing one in London, Ontario, Canada for me? I would just do it myself, but I don't have much time before work...
  23. Other than having two good legs instead of what I currently have, I wouldn't really change anything. Despite the negativity in many of my posts, I am quite happy with my life as is.
  24. I find the opposite worse for me. 4 of the 5 days this week I was awake at 8 and couldn't get back to sleep. I don't normally get up until 11.
  25. unkn0wnwarrior


    Yesterday I did nothing of value to anyone but me. Today I will go to work and do as little as possible. 10 hour shift, once again, but I doubt there will be 10 hours of work for me.
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