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Everything posted by unkn0wnwarrior

  1. I'm a little behind in the Zelda universe, finally getting Twilight Princess. I've played it a fair bit, but haven't got very far. I'm also playing Borderlands (Siren and Soldier using my Hunter to guide them) and both Left 4 Dead games.
  2. I've been waiting for this game since they announced it. If the previous 2 are any indication, it should be amazing. I didn't pre-order it, though. I'll just wait a bit longer to buy it when it does come out (I think I heard 2012 Q1? That could change anyway).
  3. SetUp- Bruce Willis not playing a cop was weird. That doesn't happen a lot. 7/10
  4. 45 WPM, no errors on the Rules of Baseball. I think I could do better, but I'm not used to this new (smaller) keyboard, yet.
  5. unkn0wnwarrior


    Looks like I'm one of the few who have no plans. I'm currently working in a factory with no intentions of going to school, despite half of the people there and elsewhere trying to convince me to. I would go, but I can't think of a single thing I would want to study.
  6. I'm currently re-reading The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, a Trilogy in 5 Parts. I'm about halfway through the last book and still loving the series. After that, I think I'll read Starcraft: Ghost: Spectres.
  7. unkn0wnwarrior


    I just got a new computer. That's about all. Oh, and my sister has been babysitting 2 girls (2 and 4 years old) a lot the last few weeks, including over 12 hours today. The younger one is afraid of me for some reason.
  8. I love the WJC. Hopefully Canada wins this year, but it was good that we lost one.
  9. unkn0wnwarrior


    Work for the first time in almost 2 weeks. Should be fun. Hopefully the day goes by quickly as I don't work tomorrow.
  10. It sounds worse than it is, but yeah, it sucks. From September until December, I technically shouldn't even be employed. But the company and union decided to give each seasonal employee a maximum of 30 shifts in that time. I'll still get my 30, but this will lower my off-season income.
  11. It made me laugh. And that's not very easy right now. I hate how my workplace ignores the seasonal employee seniority list at this time of year. At the end of this week I will have 5 shifts in the past 2 weeks. At least one guy with half of my seniority will have 8.
  12. unkn0wnwarrior


    I have a pair of day shifts this week... and that is all I work. 6:30am-3pm Tuesday and Wednesday, despite people with half my seniority getting 3 and 4 afternoons (which is the shift I want). This always happens at this time of year.
  13. I was actually happier when I was poor, but that wasn't because of the money. I actually saw my friends regularly back then. I make about $20-25k (it goes up slightly every year) a year depending on overtime. In less than 4 years, I have saved up over $10k. I don't really care about money, since my happiness doesn't require much, but I know I'll need it eventually. As for investing, my uncle is getting into property investment and is doing quite well.
  14. unkn0wnwarrior


    I was always considered the most likely to snap and kill everyone. Mainly because I am a wealth of knowledge on, umm, 'unconventional' things. Hey, I was considered that too! Mostly because in 9th grade we had like five bomb threats, and by the third one (everyone was still freaking out due to them) I was just trolling. "Oh I see smoke!" "Who's that man walking around!?" And so some girl told me I'd probably end up bringing a gun to school. I admit I was being a [bleep], but not a murder-y [bleep]. But does this mean that TiF is full of suspected serial killers? I've never been suspected of being a future killer. I've been told I'd make a good bank robber though. :unsure: I was described as being the one that would come into school one day with a gun and massacre everyone. :D Add one to the serial killer count. Apparently I was too quiet and a little strange. Work today, supposed to be making sundaes. Should be fun. We haven't made these in about 6 weeks.
  15. I just tell them the truth. I was talking to a girl from work via facebook wall posts one day and the next day at work she asked where I went because I didn't answer her last post. It turns out she didn't actually post it.
  16. I'll hate a song because of excessive swearing, but I don't write off the artist as a whole.
  17. unkn0wnwarrior


    My satellite receiver should be working again by the time I get home from work tonight. They're supposed to be coming out to fix it somewhere between 12 and 5... it is currently 12:30. I'm hoping to be gone to work when they get here, though, and let my sister(s) deal with it.
  18. The last year or two, almost every time I grab the margarine from the fridge it has been anything but margarine in the first dish. Last time it was half a tomato.
  19. Not true. I love Sprite and Root Beer. I do try to get a lemonade or tea when I go out to eat though. I'm kinda the opposite here. I'll have a soda or two when I'm out eating, but at home I usually stick to tea or water. I can't drink the water where I live... it's disgusting. We even bought a water cooler, but the jugs of water make me feel ill.
  20. I got a text that was meant for the guy's girlfriend, once. I still don't know who it was, apart from his name being Alex. After I told him he had the wrong number he kept texting me to talk. That went on for a few weeks.
  21. I know of at least 3 that I work with that do. In fact, one of them plays more than me. One of the others told me I suck because I don't play CoD.
  22. I kept seeing that whenever I was looking for a new game... I almost bought it a few times. Apart from "very very weird," what can you say about it? Is it a good weird, at least?
  23. unkn0wnwarrior


    I think I'm going to buy new work shoes today... I need to and have needed to for weeks. I also need to buy more groceries if I am to survive a month of eating only at home.
  24. I am overweight. I'm just comfortable with it. But isn't that like saying you're okay with being unhealthy and putting your life at risk? I guess that is one way of looking at it. But there is no guarantee being the "ideal" weight would extend my life any, either. If being fit would make me that much happier with my life, I would do it. But, despite many of my posts suggesting otherwise, I am quite happy as it is. No worries, you would have to do much better than that to offend me.
  25. I am overweight. I'm just comfortable with it.
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