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Everything posted by EugenyG

  1. 1. Hunter is one of the easiest skills to auto. Maybe first few levels are hard, but its easy once you can catch ruby butterflies and REALLY easy once you can catch green lizards in mortanya. You almost don't move, do repetitive easily-recognizable tasks, and face very few random events compared to other skills. 2. Many old skills also don't have autoers. You don't see anyone autoing crafting or smithing, do you? 3. Autoing is foremost dependent on the profit, preferably instant and short-term profit of using the skill. If you need lvl 80 to make a profit, it's not worth it. Woodcutting is best (you make profit right away, although it does increase when you can do yews). Mining is another one, to a lesser extent fishing. The easiest to implement is indeed the shop autobuyer, for it requires no skill and is extremely easy to macro at. Oh, and Jagex's autodetection system isn't worth crap if people can auto ALL THE WAY TO 60 to chop yews without it being triggered.
  2. Or he just has priv chat off. If you really want to know if he's banned or not, check the highscores. Banned people have their name removed.
  3. Jagex is way too lenient on scammers. They have a zero-tolerance policy for macroers, well, that's all nice, but scammers? That was not even a "direct" scam. If he substituted items in trade screen or something like that, he'd get probably 2 blackmarks. In this type of scam, he'll get 1 blackmark. Yea, big deal. He can comfortably raise his blackmarks to 5-6 out of 10, and then play nice, with a bil or so in scammed items. :/ Unlike macroers, scammers are actually pretty easy to stop. The only reason you see lvl 100's scamming is because they KNOW they'll get away with a slap on the wrist. A type of scam which is obviously pre-planned, deliberate, and systematic, should warrant an immediate permanent ban, with MAYBE a ONE chance last appeal, and that's IT. Not 1 blackmark out of 10. And then high-lvls will think twice whether a scammed whip is worth more than losing a lvl 100 acc or not.
  4. Did you engage in any suspicious conversations with macroers? Did you make a suspicious, large value and very 1-sided trade with someone? Did you PK, staked, lured to death, or otherwise got expensive items or cash of someone in an unexpected circumstance? Did someone unknown give you a "gift"? Remember, you don't have to RL trade to get banned, all you have to do is create the impression that you did. Jagex is able to trace the origins of money/items across accounts. If (1) you got some "hot" merchandise (tracable to a macro account through any number of middlemen) and (2) the trade was suspiciously one sided, enough to make it look like a RL purchase, then poof, all it takes. There is no right to be presumed innocent in RS, and Jagex doesn't have to "prove" you did something wrong. If you behave suspiciously you should expect to get banned, and if you don't like it, well, go play another game.
  5. Even if powerfishing trout (assuming it is worthless to sell and feathers go for 5gp ea), you get 50xp per fish. That means you get 10 xp per gp, which is exceptionally good price. Paying 900k for a 99 (starting at 87) skill is not serious money. :/ Most skills which are considered "buyable" would require an investment of anywhere between 10 and 100 million to get 99 in.
  6. 10/10 Finally a useful guide for serious players, instead of cute pictures everyone else is looking after we have some solid facts and figures, financial and temporal assessments, alternative analysis, and other information which will tell me something I didn't actually know before, and that will actually be useful when I decide to train a particular skill. It's really nice to learn something that is both useful and new, leaving you with "wow!" rather than "duh" or "so what" feeling. For example, I never knew burying dragon bones carries about the same price as big bones, but is nearly four times faster. I may seriously consider training prayer to a high level now. Very good work.
  7. I honestly never understood why PC is considered so good for combat it apparently ruined other training. On average, a high level player in a good team MAY get 50-60 points per hour (that requires getting 1 point per minute, and that does NOT count potential losses). Depending on your level, that would result in 70-100K exp/hour for most people. A high level player powertraining on good monsters will make just about the same amount. For example, I get about 1.2K exp per point on my melee combat skills from PC, which means about 70K/hr. And when training on sea snakes or werewolves, I can quite simply pull 54K exp on my melee skill of choice and 16K for HP, which means the same 70K exp/hr. Plus, it's much less tiring to train on monsters (can semi AFK) then to train PC which requires 100% concentration, plus you need to take into account all the drops you get. Before you say I have to take into account exp gained in PC combat itself (not rewards), I'll answer that pro pc clans or even good teams always focus on shutting down portals instead of slaying monsters, because that means round is over much faster, but you don't get much exp off the portals and occasional spinners (read-almost no exp). Sure, you can fight monsters while everyone else fights the portals, but then you are a leech off the team; you will not be admitted to good teams, and if you play in public teams any exp gain will be offset by the fact taht a team in which everyone is a leecher like you will suffer 50% or higher loss rate, meaning much less exp from the points. In short, I tried a few rounds of PC, but I'll stick to regular combat training, where I can train in peace and no pressure, gather nice drops/clue scrolls, train slayer, and get just about the same amount of exp as in PC. :-/
  8. Cannon would seem like a favorite for "pure" rangers who don't want hp exp to begin with.
  9. I wonder, did anyone get a blackmark for telling someone else to "get lost"? That's what I use quite a lot when dealing with scammers and other annoying people. Didn't get a blackmark yet, but I wonder if some mod can call it "offensive language" or w/e.
  10. I really like the first questcape outfit on the first page (the black naval clothes). But I think this would make it even better: - Change staff to Lunar - Change haircut to have a beard/moustage (makes the guy look more experienced)
  11. A good point to clarify - if you entered your house with half hp, poisoned, and with drained stats, then DIED (and got your hp and stats back to max, lost poison, etc), then left the house - do all these stats stay at max or return to what they were before?
  12. With tea and saw that would only require 93 construction, and if you substitute the tea for a (reasonably expected) +4 bonus from spicy stew, then you only need 92. Theoretically you can get up to +6 bonus from stew, but I think +4 is where you draw the line of what you can reasonably expect to get from a few hours of work gathering the spices. Going from 92 to 99 construction would cost more money than going from 1 to 92. :-/ On the other hand, only 378 people have the even theoretical required minimum of 90 construction. Seems like not a very popular skill to level high anyways. And really, once you are able to build gilded altar, going above is really a waste of money that nobody but the most determined (and richest) skillers would want to take.
  13. How many do you think there are quest capers out there?
  14. About 60 to unlock, but I never bothered to go and unlock tunes on their own merit -- I just played the game, and after visiting most places in RS (due to earning the QuestCape), most of the tunes were unlocked in the process. I don't listen to RS music so I could care less, unless there is some kind of reward for unlocking them all. And because some tunes are not currently unlockable (such as 2006 xmas), I have no reason to even bother starting unlocking.
  15. It's the best ranged exp which does not carry a ridiculously high cost. You can bat 60-90k exp/hr depending on range level I guess. The highest exp period is using red chinchompas in the Ape Atoll dungeon on the skeletons (they respawn on the same spot immediately when killed, so you can have 20 or so of them stacked on top of one another, and chinchompas up to 9 enemies at once on a 3x3 grid). You can get 100-300k exp/hr depending on your range level. But you'll end up spending about 8 coins per exp, when you count the cost of chinchompas and prayer pots (so 100k exp = 800k coins), which is really a lot.
  16. I just became a victim of the same problem. Well over 20 hours ago I planted 4 orange trees (one right after another), and I paid all the farmers to watch them. Right now none of the trees even passed the first stage. I remember we had a system update last night. Maybe every time there is a system update the growth time is reset. :-/
  17. You didn't answer my question. If I have ONE 99 skill AND a questcape, will either the skillcape or the questcape be trimmed or not?
  18. I heard that skillcapes cannot be trimmed, is this true? If I have a skillcape and 1 (and only 1) 99 skill, will both be trimmed when I wear either, only one of those (either just 99 or just skillcape), or none?
  19. Believe it or not, pretty much all farming exp I got from level 1 to level 40 was reward for quests. I don't like farming, but I need at least 45 for quests. What is the quickest way to get it? I'm willing to spend a large (as long as its reasonable and not stupid) amount of money to powerlevel. And of course I don't care about profit, I just want to get the level and get over it. Thanks for advice.
  20. Bronze took 2 hours, then iron in 5 minutes, then steel in 30 minutes, then black in 20 minutes, then mithril in 3 hours, then addy in 5 minutes, then rune in 3 minutes. Just seems like a very wide distribution span. Seems way too big for normal distribution ("normal" distribution is what you get with a "fixed" random size (e.g. always a 1/100 drop chance). Maybe the random size itself is floating (sometimes it's 1/10, sometimes its 1/1000). Now that I got rune def, when I wear my combat training/PC gear (which means an all-for-offense gear but with NO degradable equipment (barrows/crystal/etc) or temporary boosts (prayer/pots/etc) of any kind), it adds up to +127 slash damage and +112 strength. Can anyone beat that?.
  21. Did you make sure your plants are not diseased? They will not grow until cured. Did you make sure your plant is watered? After each stage of growth, the water disappears and you need to water it again, or growth may be slowed or stopped altogether.
  22. Buy, then report him. The bad deed will be annulled by the good deed, so your conscience will be clear, and you get to keep the bones.
  23. RS seems to have the reputation of being the stupid people dumbster of MMORPG's. Unfortunately, in general and on average, that seems to be true. The biggest reason is simply that a lot of younger kids play RS. They may not be stupid for their age, but most (I will not say all, there are always exceptions) kids aged 8-10 are simply not developed enough to know how to behave themselves in a community environment. At home or at school, there are the parents and teachers which can help the kids and control their behaviour. In RS, they are exposed to a world which neither cares nor controls them. Nobody cares, because everyone is playing the game for themselves, not babysitting other players unless they are personal friends. Nobody controls, because Jagex rules are not effective against kids who are too young to understand the consequences of bad behavior, as these rules are always applied ex-post-facto. A young child cannot fully comprehend that misbehaving now will cause him/her to be banned a week later. Unless they are controlled on the spot, nothing will stop them. PMods can give the occasional immediate mute, but they are so scarce it carries next to no effect. Shielded behind the computer screen, thinking they are immune and can do whatever they want, most young kids just cannot realize that their behavior affects other people. Hey, if it's OK to randomly kill the lvl 2 RS character called "Man", why is not OK to swear at the lvl 74 character called "pker949"? Kids are unable to differentiate, they consider the whole game to be made just for them. And it's really not the fault of the kids. It's the fault of the parents. Why most kids play RS over other MMORPGs though? A few reasons: - Very easy to play. Kids may not have $60 on hand to buy the latest MMORPG from a store, and may not have a fast computer to run it on. But RS can be run for free and pretty much from any computer. - Parents will often reward kids for good behavior (doing chores etc), and even if kids go for members, it's much easier for kids to get monthly $5 than a lump sum of $60 for a video game from a store. - Since parents see RS as G-rated and more kid-friendly than most other MMORPG's, they think it's good for their child. Parents can be as selfish as their kids - all they care is that their kid isn't negatively affected, they don't care at all about the negative effect their kid can impose on other people. With such parents, no wonder we see such children. After all, they had such a good role model to follow! Now, I am not a snob that says kids should not play RS. As I said, most bad behavior we see by kids in RS is not their fault, it's the fault of their parents who fail to see what their kid is up to, fail to go the extra mile of spending time with their kid to see how they play, and guiding them as their go along. Younger kids should play RS together with their parents or older friends, where they can actually learn about proper interaction with the community instead of learning nothing and making everyone else mad at the same time. -- But I'm glad to say that *occasionally* you see quite intelligent people playing RS. A good place to find them is certain forums, tip.it being one of them. I'd like to think I myself am somewhat intelligent (or at least not a total moron), being a second year comp. sci. student with 4.0GPA. I won't say my "IQ", because the IQ results you get online are a total piece of BS which say nothing about you (except perhaps the size of your ego)
  24. Prayer must be on 100% of the time, so if a piece of your equipment doesn't specifically boost ranged, it should boost prayer. Taking fury may not be smartest thing into such a dangerous place, so second choice is holy symbol. I'll post a report on my first trip there later.
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