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Everything posted by Freesy

  1. Freesy


    I... don't know... :|
  2. Freesy


    Popular, but complete rubbish. (game is 'crap in my opinion). But runescape is 'crap also. I just like the 'crap runescape has better.... :lol:
  3. Well, look at it this way. You get a crap load of tokkul each time you die.
  4. That's outrageous!!! I'm sueing you for setting a poor example for the kiddies by sueing all willy-nilly!
  5. AMEN BROTHER!!! Another sound that I hope none of you have to go through is the evoice of my science teacher. Ugh, her voice is almost a bad as her curriculum...
  6. Freesy

    making money

    In New York you can get a job at the age of 14 with working papers. But it differs from state to state, and not everyone can work due to age. So that's why I asked him what his age was and the workign age was.And I would go back to school yourself. If you're under the working age, then you can always mow lawns or shovel snow.
  7. Hate it, hate it, hate it.
  8. Freesy

    making money

    How old are you and what's the working age in the state you live in?
  9. Bad things, my friend. Bad things... Would I grow breasts? :o :D That AND have to wait 9 months before taking a poo! :x
  10. is wrong...a bloodveld is a mythical creature...thats like saying the word "elf" is copyright of anyone What about Elf, as in the movie (I hear that sucked btw)?
  11. Bad things, my friend. Bad things...
  12. I wonder... If there are two people wearing ring of duelings, and person a attacks person b, and the ring recoils, and then person a's ring recoils on person b, and then would it keep going? Hmm...
  13. You're lucky. You can actually use the bathroom.
  14. Freesy


    It's a good thing xxsheepxx asked what bracketology is before I did. I don't like being flamed :cry: It makes me want a hug. Well, now I can use that word for the vocabulary test I have every week. I mean, what's the POINT of English class?? I SPEAK it for crying out loud... Sorry, just ignore that...
  15. :shock: Only 7 for us... 6 max here Dude, how long are your periods? We have 40 minutes here & then 3 minutes transition. Between 1st & 2nd, and then 2nd & 3rd, I have to walk to the other side of the school, and then back. Our school is pretty massive, too. But heck, what is Cross Country training for anyways? :lol:
  16. This is strange: You titled your post "can my parents make me go to church?" and yet all you talk about is your mum... What about your poor dad :( But it seems to me you need a hug. *hugs Sir_Itchlot* I would just go to church. Maybe listen to the sermon if it seems interesting. You can learn some great advice that doesn't apply to any religion from listening to the message. It can help you with things later on in your life, like it has for me.
  17. There are easier things to merchant than rares. You don't start our with a rare item at first though. First you get some money, and then you merchant some ores maybe, and then resell it after turning it into bars possibly, and soon, you'll have plenty of money :)
  18. 65... Only 4 more than my combat :oops: But what can I say, I'm not a quest person :lol:
  19. Didn't Shaun White win a gold medal? :D Hm, I am baffled as to this mystery. Maybe it was Mike Spicer pulling a trick on you. Or perhaps he killed himself. Or perhaps it's a glitch.
  20. Compared to my 7 months :oops: That would be funny with the dragon coins being worth 1 mil... "I'll give you 7 coins for that bronze" "No way noob!" "Suit yourself..."
  21. I bet my friend has it, total Star Wars addict. Otherwise, never heard of it.
  22. Is chorus a subject? There's nothing I like more than singing at the end of the day (9th period). But I do my best singing at lunch.
  23. Argh! It doesn't work on my Dell [censored for the kiddies] machine. If it's like advanced pong, I wish it would work :(
  24. BUT, always remember to grow your cabbages in World 77, the OFFICIAL OoC Endorsed Cabbage growing world
  25. Aston Martin DBR9 :wink: I know someone with the DB9... Not mentioning who though :lol: MY dream car is this (Like nvw's, except a bit more) I would tell you what's different about it from the F1, but I can't read Russian. All I know it the body's different. Price = 1,200,000 without import fees. I know someone who's parents own a McLaren.
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