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Everything posted by spling

  1. I kinda feel like I'm being trolled here.. :P I'm not going to argue about the obvious benefits of this partnership. I don't want to see this topic derail so early. ;) I gauge that your opinion is that this affiliation is useless, so I'll let you have your opinion without arguing. :)
  2. Actually there have already been new features and improvements to RuneScript as a direct result of this partnership. Our !item command now supports item comparisons with the syntax of !item item1, item2 (Ie. !item whip, dragon axe). We've also rewritten our !npc script to make it much more user friendly- grouping NPCs with the same name but different level into one, as well as making individual results for !npc and !item display more info in a layout that's much easier to read and understand than the old one. So.. there definitely are some real benifits. This is just what's happened in the first little while. There's much more opportunity for us to collaborate on stuff. I point you to our hiscores tracker if you think we don't have anything to offer Tip.It. ;)
  3. I'm ecstatic! I'm really excited at the opportunity to be working so closely with what I have always regarded as the best RuneScape help site in the world. If it wasn't for Tip.It, I would have never started RuneScript in the first place. I hope everyone enjoys our service, and I look forward to bringing more improvements to our existing features in the near future. :) Thanks to Silverion for letting this all go through, and a big thanks to you Peter for all the work you've put into this partnership, and for representing us in discussions of this partnership with the other members of Tip.It staff. I hope that if you find our service useful you will feel welcome to suggest new features or changes that you'd like to see. We're always trying to improve! :D
  4. The time of total hours of all players??? Is that even in mathematical possebilies? I mean, there are a million people (i think) who have made an account THIS YEAR!!!! So in all the years runescape has been around... I dread to think :ohnoes: I remember reading back during the duplication fiasco in RSC that there was "over 10,000 years of combined play time until someone found out how to duplicate an item" or something along those lines. It would be very interesting to see how much total play time RuneScape has had. :)
  5. <3 Honest1. I'll still be seeing you on IRC! Hehe me too.
  6. I think it will look something like this:
  7. hear - light humming of my computer fan, Gorillaz - Oh Green word, typing on keyboard smell - nothing =(
  8. Am I the only one who thinks that this is the most hilarious thing Jagex has ever written? :D
  9. Tip.it does a very decent job of removing any RS gold-buying ads from their rotation. I've been refreshing a bit since that news post and haven't seen any yet. Zybez, RuneHQ, RuneHead, RuneVillage, and nearly every google result has mass amounts of RuneScape gold ads. Jagex might as well have just come out and said "tip.it is the only fansite that's legit", cause it seems like tip.it is the only one that isn't covered with them.
  10. Lol.. The IRC folk really rose to the occasion in this topic, eh? :
  11. Here here! Down with idle rule! But really, it doesn't serve any useful purpose. Methinks it's leftover from the old IRC days (nee scapeboard) when the ops had heavier boots on. Although there is something to be said for kicking people with 100+ hours of idling. Where do you draw the line though? Common sense. If the person idling is someone who has already established themselves as a member of IRC community, the rule should be far more forgiving than a person who is visiting the room for the first time.
  12. I'm giving away 1 million GP at http://forum.rscript.org/viewtopic.php?t=471 Yay! :D
  13. I don't really know what to say.. There's nothing that anyone really can say about the death of another. Shiva was a great person, and he will be missed. On behalf of the runescript community, who were all aquinted (and some very close) with Shiva, rest in peace. We won't forget you.
  14. We're going to keep our formula in pseudo-code, so that it easy for anyone to convert into thier language. =D
  15. It's called a proxy. What Jagex needs to do, is find the developers of these programs, and take legal action. :?
  16. EVEREST Home Edition http://www.oldversion.com/program.php?n=everesthome Description of Everest Home Edition Everest Home Edition is a freeware system information, system diagnostics and benchmarking solution for home PC users, based on the award-winning EVEREST Technology. It offers the world's most accurate system information and diagnostics capabilities, including online features, memory benchmarks, hardware monitoring, and low-level hardware information. Features include: * Advanced hardware monitor with OSD panel and cooling fans monitoring * Real-time alerting for hot-plug devices * Portable Computer page to display mobile PC related information * Bluetooth PAN support * File Scanner filtering * User benchmark results manager * Sharpness test (Monitor Diagnostics) As of December 5th 2005, Everest has halted development for the freeware version of the product.
  17. I've had good experiences with http://www.hostdime.com I am currently being hosted by http://www.pxtek.com and they are very nice, cheap, always got a rep online, and very accepting of my IRC based community even though IRC is against their AUP (I have two written permissions from them saying I can redirect to my IRC server and use IRC bots, even though their AUP says otherwise :)).
  18. Google it I'd say. Personally, I use FireFox + Adblock ext. + Filterset.g ext. Works well. Very well. I didn't even know that explosm had ads on it until a few days ago.
  19. http://www.rscript.org/rsstats.mrc on *:TEXT:!stats *:*:{ ; ################## ; ; ### EDIT BELOW ### ; ; ################## ; set %HCOLOR 04 ;### CHANGE ^^ THOSE TWO NUMBERS TO CHANGE THE LEVEL COLOR. set %SCOLOR 07 ;### CHANGE ^^ THOSE TWO NUMBERS TO CHANGE THE SEPERATOR COLOR. ; ######################### ; ; ### DO NOT EDIT BELOW ### ; ; ######################### ; inc %buildid 1 set $+(%,build.name,%buildid) $replace($2-,$chr(32),$chr(95)) set $+(%,statschan,%buildid) $iif($chan,$chan,$nick) sockopen $+(build,%buildid) hiscore-web.runescape.com 80 } on *:sockopen:build*:{ var %id = $right($sockname,-5) sockwrite -nt $sockname GET /aff/runescape/hiscorepersonal.cgi?username= $+ $($+(%,build.name,%id),2) HTTP/1.0 sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: hiscore-web.runescape.com $+ $crlf $+ $crlf } on *:sockread:build*:{ if ($sockerr) { echo -s error $sockerr } else { var %read | sockread %read | var %id = $right($sockname,-5) if (
  20. Now with syntax highlighting! :wink:
  21. Always set your recovery questions. :?
  22. We already use some ifs in the forumla we use for runescript, but we don't have an "algorithms" to deal with certain prayer levels or anything. Thanks for the heads up. :)
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