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Everything posted by AThousandLies

  1. I just find the whole music and scene to be pretentious, unoriginal and super-ficual.
  2. http://www.aclu.org/lgbt/youth/19925prs20050907.html Since when is hugging considered an overt display of affection? I've seen students hug teachers and vice versa - how is that grounds for action that claims a breech of the typical affection rules? Soon enough, handshakes will be a suspendable offense ... I've been looking at the school's rules. The school website: http://www.cnusd.k12.ca.us/santiago-hs/ This is a list of the rulings provided in the student handbook. http://www.cnusd.k12.ca.us/studentsr-div/psh.menu.html This is the section on grounds for expulsion and suspension. http://www.cnusd.k12.ca.us/studentsr-di ... yexpulsion There is no reference to affectionate displays. The school's "nondiscrimination policy": Kinda hypocritical, no? I rest my case.
  3. Although I dislike Green Day ... why is it necessary for someone to leave if they dislike the country? They're trying to question authority. If you don't like something about your country, are you just going to leave? No. You're going to try and change it. And so what, they wear make-up ... does that make them "[bleep]s" in your book? Nice job putting words in my mouth, you're really good at it. I hate them because they stand for everything I am against. They completely changed their type of music, it is nothing like how it was. I know so many bands that have been around for over 10 years and still play the same type. Plus I can't possibly respect someone who hates America so much but won't leave. They wear makeup for God's sake!!! :roll: Way to go... (once again)... defending a point because I said something. Not because you actually care about this subject, but because I said something.
  4. This may be a bit presumptious, but, my picks ... A: Germany Ecuador B: England Sweden C: Argentina Netherlands D: Portugal Mexico E: Italy Czech Republic F: Brazil Japan G: South Korea France* H: Spain Saudi Arabia *Bit unsure about that ... But yeah. Australia will go out first round; I'd bet the house on it.
  5. 5th of August, 1990. What makes it special? I'll be legal ... :wink: :D
  6. ... why is Judge Judy on one of the monitors? :shock:
  7. Don't have a phone or a flashlight anywhere near my room. The only slightly plausible reason would be I hit my neck with my guitar when the strap dettached itself or something of that manner. But I would think that if that happened, the skin would be very sensitive ... oh well.
  8. What kind of a crazy person would do that?
  9. I'm 15, never been drunk (only ever consumed very small amounts of port, wine etc), never taken non-prescription drugs, don't have memory lapses.
  10. Soon enough he'll only be able to buy one game with that $300 ...
  11. I've often gotten strange bruising, cuts and whatnot on various parts of my body without noticing. It includes purple bruising and puncture wounds to full length cuts. The reason I ask is because I found some puncture wounds on the vein-side of my right wrist. There are three of them, and they are in a strange positioning so I doubt my cut was responsible. But, primarily, this morning I noticed a very odd bruise. It's about three centimetres long and runs vertically from my neck to my chin. It's purple and fairly "splotchy". I haven't shaved in a while, gotten in a fight or engaged in anything that could cause such markings. It's not a stain or a pen-mark because it hasn't come off after repeated washing. It doesn't hurt when I try to touch it, so I have absolutely no idea what it is or where it came from. I was wondering, is this a condition, or does anyone else suffer from something similar?
  12. We don't have a chimney either; we have a door that is accessed by a number code. But my parents told me Santa knows the code, and I believed them >.<
  13. I watched it last night for the second time and WOW ... that's one huge mind-[bleep]. I was really really weirded out after watching it the first time but last because of watching it it took me an hour to get to sleep. Really, really confusing stuff. But it's definitely one of my favourite movies. I was doing some research to try and get merely a vague grasp as to what the movie is all about, and I tell you, it's damn hard. The website provides SOME insight but it's still rather confusing. I'm hoping to somehow get my mind on the Director's Cut and access the commentary and interviews as a way of getting some more info as to what the hell it's about. http://www.stainlesssteelrat.net/ddfaq.htm http://www.ruinedeye.com/cd/aid1.htm http://ruinedeye.com/cd/time1.htm http://www.donniedarko.com Just some stuff that sheds some light onto the movie and its concepts. Anybody else seen it or have similar thoughts to share?
  14. I bet most people will think your version of Level Up kicks the [wagon] of the one by Korn ... heh
  15. This is a thread to post links to all the movies, audio files and similar media-arts that you have created, for school, leisure or whatever. I play guitar but I find it difficult to record on Audacity with my mike next to the amp, so I recorded a song I composed (which is not yet complete) on the almighty program PowerTab which I advise all guitar players (or players of any guitar-related instrument; bass, sitar, banjo and so on) to check out. Great for composing your own stuff and learning, too. This is a song I've done called The Pyre. It's not yet complete but I'm about halfway through. I couldn't manage to erase the white noise, but it's not present throughout the entire recording. There's a chance it won't work in Windows Media Player due to a en/decoding problem. Copy and paste the link into your browser window, as the site doesn't recognise a URL including brackets. .com/A-Thousand-Lies/ThePyre(incomplete]http://h1.[forbidden site].com/A-Thousand-Lies/ThePyre(incomplete).mp3
  16. Pretty sure it was 10. I remember being suspicious for a while; my parents used to leave price labels on things by mistake sometimes. There were some other reasons, but eventually I just realized that he's not real. Of course, my parents tried to re-assure me that he was for some time, but failed.
  17. I'd put David Bowie up there ... but I dunno if he'd qualify.
  18. Is the game the one made by Rockstar?
  19. No. And if anyone did I doubt they'd tell you. Just pay the cash to see it in cinema, or buy the DVD. I don't think pirating movies is really tollerated here.
  20. It's funny though... I doubt anyone would complain or yell "discrimination!" if the rule was enforced on heterosexuals but not homosexuals. What makes you think that?
  21. There is proof that she was warned to stop showing affection at school, repeatedly broke the rules and was repeatedly disciplined for her refusal to follow the rules. There is NO PROOF that she was discriminated against. You can't site her unproven claims as evidence. Wait - so the girl has NO privacy rights whatsoever regarding her parents? And please explain to me how I'm a hypocrite instead of just making a blanket statement. Remember our little debate in the police-SUV driver thread? That is the biggest spin on words I've ever read. In the SUV argument it was a "could have" situation involving the danger of someone's life. This is completely different. And I am not against could have situations, but because what was done was perfectly okay with the school's rights, you can't sue the school for other things it COULD have done. There is no relation in the two. I wasn't referring to suing the school for what they could've done. I'm saying they could've avoided being sued if they had played things safe and not given too much detail into the situation - but enough. The parents are not entitled to knowledge of the daughter's sexuality. Maybe what she did was wrong - maybe her claims were wrong, but the school should not have stated that it was with another girl. You just made an incorreect statement. The girl is 17 and in full custody of her parents- therefore, the parents are entitled to know EVERYTHING about their daughter. And it is the school's RIGHT to tell the parents EVERYTHING that happens at school. That's how it works when you're a minor. I'm sorry if you didn't know this, but your point is legally incorrect.
  22. Why are you complaining if you're a suck-up? That means that the teacher ISN'T grading people based on how much she likes them.
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