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Everything posted by Kill_Thomas9

  1. Lol, thats what I was thinking. I really dont see how selling her hummer to someone else is going to save the enviorment. Maybe if she melted it down it would help in the smallest way imagineable. This is like moving all the waste producing factories in the U.S. to China, and say we've rid the world of polutants.
  2. Apparently Disney went on a rampage and forced everyone to take down the pictures before they got even more bad publicity then they already have. They are still up, trust me :-w On google? #-o
  3. Haha, that reminds me of the first time I had a house party :D The only tip I can give you is to cover the carpet with some kind of sheeting, preferrably that can be thrown away. Oh and if you can I would lock the rooms you don't want people in, especially your parents bedroom. Ah, I forgot to post that tip. Make sure they cant get into any "specail" rooms, and do something like throw up on your parent's bed (although you can always wash their bed sheets).
  4. I swear to god I was about to post something like "Ok good idea. Btw, my left nut feels like it just got hit with a golf club."
  5. [hide] That seems a little over the top. wouldnt this be for only if people are smoking inside? nobody will smoke inside, I'll make definite sure of that, none of these guys smoked inside at other homes anyways so I'm not worried about them doing that. This is just incase the house smells like smoke, and you cant get it out. we've never had a problem with that before, we usually only have one person who gets seriously drunk and they usually just throw up once or twice in the bathroom and then they are fine. We always take care of this person and keep em safe.[/hide] Oh, ok. Last time I went to a party one of my friend has like 13 beers, and he was all suicidal. I managed to take the knife out of his hand before he could do himself (or anybody else) any harm. Although after I took the knife away, he would talk about how he was to much of a [insert another word for sissy here] and couldn't do it. He also tried jumping in the deep end of a pool. And he wasn't any lightweight either. He's 200+ pounds. Then we put him in a room without anything dangerous, and came back to find he drank half a bottle of vodka. Then he passes out and we had to take him to the hospital. Btw, I notice you changed your avatar. The people who live next door to the people who I was talking about above call the the police if the music is too loud at 8:30 at night, or if we jump on my friend's brother's trampoline at 11:00.
  6. Haha. The newb got fired. That what she gets for posting those pictures. Edit: You guys said that there were pictures everywhere. I didn't see a single picture in 20 pages of google.
  7. Oh yah, a few more tips: 1. Make sure someone is sober enough to have a general idea of what is going on. 2. Make sure nobody with depression gets too drunk. Keep all knives hidden. 3. Cover any pools/hot tubs. 4. Keep any medicine/toxic substances hidden. 5. Make sure you have something to make people throw up incase they have like 15 beers. That seems a little over the top. wouldnt this be for only if people are smoking inside? nobody will smoke inside, I'll make definite sure of that, none of these guys smoked inside at other homes anyways so I'm not worried about them doing that. This is just incase the house smells like smoke, and you cant get it out.
  8. When the party is over, open all your doors/windows and wait for a few hours. Do the same thing all the next day. If anything still smells, empty a few bottles of axe (or fbreeze since it "absorbs" oders instead of covering them up), and tell your parents that your had 2 friends over and that they went crazy with axe. Oh, and make sure you dont have any smoked joints laying around the property.
  9. Yes. I just dont see why killing cows like this is fine, but if I put up a movie of a dog processing factory, the topic would be flammed and locked in just a few minutes. Simply because of today's morals and our history of cows vs. dogs. In most places, the cow has become cattle, used for various purposes, whilst the dog was domesticated to be mans best friend, and is only eatin in a few countries. Actually, most places (Asia not included) regard the cow as a much more "important" animal than the dog. Many places actually eat dogs more often than cows. Edit: This is not the point of this topic, so lets try not to discuss it.
  10. Yes. I just dont see why killing cows like this is fine, but if I put up a movie of a dog processing factory, the topic would be flammed and locked in just a few minutes.
  11. Did I say anything about trying to change this? And wether or not the actors are fake or not, that is real footage of the cow and whatever.
  12. What have you been lookin' at!? Hah jk My clipboard is empty :? Lol. I cant tell you. You have to visit my thread on Fast Food Nation.
  13. Yah. Thats the main reason why I made this. I went to McDonalds today with my friend, and only got the apple pie like usual, while she ordered her third pounder beef patty. This made me think of this when I got home. I get the apple pies to! (Though i'm vegetarian, so I have no choice) Many celebrities have gone to meat factories like this and as a result became vegetarians, or take Buckey(sp?) Lasek for example, he went vegan after he went inside. There are only 2 things fake about this video: The girl and manager were acting. The shot to the head doesn't always kill the cow. The cow didn't really look dead when they were cutting it though...
  14. Yah. Thats the main reason why I made this. I went to McDonalds today with my friend, and only got the apple pie like usual, while she ordered her third pounder beef patty. That made me think of this when I got home. eww big macs :-X ...I demand steak! But seriously though, most tipiters don't really care about animal rights. those burgers looked delicious :anxious: I dont really care about animal rights too much either, but that happens about 5000 times a day there. Same thing with pigs, but about 10000 a day. (And that's per factory)
  15. Lol, your posts always manage to make me laugh somehow. Loll, trust me. That is how they do it.
  16. Why the hell is everyone going on about animal rights?? I dont give a damn about animal rights anymore than the next guy! The first step in the meat processing plant. [hide=Warning] Warning:Disturbing video below: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQpnT3EuUsk Mm... Cant you see just how delicious these are?[/hide] I've provided this video to go with it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sf72QVDvbHg So, will you think next time before eating McDonalds? EDIT: After viewing the replies here for a few days, I'd like to clarify some things. First off, I am NOT against eating meat. The way other animals get their meat is a lot more gruesom than this. They eat the animal while it is alive. Second, this thread is not for animal rights!! Did I even mention the words "animal rights?" Btw, I dont like any fast food burger with bacon. Their bacon is always too crunchy or salty. Bacon is fine with homemade burgers though.
  17. Wow. This really proves how low the average runescaper's IQ is...
  18. Yet another pointless slayer monster... Thanks jagex...
  19. So what do the monsters in the new slayer dungeon drop?
  20. Why do you want this closed? It's a good discussion?
  21. Notice how we have no face, but the dog does? I think we need an update...
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