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Everything posted by Kill_Thomas9

  1. Yah, I personally didn't read the updates until after I got members. That was like 2.5 years ago (I started in 2004). I played for 5 or 6 months as f2p, after which I completed all quests, and filled up my bank, and wanted more.
  2. Yah clan chat for example. We're having a discussion on communism. Person1: Anyone here live in china? Person2: Me Person1: I hear they're making nukes :o Person2: I wouldn't know. I just moved here. Me: Lucky. You wont get nuked then. Person2: Yah, lol Me: Dang japs! Me: Lol, I'm jkin :P Person1: About what? [At this point I realise I just said "Dang japs!" out loud, and not in the chat.] Me: Oh crud.
  3. ---------------------------------------- :ohnoes: :wall: im sorry english? Not is all well in the mind of ckyowns I sense. Foolish you are. Read your own post before criticizing someone else's you should.
  4. they're pointless to kill. I dont even know why jagex put them in the game.
  5. Oh, damn. Well I didn't personaly know you, and you probably havn't ever heard of me, but you were a great admin here on Tip.It. I know that everybody here at tip.it will miss you very very very much. Sad to see someone like you who has been here since the begining leave. Best of luck with whatever you are planning on doing now. Best wishes ~Kill_Thomas9
  6. Good job with the interviews Tip.it!! =D> =D> =D> =D>
  7. Edit: I remember now. I killed lvl 3 men in edgeville, trying to save up for an air staff. I got 150 gp, and eventually made my way to the varrok staff shop, just to find that they cost 1500 gp, not 150. I went back and kept killing men.
  8. Wow. Great find. Thanks for doing all the math and everything for it. I know how long it takes to make posts like this. Although this guy doesn't: Actually tons of people would. Especially ÃÆÃâÃâüber rich stakers who want to make an ancient mage staker.
  9. Just so you know, the godsword isn't a great weapon. It is basicly bringing back the old rsc "3hit K.O." pk system. You have to hit a 20 the first hit, and then a 72 the second hit before the other person eats.
  10. Who the hell is spreading these "dragon-kin" roomers? DRAGON-KIN ARE DRAGONS.
  11. I barrage can freeze you from a distance, and you wont be able to attack back. The dbow cant hit 60's, but It can hit 2 37's at once.
  12. That must really suck giving away 5 phat sets... That 7.575 gp, or 7,575,000,000 gp. With that, you could buy literaly every item in runescape twice.
  13. I have about 500k bronze arrows on tut island with no way to get them off. I'm waiting for some way to do it, but I'm not having any luck so far. Although you used to be able to telegrab them off.
  14. Here is the website from which I got the quotes. http://games.infoseka.lt/scamming.html **IMPORTANT: This person cheated in runescape, so do not click on any of his scamming/autoing guides or whatever else is on that site.
  15. Lol @ jagex. Wrong forum btw. This belongs in the RuneScape Bugs & Suggestions forum. Edit: It is a seperate poll. The german one only includes results from the german version.
  16. There are at least 200 left in the game. He said that spinach rolls, pineapples and charcoal were a JOKE. There are more Santas than individual masks. The santa drop rate was nearly 2x the mask drop rate, plus there were more players when santas where dropped. I would estimate 3,000 mask sets, or 9,000 individual masks. I would estimate 15,000 santas.
  17. I wish jagex would post on the rsof comfirming wether or not it's a glitch. I dont want to get banned for bug abuse.
  18. Let me elaborate on that "not much better than the whip" part. The Godsword has a hefty +132 strength and slash bonus. The whip has a +82 strength and slash bonus. That's pretty hefty too. Why? The Godsword has a number to represent its speed, assigned by Jagex itself, which is four. The whip has a speed of 6. now, for some math: 82/132 = .621212121 6/4 = 1.5 So that's saying the whip is about 2/3 of the Godsword's strength, but 1.5 times the speed. The inverse of 1.5 is approximately 2/3. That means the whip is almost as strong as the Godsword (without specs) - but we're forgetting that the whip is a 1-handed weapon, which means you can wield a defender, or a charged dragonfire shield. I'll say you wield a defender, because it adds slash accuracy and not much defence. The godsword's point is to kill your enemy quickly, so it doesn't have defence. The whip for this comparison should be roughly the same way. With the new numbers, it goes like this: 87/132 = .6590909090909 6/4 = 1.5 Now that's even closer to 2/3. With the dragonfire shield, which adds +2 more strength, it comes out to MORE than 2/3. Which would, in that case, make the whip more effective. Of course, this is all without the godsword's insane specs. That's the only thing is has over the whip. Otherwise, mathematically, it is only as strong as the whip. In brute strength (raw str bonus) it IS the most powerful weapon so far. But who's to say a weapon with...oh...+120 str comes along? It will probably be faster. Maybe not 1-handed. Or maybe it will be - that would be even better. Sorry about the long post; I was bored. In other words, the godsword is 1.6x stronger in terms of attack and strength, but the whip is 1.5x faster. That means if you fight with the godsword alone, it will be better than the whip. 6% better. BUT if you use a defender, the godsword will be 1.3x better than the whip in terms of attack, and 1.5x better in terms of strength. That means whip+ defender is 7% better than the godsword. But anyway, what I meant by "not much better than the whip" is that the weapon isn't good enough to beat the whip once you calculate in the other bonuses.
  19. They'll all be back in a day or two. Unless jagex IP banned them.
  20. this weapon isn't even much better than the whip. What we need is a weapon the requires around 85-95 attack, and 80-95str. You would need a 3 party quest series that requires 60+ in multiple skills and requires you to kill a level 400 boss monster. After you do this, you will have to kill a level 150 or so demon that rotates between mele, ranged, and magic protect prayer. Your protect prayers will only be a 75% protection when fighting this monster. The monster would drop a cirtificate as a 50% drop (they cirtificates are stackable btw). You will need to get a certain amount of certificates (4*[you cb lvl]-150). That means you need 250 cirtificates at lvl 100, 290 cirtificates at lvl 110, and 350 at lvl 125. After you have the required amount of certificates, you trade some person at the end of the quest. You show him the certificates, and he then tells you he needs 6 shards to make the weapon. He then tells you there are 6 monsters you must kill (all of which are in the 220-280 range). The monsters would have level 70 healers that hit through prayer. Once you finish killing all the monsters, you go back to the person, who then takes all 6 shards, your cirtificates, and then charges you an additional 7million gp. You come back after 5 hours, and he will have your sword.
  21. the game is aimed at 12- . That is the kind of stuff in games for people who are 12- .
  22. He probably has a program that removes the coins, adds 1 coin, and accepts again the second it sees another item on the screen, or the second he presses a button. And I'd say it is one coin.
  23. so whip lovers, can your whip do that?
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