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Everything posted by Kill_Thomas9

  1. Yes! It's great to look like a concentration camp prisoner in an environment where there are so many comforts! It's my metabolism, I'm like a freaking shrew. The same thing happens to me. I'm 5'7" 115 lbs and I eat like a freakin pig... no scratch that. I eat like a cow. When I go to school, and I eat lunch, my friends give the occasional "Damn you eat like a fat@$$!" comment. Just so you can relate to how skinny that is, my waist is 30.25". Thats a size 27 waist jeans, and I wear a 30 length. I'm 14 btw.
  2. [sorry, but damn imageshack and photobucket aren't working]
  3. It would make sense, but I doubt it. I dont see them releasing dragon defenders until they release Bandos and Armadyl trimmed rune armour.
  4. Thats exactly what I was thinking. Why would jagex request a site to take down free advertising? They're just hurting themselvs.
  5. It seemed to me like that was the case. 3 years ago, when I started playing, the game was awesome because it was so big, and there was so much to do, and so many things to explore and try out. Now in the last few months, I spent 2 hours a day making very boring money to afford all the stuff I need for slayer.
  6. Yay! Thanks for the article! I loved it! :D I feel the same way about the game atm. Although I do get urges to play the game sometimes when I'm bored.
  7. Ok, first I agree that the news and things like that show mostly the bad side of things. If you watch the news, 8/10 of the things they show are completely negetive. And I as a Christian do my best not to hate or discriminate against anybody for any reason. And if I did discriminate agianst (or I guess I should say if I have something against) anyone, I would keep it to my self in a way that wouldn't show. Unfortunatly there is always going to be someone who hates some group of people enough to kill them for no reason.
  8. I call BS. Happy now? Edit: Heres the link if you dont believe me: http://www.speedtest.net/global.php?nonisps=1 Look at the fourth one down. And I'm not surprised either. A genious here at UCSB invented a new type of solar cell that is about 20x more efficient cost wise, and can be as cheap to produce as newspapers.
  9. Someone tried that already :P. It was posted here a while ago. Ah, I beleive I remember that topic. And a good one it was too... Anyway, I dont think there is a word to describe how stupid that guy was..
  10. Edit: The university in my city (UCSB) has the fourth fastest downlad speed in the world. I tested and got about 1340kb/s, but I just tested again and got this: Double edit: Triple edit:
  11. Ha Ha very funny...Ya idiot. I would've expected- 1-800-356-EH? Or- 1-800-MAPLESYRUP, 1-800-HOCKEY, 1-800-USLILSISTER The stereotypes hurt my eyes. Ah, that one made me laugh. 1-800-ANIGLOO or 1-800-MOOSEHEADBEER or 1-800-IEATBLUBBER
  12. Runescape doesn't cause weight gain. Lack of excercise does. Runescape is actually better than watching television. Television rotts your brain, while runescape keeps you involved in something.
  13. 1-800- Anyway, your question has been answered. Thread closed! (in a second anyway!)
  14. Actually iPods are multimedia devices. Not just mp3 players. Thats why they're so expensive. Not just because they hold a ton of songs, or because they have a 160gb hard drive. They should be called mmsdmp3 players. (multimedia storage device mp3 players.) Were the original Ipod's multimedia devices? Anyway thats not really the point. The point was that Ipod's drove demand for players that could read the MP3 format, there was no demand for them before the Ipod. Sorry for going off topic there. And yes, the original iPod had games on it, making it more than just another mp3 player. And just the fact the iPods have more memory in them than most computers built 3 years ago is amazing in itself. But anyway, your point is valid, and the iPod did drive up the price of almost all mp3 players.
  15. Actually iPods are multimedia devices. Not just mp3 players. Thats why they're so expensive. Not just because they hold a ton of songs, or because they have a 160gb hard drive. They should be called mmsdmp3 players. (multimedia storage device mp3 players.)
  16. Hey, hey, hey..... Its a [bleep] gold platter you ignorant foreigner!!@31!@#!!!231!!1!! Was that supposed to be funny? Because it wasn't. And the expression is a silver platter incase you didn't know. Anyway, back on topic: In response to all your other posts in which you blame the gold farmers. That is like blaming the past slaves of the US for stealing bread to feed them selvs. They're breaking the law by stealing, and they're taking their masters food which costs them money. Doesn't that mean we should kill them? In what you are saying, you are no better than slave owners of the past. Would you blame the prisoners of concentration camps for sneaking out to get food/clothing? They are doing what they need to survive damnit. In order to place the blame on them, I would like you to answer this: If you lived in china, and had a choice between working in a factory that makes red dye #40, and will give you cancer after working for 5 years, and playing a computer game and selling the money you make, what would you choose. Unless you can truthfuly say, without further thought, that you would work in the red dye #40 factory, you can NOT blame the sweat shop workers. You must blame the filthy rich sweatshop owners. Guess what? NEWS FLASH! The people who own the sweatshop workers dont keep the runescape gold. They buy the gold off the sweatshop workers for like 20 cents per million gp. They then sell the gp for $5 a mil. With 200+ workers, getting 4mil a day, thats 800million gp a day. That means they are getting $3,840 USD per day. Thats over $1,400,000 per year. They probably spend about 1,000,000 on other employees/advertising. That means those sweatshop owners are making 400k a year. Without doing any work. Dont get mad at the sweatshop workers who are making $26 a month to survive. Get mad at the owners who are making 33 grand a month and destroying the game.
  17. Wow, pretty cool. And cruel for that matter. $26 an hour? That REALLY sucks @$$ for them. And for those of you saying you hate america and whatever, go try to start a new life in china with $100. You're going to have a $h!t life. ------------------------------------------- Chinese money is yuan, not yen. I should know, my parents come from China. I can speak Chinese, too. The farmers aren't forced to do it, and they can get better jobs at a factory or someplace. Don't feel sorry for them. Actually 23 yen is about 20 cents US Dollars (USD). 23 yuan however is worth about 3.05 US Dollars (USD).
  18. The shoulders on male armour look too big. But the armour looks pretty sweet. And varrok armour is only a chest plate?
  19. An over-intake of salt can KILL you. It dehydrates the body very rapidly. Whoever was responsible can face several years in prison for breaking the health code. And if was salty, the [wagon] cop shoulda asked for a new one.
  20. WHAT THE F*CK. She got arrested for spilling salt. What the sh*t is this world comming to??? And doesn't the crime lab have better things to do? Like solving MURDERS MAYBE???
  21. Yah, this editor(s) is an awesome writer. Well anyway, =D> =D> =D> Horray for the new times article!! =D> =D> =D>
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