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Everything posted by Kill_Thomas9

  1. Yah, I dont have any sources on the price cut. I can only speculate seeing as it will be cheaper to produce, and that Sony is having price cuts, and it will be near christmas.
  2. wow, the dollar has gone down alot in value. I feel sorry for bill gates.
  3. New edit: Conformation that the 360's with the new chips have been released!! 90nm chip: New 65nm chip As almost all Xbox 360 owners know, the Xbox 360 has been plauged by overheating problems ever since it's release. But there may soon be a solution to help combat this problem, while helping them compete with Sony's price cut on the PlayStation3 at the same time. This new technology, code-named Project "Falcon", may greatly reduce the chance of the 360 overheating, and enable Microsoft to cut the price of the console. What is project falcon? It is the name of the newest electronics in the 360. It includes an IBM microprocessor and an AMD/ATI graphics chip that are reduced to a size of 65nanometers from the size of the old 90nm chips. Now what advantage do these new chips have over the old chips? Surely it isn't to make the 360 more compact. After all, 25nanometers can't make much of a difference when the Xbox 360 is 320 mm wide x 83 mm high x 258 mm deep and weighs 3.5 kg[source]. No, the difference isn't that it just makes the 360 smaller. The difference is heat and manufacturing costs. Of course, getting too hot isn't good for the Xbox 360, but overheating isn't the only problem. The main problem when the 360 cools down when turned off. For example, after an hour of playing Quake 4, the motherboard of the 360 reaches a temperature of 150.8ÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâúF[source]!! When the motherboard reaches these temperatures, and you turn off the 360, the motherboard rapidly cools from 150ÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâúF to room temperature, causing warping. After repeating this process too many times, the motherboard is too warped to work anymore. Now, you may be asking what this has to do with Project Falcon. Well the larger the chip is, the more heat it produces. Therefore, it makes sense that a chip that is almost 30% smaller will make significantly less heat. But, the CPU is, and has been since earlier this year, already being made with the 65nm chip. So why is there hardly any noticable difference? Aside from the fact they they probably aren't on the shelves yet, according to one trusted source (go to the second post by MRCUR), the CPU (Central Processing Unit) isn't the problem. The problem was the GPU (Graphic Processing Unit). The CPU has a great heatsink that keeps it cool. The GPU though gets very hot, causing much of the overheating problems. Implementing the new 65nm chip into the GPU should keep the 360 much cooler. According to many articles [1] [2] [3], the 65nm GPU chip will go into production this fall. Now about the price cuts. This is very simple. The new chips use 27% less material than the old ones. They also take less work, and less steps to produce than the 90nm chips. This all means that these new chips cost up to 50% less to produce[source] than the old ones. Seeing as Sony is cutting the price of their PlayStation 3's, it would make sense for Microsoft to cut the price of their Xbox 360. However this is just speculation based on the fact that production will cost less, the fact the Ps3 is having price cuts, and the fact that Christmas time is comming up. One last advantage to these new chips is the noise level. The noise that the 360 produces is currently much louder than that of the Ps3. But, with the new chips making less heat, you can have less powerful fans, which ultimately means less noise comming from the 360. So with these new chips, we may be looking at a quiter, cooler, less expensive Xbox 360 by mid to late october. Good news for those of us looking to buy one! Sources: http://www.gizmodo.com/gadgets/rumor/xbox-360-gpu-goes-65nm-this-fall-256466.php biz.gamedaily.com/industry/feature/?id=15975 http://www.talkvideogames.com/archive/index.php/thread-1298.html http://www.engadget.com/2007/08/01/xbox-360-65nm-chips-out-there-45nm-chips-in-the-future/ blogs.mercurynews.com/aei/2007/07/microsofts_next_move_code-name_falcon.html http://forums.xbox.com/63/13882627/ShowPost.aspx#13882627 http://www.hardocp.com/article.html?art=OTM5LDQsLGhlbnRodXNpYXN0 http://www.joystiq.com/2007/08/01/65nm-360-chips-in-production-last-two-quarters-45nm-on-the-w/ http://www.techspot.com/news/26071-xbox-360-to-get-65nm-falcon-chips-this-fall.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ That means late 2008 to early 2009 for the 45nm chips.[source]
  4. I'd say thats about accurate.
  5. No. Although if I did it, I would either do it at night somewhere nobody will see me, or wear a skii mask during it.
  6. Really? Whats PS splicing? Well I would do that if it weren't for an appearent lack of technological knowledge :P . You mean my former friend? I dont think he would like me much anymore if I got him fired. I would, but I dont know much about skate parts. Although it really cant be too hard. Maybe get a cashier job? :P
  7. I was thinking of either somehow changing the locks at the school over winter break, or making copies of the master key, and sending them to half the seniors. If it wasn't illegal, me and a group of about 20 people would take the principal's car, and reassemble it in his office :P .
  8. I'm making this topic to make a list of all the good senior pranks everybody here can think of. It might be useful for some people in years to come :P So post away!
  9. DAMN THAT WAS HILARIOUS!! I was seriously laughing for an entire minute. Partly because I can see myself doing that. Although our school is outdoors. But we could always superglue dead rats to all the classroom doors. Just out of curiosity, where did you get the dead cat?
  10. Most schools have the rule that students aren't allowed to sell things.
  11. I would second that. *cough*iTunes store*cough*
  12. Are you 10, or is inglish just not your native language? Anyway, if you had read the thread, or even the title, you would know that I'm 14. And as stated before, I have a friend that works at a skate shop at 14, and a friend who works at coldstone, which is a very lage ice cream shop chain. And I live in a town called Santa Barbara where the average housing cost is 1.6million USD. So you decide wether or not it's a big city.
  13. Well I work in Santa Barbara, and everything costs more here. Even the jobs. Even the houses here are insanely priced. It's almost impossible to find a decent house for under $1,000,000. The rent for college apartments is about $4,000 a month. Oh, and one of my friend gets $9.00 an hour starting pay working at a skate shop. He also gets 40% off everything there. And he's 14 too btw. Edit: I just checked, and Our city is the fourth most expensive in California as of 2005. The only cities that are more expensive are La Jolla, Santa Monica, and Beverly Hills[source]. So, yah. Jobs here pay reletively well. My friend works as Cold Stones, and gets $7.50 an hour, plus 3$-4$ an hour in tips. So really, he makes $10.50-$11.50 an hour.
  14. Crysis > Halo There was an article in Popular Science about this, it was talking about how when the graphics get "too" realistic, to the point where they are almost human, people tend to look for minor imperfections and mistakes, or something like that. I've never seen (or heard of) Crysis. And it makes sense that they would do that. I mean, in runescape you're not going to say "That grass is too grainy!" when the grass is just a huge patch of green. You never heard of Crysis? It's coming out to PC soon and even the biggest fans of other FPS games admit Crysis is far superior graphically. I can't really even explain how awesome the graphics are, and screenshots don't do the game justice, you need to see a full motion HD video. Anyway, let me put it this way. -The game is sponsored by nVida (since you need about $2000 of their graphics cards to play the game) -The game is sponsored by Windows (since it is the first real game to use Direct X 10, which means XP users have to buy Vista to play it) -Essentially no PC in the world today can play the game at max quality. The makers predict that it will take two to three years until a store bought PC can play the game in it's highest quality. Oh, and good article, never thought about Runescape like that before. :) That is an actual screen shot of the game! Crap thats good graphics! Actually, thats not good, thats insane.
  15. Yah, I had a spanish teacher (a white guy) who's voice always cracked. He was STRANGE. The entire grade hated him. He was a total [wagon]. You would be sitting in your seat, and he would hear someone whisper behind you, and send you outside. And in 7th grade I tossed a peice of lint off my binder, and he gave me a detention for "agressively throwing an object at another classmate". Then last year, he would always promise us stuff, and then never do it. For example: He told us that every monday he would give us a homework pass if we had our warm up excercises out. That was 3 months before school got out. He gave out 6 the entire rest of the year, and I would pester him about it every day. He told us we could turn the unused ones in at the end of the year for 10 points extra credit points. I turned mine in, and he didn't cound them, which caused my grade to drop by entire letter grade. So we emailed him for about a month, and CC'ed all the emails to the principal. Finaly he changed the grade. Then just last week I found out that he got fired! \ \ :thumbsup: :thumbsup: \ =D> =D> \ :thumbsup: :pray: \ Does that make your voice crack more or less?
  16. They still have sperm banks? What do they pay ? :P Btw, that reminds me of the Family Guy episode where peter has to pee in the jar, and place it on the shelf, and when he goes into the room he knocks over all the shelvs, and get pee all over him. The he says "Oh yah, everything went fine. And I didn't knock over the shelvs and have to fill all the jars with my own pee, hehe."
  17. I'm wasn't really looking for manual labor jobs, but I'll probably end up mowing my neighbor's lawn anyway. Although the lawn doesn't really grow during the winter. Tutoring might be good, because I can do my homework while they're doing their homework. All I would do is help them when they get stuck/dont know how to do something. Still looking for more sugestions.
  18. Dont really think thats possible see as I already have to get up at 6:00AM for school. But its a good idea though.
  19. Well I'm going to be 15 soon, and I am planning on buying an Xbox 360 this December or Janurary once they start production of the new 360's with the 65nm chips[source]. Depending on wether or not they have price cuts, the 360 premium system will cost from $300-$350. I will spend another $75-$100 on extra wireless controllers and battery packs. And that doesn't even include the $100-$150 I will spend on a decent television, and the $100 I will spend on games. So altogether I'm looking at $600-$700. Now I need to know of jobs that will accept minors for workers, and pay decently ($9+ an hour). So, what would you guys reccomend for a decent job? Edited to update price estimate
  20. So they have a computer with 4.5TB of storage capacity a year? Bullcrap.
  21. Just so you know, this article sounded very opinionated. But thats just my opinion :P .
  22. Crysis > Halo There was an article in Popular Science about this, it was talking about how when the graphics get "too" realistic, to the point where they are almost human, people tend to look for minor imperfections and mistakes, or something like that. I've never seen (or heard of) Crysis. And it makes sense that they would do that. I mean, in runescape you're not going to say "That grass is too grainy!" when the grass is just a huge patch of green.
  23. I know I would :| I prefer turn based, side scrolling games to games like halo and other things. Well it's your opinion. I guess if you strongly prefer role playing games over games such as Halo or other FPS games you may prefer DeviousMUD. But games with "Better than life graphics" make me feel much more connected to the game.
  24. I've learned: 1. You cant trust people no matter what. 2. Just because you try hard at something, and give it all you can, doesn't mean your work will pay off. 3. No matter how many times you say something, there will always be people who don't listen. 4. Just because you have more experience/know more that someone else dosen't mean they need to give you any respect at all.
  25. Well this is great news for me! I had better go buy my guthans now.
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