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Everything posted by Kill_Thomas9

  1. It's much easier to raise your level with any other bone in the game.
  2. Why cant you do both? Monkey madness is easier though.
  3. Should this not go in the suggestions forum? Edit: Do I have excelent timing or what?
  4. I would reccomend reading my post if you're going to buy one. Actually, I highly reccomend it.
  5. may I ask why you're going?
  6. We're all waiting, but at least he has an excuse for taking a while :P
  7. I guess my school is pretty cool. We can wear hats where ever we want. Even during class. We can use cell phones at lunch and even between classes. Some teachers let us have them out during class as long as we dont use them. We can have our iPods out when ever we want as long as we dont use them during class. That is unless the teacher has something against it. We get 6 minutes between classes. After 2nd period, we get a "nutrition break" which means an extra 4 minutes between classes. During PE, we just sit and talk to eachother for 10 minutes. Then we run a lap and (a 1/4 mile), do 20 sit ups and 15 pushups for another 10 minutes. After that we do lesson thing, which usualy consists of a sport. This quarter we're rotating between tennis, volleyball, and badmitten (sp?) for 20 minutes. The other 16 of the period consist of dressing, and walking between our activities. Conclusion: My school is awesome. Oh, and no body cares if you're walking through the halls during a class period. The only thing that happens is the occasional teacher (there are probably 5 in the school) that yell "Get to class!!!!". Other than that, the only thing that happens is we either get marked truant, or tardy. 3 tardies = detention, but none of the teachers actually follow that rule.
  8. You wouldn't need to generate a random image each time. You could have each armour slot change individually. Meaning you select a platebody, and it just generates something for that part of the image, instead of having every single armour combination possible. I guess I was a little unclear on that. I meant that we would just have to have a shot of each part, not every combination as a whole. And when I said a random image, I meant that anybody could make any image, making it random and unpredicatble. Sorry for the confusion! ~Rcty It would be a huge undertaking, but with the help of the entire community, I'm sure it would be possible. If everybody submitted an item, we would be done.
  9. You wouldn't need to generate a random image each time. You could have each armour slot change individually. Meaning you select a platebody, and it just generates something for that part of the image, instead of having every single armour combination possible.
  10. Well my mom is a teacher, so I cant help her there, and my dad works at Raytheon, which is a technology developer. They have top of the line security systems (guards, security codes, and cards you need to swipe, ect), and my dad has full acess to everything, which means that he is one of like 50 people in the US who can go there. So I dont think that would work either.
  11. http://www.halo3countdown.com/ add this to your post
  12. Since you went through all the trouble of making a picture, I'll reply to it. That sucks. If they're going to make you miserable by going back and forth, they might have the decency to let you through the door. Anyway, I'm sure you'll have more fun in highschool.
  13. Its one of the best times of my life, and it's still happening. I must admit my life is exponentialy better now that I dont really play runescape. Runescape will take over your life!! But I'm surprised my voice is still cracking after like 2 or 3 years.
  14. Hehe... You know the paper sign the football team runs through at the beginning of each game? I've always wanted to make it out of saran wrap, and have them try to run through it. Lol.
  15. Crysis > Halo There was an article in Popular Science about this, it was talking about how when the graphics get "too" realistic, to the point where they are almost human, people tend to look for minor imperfections and mistakes, or something like that. I've never seen (or heard of) Crysis. And it makes sense that they would do that. I mean, in runescape you're not going to say "That grass is too grainy!" when the grass is just a huge patch of green. You never heard of Crysis? It's coming out to PC soon and even the biggest fans of other FPS games admit Crysis is far superior graphically. I can't really even explain how awesome the graphics are, and screenshots don't do the game justice, you need to see a full motion HD video. Anyway, let me put it this way. -The game is sponsored by nVida (since you need about $2000 of their graphics cards to play the game) -The game is sponsored by Windows (since it is the first real game to use Direct X 10, which means XP users have to buy Vista to play it) -Essentially no PC in the world today can play the game at max quality. The makers predict that it will take two to three years until a store bought PC can play the game in it's highest quality. Oh, and good article, never thought about Runescape like that before. :) [/hide] That is an actual screen shot of the game! Crap thats good graphics! Actually, thats not good, thats insane. Woow! Is that a game! Looks amazing! OT: Lovely read, I even agree with it. EDIT: Found another amazing pic, it's kinda large though: [hide=click for pic!][/hide] Yeah, the beta is awesome, but I have to play in (incredibly)low detail on my laptop, because I still need 500 dollars more for my new pc... Look at the detail on this guy: [hide=Big image][/hide] INSANE.
  16. Yah, I seem to get them every time I teleport to trade a buyer. I either get that, or evil bob (or prison bob).
  17. Oh the heatpipe thing I was talking about is a type of heatsink :wink: . When/if they integrate the power supply it will be when they can shrink the 360 motherboard enough that it will not make the size any bigger. It would be stupid for them to come out with a bigger 360. You have to remember if the dye shrink will cut costs by 50% for the manufacturer, Microsoft may not see all 50% savings. I think IBM makes the cpu. ATI I know for sure makes the graphics. Microsoft needs to make money eventually too on these consoles. They don't have to drop the price everytime they cut manufacturing costs. If that were true, the PS2 would be a lot cheaper. I hope they drop the price, but if the PS3 stays the price it is now, they have no reason to. Oh, I see what you're saying about the power supply. And I forgot that IBM makes the cpu, not Microsoft. But hopefuly they'll cut the price of the 360 for Christmas.
  18. That might not work, intoxication sometimes means difficulty, erm... I remembered that anouther highschool in my district had a full grown tree planted in the middle of their football feild. Wow, lol. That must have screwed up the feild. It would be fun to pull a prank as a junior, and have everybody think it was the seniors. We cold rig the bell to ring for like an hour.
  19. Wimp. For your first time you can cover up with a hand, but that's it. Ah, sticks and stones, Kate monster. The internet is for.... Ya I'll stop there :P I believe the next word is cencored anyway :P
  20. I would, but I cant swim in cold water.
  21. Most schools have the rule that students aren't allowed to sell things. our principal( a lepercaun(sp?)) is ok as long that is not drugs or anything. candy wholesell site ^^im ordering 40 dollars worth of candy here to sell for 30 dollar profit., Damn lucky. I tried selling $15 worth of candy at my old school, and they confiscated it. But there is a way to sell candy without getting in trouble. You give each of 5 friends $6 worth of candy that they will sell for $12. Have your friends eat some candy, and when people ask for some, have your friends sell it to them, and have your friends tell the people to buy it from you from now on. Either that or make a bunch of signs that tell everybody to meet like 2 of your friends at a certain time that day if they want to know where to buy candy. Than have your friends tell them all the details on how to buy, ect.
  22. You'd think that wouldn't be very hard.. But we have security cameras everywhere in my school. There are multiple per hallway, enough to see the entire cafeteria, plenty to monitor the parking lots.. It's rediculous.. Invest in a ski mask =) Exactly what I was thinking. But make sure not much of your eyes are showing. And wear plain black long pants, and a plain black sweatshirt, and dress shoes.
  23. The ps3 and the 360 have completely different cooling systems. I believe the ps3 uses a copper heatpipe system to dissipate the heat through the whole system (which would require less fans) while the 360 uses the traditional heatsink on the chip with fans. Even with the shrink I don't think it would get quieter, it will probably use the same fans but run a lot cooler and have zero overheating. I doubt Microsoft will cut the price too much, if at all after this. For one, the R&D (research and development) to design a smaller chip costs a lot of money. Although the gpu chip costs more than the cpu so that may impact the price. For the first few months I think it will be the same price then it will drop down $50 or so. Hey the 360 may not get smaller but since the heat will not be an issue, Microsoft may try to design a 360 with an integrated power supply. I can see Microsoft cutting the price around Christmas time. If the chip costs 50% less to produce than the old one, that is probably at least a $50 savings by Microsoft if they have 2 such chips (one in the CPU and one in the GPU). If so, I can see them cutting the price in mid-December. And I'm pretty sure the the Ps3 does in fact have a different cooling system, but it does have a heatsink. I'm not 100% sure though, and I cant find the sources to confirm what I'm saying. However, I wasn't saying that the 360 will be quieter than the Ps3. I was just stating that if they can cool it off enough, the fans wont have to work as hard, and the entire system will be quieter than it is now. If Microsoft does integrate the power supply, I seriously doubt it will be before they come out with the 45nm chip. It's unlikely though, because that would make the 360 reasonably taller and hotter. That would mean the 360 would be right where it is now, but taller, and without a black box.
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