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Everything posted by Kill_Thomas9

  1. Kill_Thomas9


    Browsing around a few sites today, I found this article on why a "Zombie Apocalypse" could actually happen. Have fun! Here are the reasons: #5 #4 #3 #2 #1
  2. Quoted from BTS Nvmbr. This is going to be a HUGE update, according to Jagex, but knowing them, it'll be a quest/lame skill that was half baked and could've been milked to its full potential. What do YOU think it's going to be? ;o I think you should quit getting mad at Jagex for making a crappy update before you have the slightest idea what the update will be. They did say that they would be leaking out hints over the next few weeks, but I think they may have meant the horizon time-wize.
  3. If I said I played rs at my school, the responses would be: 33%: Wtf is runescape? 33%: Wow, you're such a nerd. 30%: Wtf, runescape sucks. 4%: What level are you?
  4. From what I understand, you're saying that they made it so the wines are no longer notable, but the un noted version is still available. So only the noted wines are discontinued. (And yes I am talking about un-fermented wines)
  5. Your title is misleading, and how can you think of ways to exploit the system when you dont yet know what it will be like, or how it will work.
  6. Nice collection of images. I'll see if I have any to contribute.
  7. Exact opposite for me. I used to hate it, and then i choked on it. Ever since about a month or two afterwards I loved it Salad is like that for me. When I was 8 or 9, I would eat the center crunchy part of lettuce because it didn't have much flavor, and I didn't like the greens. Then when I was 10, until I was about 13, I absolutly hated salad I wouldn't touch it. Now I love salad.
  8. Breaded shrimp. I used to obsess over it, and now I gag on it. Although it's fine aslong as it isn't breaded or deep fried.
  9. Back from the dead? Well since it's back, I might as well keep it back. I was thinking, it would be great to cement the doors to a bunch of the classrooms shut, and then grease the floors in front of the doors :P . That way when they try to pull the doors open they slip on the ground :D :lol: .
  10. I wouldn't reccomend california atm considering half the state is still on fire, but if you aren't going for a few months California would be fine if you don't visit the burned part of the state.
  11. Merchanting will no longer be for those who can type incredibly fast, and can click for an hour to get into world 2. It will be for those who are very rich, and can manipulate prices to their liking.
  12. I can't imagine they would only make a selling side. I'm sure they have thought of all the consequences of what that could do.
  13. I'm not denying that global warming is happening, I'm not sure its the fault of humans that's causing it. Mars is also warming up as one example; and if you can't look from both perspectives on the argument then you look like the ignorant fool. (1) I dearly hope you aren't basing your opinion of the scientific mainstream that global warming is in the majority caused by humans on people like in the OP. This is exactly my point, you should NEVER base your opinion of it on alarmist morons, most notably any media source as they're prone to spew at you whatever sells and not a balanced literature based account. @ The bold, allow me to rehash: It's amazing what you can learn with a little research. General Reading: [1] [2] [3] [4] EPICA Ice Core data aligns with previous Vostok Ice Core data to reconstruct CO2 concentration and align it with temperature changes over the past 700,000+ years. Articles: [1] See figure 1 in detail. Notice the strong correlation of CO2 concentration and 'delta D' - a temperature proxy. Also notice the correlation of CO2 concentration and 'delta O-18 (isotope of oxygen)' - a proxy of ice volume. Also notice the maximum CO2 concentration for this 260,000 year period was found to be around 290ppm. [2] See figure 3. Again, notice the correlation of CO2 concentration and temperature. Also notice the maximum CO2 concentration for this 400,000 year period was found to be around 290-300ppm. [3] See figure 4 in detail. Again, notice the strong correlation between temperature and CO2 concentration. Again, notice the maximum CO2 concentration for this 200,000 year period was found to be around 290ppm. See figure 3 in detail. Notice the rise in CO2 concentration up to around 340ppm prior to the year 2000, uncharted territory for hundreds of thousands of years. [4] Notice the current atmospheric CO2 concentrations are in excess of 380ppm. [5] Notice this summation of CO2 concentrations, in ppm, over the past 400,000 years, in line with the data already presented. Now, notice the huge deviation from the trend of CO2 concentration from around the year 1800 on; the time of the industrial revolution where masses of CO2 were being pumped into the atmosphere. Connect the dots. I conclude, from this little data gathering exercise, that it is ignorant to claim that CO2 concentration increases have nothing to do with modern warming trends and that human activity has nothing to do with these concentration increases. Ergo, we are contributing to global warming. This is nothing new. The consensus is that human contributed climate change is supported by the evidence. [6][7] So what of the argument that Mars is experiencing global warming, therefore it must be the sun and thus the sun is making earth heat up too? [8] [9] [10] So, according to these sources, albedo variations, which are the determinant of sunlight reflection back into space, are changing due to dust storms which act somewhat analogously to CO2 and the greenhouse effect - trapping solar radiation within the atmosphere. No excess solar output required. [11] Here, another suggestion for the changing climate on Mars is put forth - periodical planetary orbital wobbles and tilts akin to Milankovitch cycles on earth - the orbital and tilt shifts which are suggested control the ice ages. Now, for the idea that the sun alone causes climate change or that it's not humans that are the main contributors: [12] [13] [14] [15] Wow, long post. May I point out to anybody that watches any videos/movies on global warming that you can not just watch a video on global warming and believe it. And that the same goes for the converse. You can not watch a video that talks about how the global warming points are invalid and believe that. You have to listen to both sides of the arguement. Otherwise you might end up watching this bull [crud] video here, and believe that this guy who talks on the phone for 20 minutes with a video playing in the background, and who almost no sources has given valid counter-arguments can prove 5 years of scientists with hundreds of different computer models, and physical samples is correct.
  14. Same as him except for these: 1. How often and how much do you eat Meat/nuts/eggs/fish? Every day. 6. You are alone at home and you are hungry, you may prepare something as you normally do. What do you eat as a snack? Not much. Maybe some chips. 11. Age(opinional but suggested) 15 12. Student Level? If not a student, are you under labour employment or desk work? High School 13. Country living in and ethnicity? United States. I'm 1/2 German, and also Yugoslavian, Polish, Dutch (I think), and 1 other thing I cant remember. I the human equivalent of a mut :P .
  15. Actually the prices of rares hasn't really gone up at all since Cursed You got banned.
  16. They let kids in bars? Jeez, mine was so long ago..i don't even remember...so why am i posting? Who said he was a kid? He could be 26 for all you know.
  17. Whenever I sit for more than an hour, when I get up I get dizzy, my vision turns purple, then black, and I have to lean on something to keep from falling over. Sometimes I even loose consciousness for a few seconds.
  18. Yah... There was an email about this going around about 5 months ago, but with cell phones in general. And guess what? It was a lie. So I might want to do some other background research on this first.
  19. What he said. Otherwise the water doesn't absorb much oxygen, and the fish dont live as long.
  20. Just because its in the computer doesn't mean its not real... doesn't you watch pure pwnage. :P Sorry, I cant say I do watch it :P
  21. I wasn't saying that they were interchangable. I was saying that if both of us right, then they would be the same, but since they obviously aren't the same thing, then one of us is wrong. I was just hoping that someone could prove me wrong. But I already figured out why I was wrong. If I wasn't so tired, I wouldn't have made such a stupid mistake. What I said was complete bull crap. Velocity doesn't have to be negetive for time to be negetive. It will just make time negetive. I guess I was thinking that time was a result of distance over velocity. But that isn't true. So I'll edit my post so I wont look like such an idiot now. But it is possible to have a negative velocity. You just need a negative time.
  22. The only reason speed can't be lower than 0 is because speed (or lets say velocity just to make things easier) is just a measure of an object's displacement (or speed) over time (in seconds). So if v=d/t, the only way to get a negetive velocity is to either have either a negetive distance which is impossible (I will get to the reason in a moment) or a negetive time. Displacement (or d) is a property created by the space between two points. So if point a were at the coordinates (4,2), and point b were at the coordinates (4,5), then d would be 3. But how would you have a displacement of -3? Even if point a was at (4,2), and point b was at (4,-1), then the displacement of -1 and 2 would still be 3. So if there is no way to have a negetive displacement, then the only way to have a negetive velocity (v) would be to have a negetive time (t). So according to what I just said, the only reason v can't be negetive is because t can't be negetive. But according to what you said, the only reason t cant be negative is because v can't be negative. So either time and velocity are the same thing (or at least interchangable), or one of us is wrong. And it's too late for me to think in enough detail to figure out which is the correct conclusion. So if someone could prove one of us wrong, I would appreciate it, because this paradox-like thing is kind of annoying (the fact that velocity and speed seem to be the same thing, while at the same time velocity is a product of the space between two points over the amount of time the object is in motion). Mind... clouded...
  23. I dont much care for the game. And I really dont understand why someone would spend 100 grand on some space island thing that doesn't even exist. Anyway, most of the game is coding. In order to "play" the game, you need to read this first. Although it may be easier to learn with one of these ingame tutorials. After you learn the basics, you should go here to learn how to script things. Once you have mastered most of the stuff there, you can actually play the game as intended.
  24. I want to know how to get my password back for runemonkey!! It has a link to the contact form, but it doesn't work. It also says to contact Debo Rock in runescape if can't login, but he isn't ever on. I would make a new account, but It says my runescape name is already taken. Can somebody please give me some help??
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