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Everything posted by yuriqiu

  1. All party hats aren't 2b+ In fact Red had a crash today and is now selling below 1.4bil. I'm pretty optimistic that it will recover though. There wasn't really a reason for Reds to crash today and is mostly caused by a panic sell.
  2. This does show that there are probably new audiences that wants to seek out new botting sites. As for RS dying from lower searches, it means RS isn't growing, not that its dying. People can blame Iddson as much as you want, but one thing that guy got right was that he got the marketing aspect of RS down and was able to generate huge buzz + profits for Jagex that MMG has not yet been able to achieve.
  3. If Jagex intends to make this place for clans to recruit, they don't know anything about the clan world. Mass recruiting for a clan is pretty much a self imposed death sentence by any clan that tries it. People interested in the clan world knows how to seek out the good clans themselves, the quality of the recruits at this camp will just be useless meatshields that destroys a clan's culture. Meaning that the top tier clans like ROT/RSD/TT won't even think about using this. I don't even think RSB clans such as EB/WF would consider using something as pointless as this. On a side note, the graphics are pretty good.
  4. First article: Its been known for a long time that Jagex's original methods for creating skills were flawed. Obviously skills that were more efficiently trained by machines rather than humans would not appeal to a human audience. I see them fixing that now though with Dungeoneering. While your punishment seems creative, the biggest part against bots right now is that Jagex's bot detection system isn't just one step behind the bot creators. It's more around miles behind bot coders. I always wondered why can't a J mod take 15 minutes out of their day and visit for example w84 LRC themselves and see how many botters are truly there. A simple QC of what's your mining/fishing level would yield around 50 responses at the minimum. While this is only small fries compared to the true RWT/Botting community it would still show at least that Jagex is doing something proactive. Second article: All I can say is I think I found a new favorite Tip it Times author. Glad to see the Times starting to return to publishing better articles as it used to a couple of years ago. Not just this week but for the past couple of weeks in fact. This one stands out in how well the author has done his research and analyzed the motives behind Jagex's moves carefully and to the point. Hope to see more articles like this in the future.
  5. I don't feel safe without my primal 2h anymore...
  6. Whoa, wonder what this is about..
  7. Pretty sure you'd have to actually choose to enter the whole voice chat thing, kinda like a CC. Note: avoid populated voice-chat CCs. Or, you know, most voice-chat CCs in general or whatever they'd end up having. No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no. Few things: I don't want to hear random people. I really don't. I don't want to hear some person saying swear words for [cabbage]s and giggles. Or yelling/swearing at me. Or literally hear hundreds of people screaming on W2 or the GE. Or, for that matter, have random people hear ME having a voice conversation. ^This^ ... and the GE on any given world lags horribly already. How much more would it lag with a voice client added? :unsure: There seems to be a lot of problems with this idea at the moment. For example how will a rs voice client be able to compete with something like this: This is only the Teamspeak of a team, not an organized clan. I didn't want to screeny my old clan's Ventrillo because it usually has 20-40 people on it at all times and its too annoying to screeny that to show the intricacies of their organization. Can Jagex really make the simple RS clan chat as intricate as a Teamspeak like this? Even better, can they even allow players to peronalize the cc setup to let it be this complicated without taking up too much server space? If Jagex really wants to support Voice chat, they really should just enter into a partnership with Teamspeak or Ventrillo. It would make their lives and the players lives a whole lot easier.
  8. One thing I feel that this review does show us. RS has a pretty steep learning curve. You don't really get into the "meat" of the game until well after you started. This is probably not too good for growth for rs.
  9. Lol I have to say I resemble that remark. There are better games out there but for those who can't be bothered playing a game that takes 1 day to download and install, well RS is the best. Come on, we all know this is what players really do. I also agree that weirdly, players in RS f2p almost never talk. And thats why I have such a hard time training fishing/hunting or any gathering skill for that matter. Most of RS's skills were built to be done by machines rather than humans. Dungeoneering is a rare exception. That is not to say that there isn't fun things to do in RS such as PKing (bridding and clan pkri), PvM, and various minigames. Since skilling is mind numbingly boring I tend to afk them while I study and take the gains from those to things I actually enjoy doing on RS.
  10. There are too many people with too much money capable of too many buyouts for deflation to reach those levels. Once high end goods like spirit shields and nex armor and rares start spiraling, they'll be picked up by speculators and rise again. Meanwhile, alch prices hold the value of most of the low level market up. Not a likely scenario. However that is only a very small part of the RS market. You have to remember sigil shields and Nex armors as well as party hats are only available to the best of the best in the rs community. For the average player who can only afford bandos/ags with their bank how will this affect them? Even with some of the massive banks out there I am still skeptical if the rich few can overcome the will of the entire money market. i.e. Even if torva plate costs 5bil each, it can not dominate the market if there's only 10 torva plate there while theres 100k 50m ags's circulating the market.
  11. Honestly that doesn't accomplish anything. If you don't get it by the 3rd time it should just be an account deletion. Simple and easy.
  12. If you know how fast you can use up 10k oak planks you can run a simple integral to calculate the average xp rate under the curve. I remember when this bonus xp day first came out I calced from 1-10 hr of training on 1 skill is equivalant to roughly 1.7x the xp for 10 hrs. Or you can go with the carefree scaper's mind and just train until you're bored :)
  13. Considering Chaotic Rapier and +1 pvp is dead, I don't think whips will be nearly as popular as before. (Yes people without chaotics will need them but there's no real way for items such as whips to exit the game anymore. They used to be destroyed if people used them in non+1 worlds but now they'll just get cycled on to someone else.) Although after the 2x weekend items should have a slight rebound seeing as people who sold gear to train skills will once again need their items back. EDIT: Looking at the Rune Wiki CTI, the market item prices has been falling drastically. There has been a general downward trend since March 2010 to now from a peak of near 180 to a low of 90 (Item prices has halved in roughly a little under a year). It has only briefly rebounded to 120 since the announcement of the 2x weekend. I remember when PvP Statuettes were first introduced to RS and people began the panic calling of inflation. However, what about a deflation scare? According to economics theory, deflation is much worse than inflation because it will cause a stagnation in the market. i.e. People will begin to hold onto money and refuse to purchase goods (Or in RS terms, items/consumables). This will cause a freeze in the market and a downward spiral to continue to cause the market to deflate. Tl;dr Does it seem like RS is now entering into a period of deflation and how will it affect item prices? Will Phats act as the "Gold" of RS and rise or do you think people will sell phats to purchase Sigil Shields/Nex armors and that phats will fall? EDIT: EDIT: Just to put things in perspective. The Rune Wiki CTI has not been this low since April 2009, when PvP was just reintroduced to RS.
  14. [citation needed] Isn't that for water? I'm pretty sure people can be sleep deprived for 1 week+. (Not Recommended) As for bots, at the moment on my friend list, I know 3 people who have botted to 99 rc. From those 3 I know around 16 people who botted to 99 rc. 1 of the 3 friends reached 20m xp in rc using a bot in a little over a month while at the same time making 300m to afford his elysian. He then rwt'd 300m after free trade was out at a price of $100 to upgrade to divine. His name was actually rank around top 10 in runetracker rc xp gains for a month until I begged him to stop botting as it might get him banned. He did not get his xp reset once. I don't know if this is the case with everyone because I did hear of 2 people who did have xp resets (one person reset from 99 to 91 another reset from 89 to 53). But the fact that Jagex can allow things like this to go undetected pretty much crushes all of my ideas that they actually have a decent bot detection/rwt detection system. It is why I no longer really care for skilling other than Dungeoneering being the only skill that is still unbottable along with pvm and clan things. I wouldn't be surprised if half of the people on the top 42 rc xp gains on runetracker is actually a bot at this moment. Same goes for any other skill.
  15. With the return of free trade, there comes back many new scams. Some of them were old school (Armor Trimming) and some of them very interesting. So here are a few that I've seen. Please post scams that you've seen to inform fellow players and so we get to lulz at them in game by exploiting the scammers for our own gains. Doubling Item: It seems pretty obvious until you see the first person to get their claws doubled. But that person is actually a friend of the scammer. This works very similarily to the "selling whip 5m" "buying whip 7m" scam. I have seen people lose BGS -> Claws to this scam. The only way to prevent yourself from falling for it is to understand how it works. I have been able to exploit the scammer to a degree by letting him double small amounts of cash (50k->100k->200k->400k was the furthest I've gotten in 15 minutes of work). Scammers for this tend to wait for the big money such as GS/Claws to come over before logging out. If you see someone about to trade him anything such as a GS/GWD armor/Barrows/Claws etc you can warn everyone around and bust the scam wide open. Dungeoneering Cape: Credit to "Thewizard" On Tip it forums who posted here to first inform everyone of this scam. This post explains the scam much more clearly than what I can fit onto here. It is easy for 99 dungers to expose this scam (simply pull out your cape and rings and show to everyone around you what he is doing). Other than that its just stay away and go find trustworthy flower/dice games. 4 item lure: This post by TBK explains the lures very clearly. Best way to counter this is to bring high alchs and alch the noted Rune Halberd or Dragon B-axe that was dropped and scuffle away with the profits. Clan wars dangerous lure: Not much you can do about this other than to just stay away from the red portal and clan chats that participate in dangerous clan wars. If it sounds too good to be true, it normally is. Lava Titan Tele Lure: Someone trades you a lava titan asking you to tele them to a place. The titan actually teleports you to high wilderness just outside of Lava Maze where a team is ready to kill you. The best way to counter this lure for me is to be in a clan that pks. Stall the lurer by being stupid while calling up a 15 minute pk trip with your clan to hit the lava titan spot. Free claws for the clan :)
  16. 10 million? Really?? :S I've probably reported about 4 people in the 6-7 years I've been playing, I'm sure many are the same. I doubt there's more than 5,000 a day. I've seen mod wannabes reporting people for every little thing trying to get that all mighty silver crown next to their names. 10million's probably an exaggeration but I can see 50,000-100,000 a day at least (Just think of all the f2p people who will report every single thing) Just going through 5,000 chat logs will take at least 2-3 people a day. At minimum wage in the UK at 1,138 Euros/Month (Source: Google Public Data) it would cost them 40,000+ Euros a year. Considering its not too expensive to make a computer run through chat logs to search for keywords such as F-Bombs, IRL transaction details, and websites, that alone will save Jagex a whole lot of work/money. It makes sense both financially and from an efficiency standpoint.
  17. f1 - inventory f2 - equip screen f3 - prayer f4 - magic menu f5 - attack styles/special attack. Oh and for the lulz. Alt+f4 = gf'd
  18. Will be interesting. Like someone already said though, RS's own client still can't compete with SwiftKit. I doubt a voice chat provided by Jagex will be able to compete with established tools such ask Ventrillo, Teamspeak, and Skype. Not to say this isn't a move in the right direction though. It is another area for Jagex to explore. Edit: Wouldn't it be cheaper for Jagex to just enter into a form of partnership with an established voice communication software company (Such as Teamspeak)? It would save research and development costs leading to more content updates and pretty much make it simpler for both Jagex and its already established player base.
  19. Actually didn't know this one, usually hug my monsters before casting. Ty! Against the World-Gouger boss, the range prayer helps much more than praying mage? That is because the eye's attack that hits up to a 5x5 area and hits 500s is actually a range attack that can be completely protected by protect from range. You do not need a gate stone to fight against Ya'klor the Thunderous. His special attacks will be fully protected as long as you walk behind the pillar. Therefore, faster and more experienced dungers can kill him faster than the gatestone method with the running method. A bloodrager familiar is much better than Worldbearer/Skinweaver because of the special attack that lowers your opponent's defense. With 5 Sachem Bloodragers and everyone using special attacks, it is the equivalant of having 2-3 SWH specs on a boss monster. If a boss can not be reached by a bloodrager (Ex. Necrolord), a deathslinger is still a much better option as it can hit constant 100-200s on the boss. The highest level door you can have in a dungeon is level 105, therefore, if you are lvl 94+ in all skills, you should be able to open every single door in a dungeon. Primal Full Helm is the rarest item in dungeoneering and can only be obtained by beating the Skeleton Hoard boss on a 5:5 c6 map. However even on a large 5:5 c6 the chances of receiving a Primal Helm is still extremely small. While c1 rushing, it is possible to kill Stomp by spam clicking him after the first form providing you have a team with all primal/prom 2h with near maxxed melee stats. If not you can still easily kill him after the 2nd form by spam clicking. If your world crashes while you are in the middle of a dungeon you will lose your binds.
  20. There was. Honestly, if I can't find an option that fits with the thing I'm reporting I just select the option closest to it. All it does is send a chat/game log to Jagex within the last minute. I'm not even sure if they actually look at the logs from a report sometimes. I think they just run the log through an algorithm and see if they can find anything that resembles a violation of a rule. Considering they probably get 10mil+ reports a day I wouldn't be surprised since having a QA team of that size to deal with all the reports simply would cost way too much.
  21. GoodMagic and EvilMagic* There was also GoodPrayer and EvilPrayer Slayerbelle was the first account to get Untrimmed Slayer cape. It was started by the account Villandra (13th person to achieve 99 slayer if I remember correctly). She then created the account Summonbelle to achieve untrimmed Summoning but stopped half way (forgot the reason). Eventually she did become the first Untrimmed Summoning cape owner in rs under the account Lorica. Finally she began the account Ellesbreyals to achieve her most difficult goal of 99 Slayer with 10 hp (Making over 2bil merching on the way with this account). Her latest goal now is an account called Stinkerbelle in which she will achieve 99 slayer with only melee keeping all other stats at level 1 and doing no quests. Despite common misconception, Zezima lost his #1 ranking in rs for a brief period against N0valyfe. Snake Slava was the first person to achieve 99 range in RS. He was briefly banned when Jagex mistaked his English-Russian translator as a bot. It was heard that he brought his computed to Jagex HQ in order to prove his innocence and started a brand new account called Snake Slavik and accomplished the same achievement of 99 range as the 2nd person in RS. Lilyuffie88 accomplished an achievement that was considered next to impossible when she reached 99 prayer in 2004 briefly after the release of RS2. At the time 99 prayer was considered impossible due to the fact that you were not able to buy noted bones, there was no gilded altar and that there was no ectofunctus. Until RS2's release you had to buy your bones 29 at a time and bury them individually in order to train prayer. During RSC and the beginning of RS2, fletching was considered one of the best money makers in RS. In fact, manufacturing skills did not become unprofitable until after the release of GE as well as Skill Capes.
  22. Any one that gets 6 hr logged on a regular basis seriously needs a life. I've been 6 hr logged like 3 times in my rs playing career (since rsc). It just isn't healthy to spend that long infront of a computer without a break. As for the regular autolog. I like it the way it is. Saves server space and lets actual players play the game.
  23. So they are just leeches, like those idiots in dungoneering at lower levels. Those people are always so mature and nice to be around :rolleyes: I believe I said in the OP somewhere that I haven't MH'd much. I did it pretty heavily for a very short time just before overloads and turmoil got released. Then, I didn't have them, so I switched to other things. No need to get all flamey about it. But hey, since they suck at tanking so bad, we could add on to our earnings by trying to kill them. hehehe, maybe I should bring teleothers. Or you know, if I really cbf to hop, a ddos might work too. <-- definitely the most efficient way to do it. Making your point known without dressing it up with flowers and lollipops does not automatically mean you are flaming. A ddos, i may add, is illegal. Breaking jagex rules is not permitted on this board, good luck trying to justify breaking irl laws to the boss. +1
  24. Why's everyone bashing a quest with a good puzzle? There are people who actually enjoys solving puzzles you know >.> EW3 had one of the funnest and creative puzzles in any of the quests that I have ever done. It's not like someone's pointing a gun at everyone's head forcing you to solve it. If you don't like puzzles then don't do the quest.
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