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Everything posted by chicodallasman

  1. Yes, thats because the barrows are right beside the shade tombs. Once again, traverly and entrana are geographically very close to each other in the first place. and again, the mogres are just a few steps south of the dwarf guy. Port Khazard is a few steps away from the dwarf guy? News to me...
  2. Brody I HATE it... I'd rather be named.... I don't know but not Brody...
  3. If they say they don't like whatever, they probably haven't given it a chance. Try introducing it to them and they might like it. And if that doesn't work, you might befriend them in the process. If that doesn;t work try to find something in common, if you can't chances are you wouldn't be very good friends with them, anyway. I'm the only one (in my school most likely) who likes Nightwish and symphonic metal and all the music stuff from Finland, and my friends accept it. In fact they might even like a song or two lol. They may not like the majoroity of it it but they don't really care that I like it lol.
  4. Simply the best music lol. The bands I'm talkin about are Nightwish, Within Temptation, Epica, Evanescence (sorta metalish) and Lacuna Coil... Of course there are more these are just my personal favourites :P. Anyone else fans of these bands (and the other ones of course)?
  5. If the owner is a bad owner, and lets the dog act that way, the dog will. The license is the best way to go. A poodle and a rottweiller can be just as aggressive as each other, but rottweillers would get the worse treatment because they're stronger. Ya, pitbulls have a natural aggression. It's foolish/unexperienced owners that are giving them a bad rep. I have two german shepherds, they're only aggressive when they have to be, when someone in my family is in danger. With the right training and owner any dog can be controlled.
  6. Cuz you made it didn't you? Lol Why does everyone like chicken? Lol
  7. Whenever I'm in the car I always move my finger on the window so it "jumps" over trees and such... I started doing this when I was like 5 and can't stop :x it's annoying lol... Oh and spelling "like", "liek". People think I'm a noob whenever I do it... Oh! Also when someones at my house and they go on their MSN and I'm talkign to someone on it, I try to use my emoticons... Over and over again. Ok, ONE MORE, I say "..." too much lol.
  8. Buy compressed air, and blow the air everywhere in there if its really dusty. (Or use a vacuum, just be careful, though compressed air works better) If you know where the CPU is feel if its really hot, you might need a glue or something (I can;t remember if it was that or not), which can cost some money. Your best bet is to take it in to a computer repair shop, if that doesn't work.
  9. I'm sorry but that title gave me very bad thoughts... I liked Hugh Jackman in the X-Men movies... Then again I just love those movies lol
  10. It's so bad it's good... Ok, not good... It's not bad lol... "We're all in this together!" Oh no... Thats gonna be stuck in my head now...
  11. I got one in like 20 drops... I was just like "Meh... Who cares" I ALWAYS get drops that I don't want but EVERYONE else wants... Of course, only if it's untradable.
  12. Yes (-5kg) With boots of lightness, -4kg Boots of Lightness have -5kg. Umm... No they don't... They have -4kg...
  13. Small problem... They're untradable :P And I got none lol
  14. 3 sharks would take forever to eat... You can't wear goblin mail even though they're clothes. The very first time I saw them, I tried to figure out how to wear them :x Music can come out from out of nowhere. You cut trees forever and you're arm never gets tired. If you drop ores and logs and stand on the pile, you're still the same height as everyone else. A camera follows your character while he/she's trying to play :-$ You could eat for whole days and not get fat. You can also not eat for a year and not become skinny. Talk about impossible to lose weight. You can carry hundreds of kgs in your bag without working out or collapsing under the weight, and your "invisible bag" is made from pretty much indestructible cloth. You can turn transparent by simply putting on ghostly robes. Scientists have spent years trying to make a simple bean become transparent. NO SCHOOLS!!! And... that's all I have... You have an rPod :P... That you can pickpocket guard with him staring right at you...
  15. They don't allow fansites to use the game. They are members of the forum and everything, remember that Tip.It Times that Andrew posted about?
  16. Haha ex-GoingUnder :P... And thanks everyone, helped me quite a bit.
  17. Well, my friends would let me join their band (as lead singer W00T) but I need to write a song... Problem is I can't think of ANYTHING! Can ya pleeeease help? Free cookie to anyone that helps! (Ok, ya old joke) So, could you please give me a topic for a song? And if your feeling EXTRA genorous, perhaps a few ideas? The band is classic rock influenced (if you even get that lol) so anything along those lines. Also, we plan on playing it in a school talent show, so nothing racy please :P. And if people want I'll post the song when I'm done it :P. Thanks in advance :)
  18. Lol, not at all :P wouldn't mind being of course... Lol. A total of ONE hyt :P
  19. Its been like this for like FOREVER ever since I started anyway lol.
  20. wow... um... just because someone says something is a good deal doesn't mean it actually is. Shop around. Um, incase you haven't shopped around (and it seems like you haven't) 15k for a Karls Coif is a great deal. My tip: When KQ'ing, always pick up all the potato cactus before you telly. It adds up fast, and pays for those lousy drops, repairs, potions, and food. I think he was giving a tip... Ummm... When your trading at a busy place put your name at the end of what your selling/buying. Ya I'm not very good at giving tips lol
  21. Martin Kesici and Tarja Turunen- Leaving You for Me No clue who Martin Kesici is but I like his voice and it goes well with Tarja's voice
  22. Ummm... Isn't that sort of... Obvious? Search the plant (or whatever) the footprints are pointing towards, that works for me.
  23. =D> That's amazing! Love your voice! ^_^ Seconded. Thats a brilliant voice you got. Thirded :P Verrrrrrrrrry nice.
  24. Jagex is finally gonna finish it's (huge) to-do list. Add mammoths and icy lands etc. Ever think this is the same scenario construction? It would cause to much strain on the servers, and they've been thinking of it since the days of when Wakka was a noob :P (I felt like something like that here lol)
  25. There are so many things wrong with that post... One- You can't get banned for calling someon a noob... Two- You called him a noob because of his name? Big whoop... Who cares if he wants to be like Zezima, technically everyone does (The 99 all skill part.) And by calling him a noob that makes you the noob :wink:
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