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Everything posted by chicodallasman

  1. I don't get the Zammy Wine thing :? I thought this was gonna be a badly made fake screenshot... I was thinking flame war when it was loading...
  2. Shade randoms drop shade robes, yes. They look EXACTLY the same as priest robes, but give a better prayer bonus. They're F2P but seem to drop more on P2P..
  3. If it gives extra slayer xp... I was there yesterday and changed my task lol.
  4. Yep I was! :P I knew everyone was missing you soooo... And I was sick of lecturing you on Nightwish... YOUR WELCOME EVERYONE!!!! No need to thank :P EDIT: I WAS KIDDING!!!!!!! God someone can't take a joke *Looks up Nightwish* *=P~* Lol, j/k j/k :P
  5. Lol, listen to some of the other ones, those are the only ones I could stand to listen through the whole thing...
  6. About Tarja getting fired... She can't live without Nightwish, and Nightwish can't live without her. Both will fizzle out and die without each other. Tarja has been successful with her Christmas album, while Nightwish.... Hasn't. Tarja might have one or two more albums, but the only way she can be really successful is if she finds a new band or comes back to Nightwish. Though, I doubt Tarja will ever come back to Nightwish, and if she does it wouldn't be the same as before. Ok, got the Tarja thing out, now for the Nightwish side... With someone else, the songs wont sound the same. Sleeping Sun, for example, probably wouldn't appeal to people without Tarja's deep voice and accent. I looked at the auditions, and honestly, most of them are really bad :-s. Only one or two were good enough to cover Tarja's tracks, IMO. If they manage to pick a good one (I still have hope!!), they could be mildly successful, but not as much as they were with Tarja Nightwish auditions here Best auditions IMO here and here
  7. It's just silly if you ask me, unless they knwo each other in real life, it's meaningless "love". If you get that feeling off of pixels, you should take a break IMO...
  8. +1 lol... Apparently she might come back though :o. And maybe she'll make a new account... Hope for the best :(
  9. It was supposed to be chicodallasman but it didn't fit, and I didnt realize it until I logged in for the first time :? . I didn't want any other ones so I just took it :P. Its my two dogs names and m(an).
  10. The queen is dethroned :cry: We could of taken over Tip.it together... Well can I have more then 20% of your highnessness? :P Wait a minute... Is that what that 10 days thing was? If it was it hasn't been 10 days yet! Well, we will miss you :cry:. At least I can still talk to you on MSN :) I shall never take you off my friends list! For 2 reasons: I never clean my friends list, and I just know you'll come back. Forgot to comment on what you said :? Am I? You'll never know, lmao. Psssssst I think chippy is.... And why were our names in red?
  11. I once alched a rune (H1) The same day I got it too...
  12. It gives 15% energy and gives farming exp everytime you pick one.
  13. My english teacher hitted me once... it hurted :roll: Ever thought that English may not be his first language ? And yes I think it will affect pking pretty much since they help quite a bit, a guy in torags helm and legs kept hitting 15+ on me yesterday.. Sorry, but you should really take ur past tense into consideration. There is no such thing as hitted and hurted. That was his point And nice kill Frank :shock:
  14. wrong, because its a scam Party hats, and every other holiday rare is a scam too then, eh? Same situation just different circumstances to get it. Had to put my two cents in :P . I always thought party hats were dumb :?
  15. Jagex is scamming us!! You bring all your money (Deposit X is for n00b pl0x), and see a Dragon Scimmy! You buy it, for what you think is 100k... You check later, *gasp* where did that 900k go? How dare they scam us! :evil: Quote: "It's against the spirit of the game" Unquote. *Cough* hypocrites *cough*, oh please excuse me I've had a nasty cough the past few days.
  16. It's a new drop from them, they drop it 100% adn it's their only drop. Thye heal 3hp and are P2P F2P transferrable, like trimmed armours, and coloured gloves. Only reason it's that high is because you can only get in members world, and it's a new drop. And it's locusT.
  17. I've been lucky that past week... Got a clue from Hellhounds in one kill, got another clue from Hellhounds on the last one I was gonna kill, then I got two mimes and a maze in one week (maze and one mime in same day), two scimmys from Fire Giants in like 40 kills, and a basilisk head in like 50 kills :? . All that in one week... I was never that lucky before, amybe it has somethign to do with time...
  18. First of all, he didn't say one person. He said you and your friends. Impossible offline but more possible online, apply for a private server, make it have a password, and there. There could be some option to go to a private server on the main page. Although it would take up a tremendous amount of bandwith, and make the whole game worse then world 2, lag-wise. My point is, it's near impossble to do online, and impossible to do offline.
  19. Or at teh bottom of the page click "Watch This Topic" it will send an email everytime someone posts...
  20. He wouldn't give me any more after the first time I talked to him, so yeah, I just dropped and spoke to get another few sets :P Still doesn't explain why there are certain combos the exchanger just refused to give me though. Odd It gives you shapes of the same numerical value. Just put in like an indigo pentagon and you'll get SOMETHING you want.
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