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Everything posted by Greatsilverwyrm

  1. Keep the original. It's definitely better.. You seem to have an eye for composition. That's a good thing. Just work on your technique and you'll be great in no time. :) Did you make the wings yourself, or are they a trace or stock or something?
  2. I use a 6800 and have no trouble running on high. The only thing I have problems with is the grass distance. Especially when fighting things in it.. blegh.. I think that's partially Oblivion's fault for being dumb, though, so.. *cough* :)
  3. Because I'm not asking for that many. And plus he could put a limit of 2 or 3 max for the amount of RSN we want in there (It's not going to take much effort to add that feature). Ever thought that others might? I mean, sure, it's eay to add another 10 feilds for rsn's if needed, but really, where does it stop? You might not need more than two, but others will... And then they'll ask for it to be etc etc... IMO it's an evil spiral, best thing to do if the admins go for this is to have it comma divided... Ok I understand, Thanks. :wink: Though it would be nice if Albosky decided to add this feature, in the way you suggested with the commas, and it shouldn't slow down the boards having to have another query sent or however it was explained? :? Pft, I suggested it. Stealing my credit again, Jeppe? ;) It wouldn't even be another query... it'd just be a little bit more code that deals with the information gathered. A bit of code that would only be activated if and only if somone has entered (an) RS name(s). If you're curious and'd like a more detailed explination, feel free to hit me up on AIM or MSN-
  4. Organization of that calibur isn't neccesarily a good thing though. You only want extra boards where needed. A board with 12 topics is ultimately pointless, and nobody ever goes to it.
  5. The .000001 is already in there. Adding another smidge of control structure that'd only be used if a value is present would only add another .00001 1% of the time. Yer argument is invalid. "!wiggle" ;)
  6. No. No no no no no. If we need a new graphics forum, we need one for contests/battles/etc. Just.. no. Of course I'm not staff, and nothing I say is definitive, but, none the less no
  7. If you were really tricky, you could allow multiple names, comma-dilimited, and just have the PHP work through it if there's a value set. Would take about 5 seconds to write for anyone who knew what they were doing.
  8. All I have to say is "LOL". I hate to use that term, I really do.. but... Are you high or something? I mean, seriously can I get some of stuff you're on? It seems pretty sweet. Two possible explinations for the original post: Theory I - You're High You see, when you take drugs, whether it be pot or crack or any other narcotic, your judgement becomes impaired, and you get all kinds of crazy ideas... Theory II - You're Trying to Sound Like an Intellectual Sometimes people like to think they're smarter than they are, or want people to beleive that they're smarter than they are, so they post stuff like this. Drivel. Pure and simple. Drivel. Note I - Why the Original Post was Drivel I've noted possible motivations for said drivel, but not why it is drivel. I think PureCheese said it best when he described "Chapter II" as a "bunch of fancy terms thrown together". "Quantum Mechanics", "The Butterfly Effect", etc.: all buzz-words used in completely innane ways. Most of the rest of the post was the same, buzz-words used in innane ways. Things that weren't that were just random blitherings that ammounted to saying "everything is relative".
  9. There is one, but it still happens. Just a fact of the internet that you have to live with.. Damn internets.
  10. At least it's creative and easy to read...and he's not a jerk..
  11. You all just got owned by Mili. Way to go, Militaris! *claps*
  12. Far better than some people's first attempts. Nice job! Just remember to keep your original style and not get too sucked-in by the filters.
  13. Anybody else have a guest pass that's not been used? If so send it to me in a private message? Thanks in advance-
  14. As much as I like you, say that again and I'll have to cut off your hands. iframes = teh devil (along with frames, in-line styles and such bad html practices) :P I second that - Don't use iFrames, or you will be publically flogged by all the "cool" web-developers. ;P
  15. I hate to argue this but.. The time-zones are more or less arbitrary, based I beleive upon the cycle of the planet's rotation. So.. they could just as easily be based upon the rotation of the sun/moon "spotlights". . . or upon our "presumed" rotation.. Sorry. That was a worse argument than many of theirs. :)
  16. Just out of curiosity.. Take the test- http://politicalcompass.org/questionnaire.php Maybe we could start a tip.it compass..
  17. I hardly ever play, but when I do I prefer kirby and samus.. I'm no good, really, I just like to screw around.
  18. Exactly what I've been trying to say. If you actually read the article, you'd see religion had little to nothing to do with the murder. People need to open their eyes and shut their large-wagon mouths.
  19. Actually it's an extremely old "theory". One of them on how things work and whatnot.. Terry Pratchett just utilized the theory in his work.
  20. True, but you can't use it to create dynamic content any more than you can with HTML.
  21. Would you please stop the religion-bashing? If you had actually read the article and have more than an ounce of common sense you'd realize: The woman was a Pakistani from a Pakistani family. The man was an Afghan from I hope to god you know where. Pakistan is primarily muslim, I, again, hope to god that you know Afghanistan is also primarily muslim. Unless you were trying to say that the "religion of peace" is all about killing members of their own faith, not infidels, as all the other stereotypers would say... They murdered her because they beleived the Afghan was "of low caste" and was "only interested in stealing the family's money"...
  22. Aye.. The percentages are more like: 32.911392405063291139240506329114 % 44.665461121157323688969258589512 % 22.423146473779385171790235081374 % (I'm bored.)
  23. Sorry if I sounded harsh.. it's just.. It's too abstract to be realistic, and too realistic to be abstract.. I just dunno..
  24. Too busy, too high-contrast to effectively make out what's going on, and I definitely would've done something different with the text... *shrug* I would make it less jarring, and try to fit the text in somewhere else, maybe make it more subtle.
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