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Everything posted by Greatsilverwyrm

  1. were they inferior people or did they just not have good enough weapons? Not even that... A fair ammount of it was that they either didn't want to fight, or didn't really have a chance to..
  2. The Zelda part was most definitely the coolest...
  3. So..what do you think are the 10 worst movies of all time? Please give reasons for why you think at least some of the movies are so bad. I'll post my list later-on. I'm bad at remembering movies I've seen off-hand. Seeing other people's lists will refresh my memory..
  4. Actually... that's really completely off. Your best bet, if you have Photoshop, is to follow Carlos74's advice. Or alternatively, go to save for web, and expiriment with the settings until you get a size and quality you're happy with.
  5. This is just a bit too spammy, I think..
  6. Interesting, ColAvanor... I think I'll expiriment with a more glossy sphere when I get home. That does look nice.. I like what you did with the reflection, too..hmmm...
  7. It's more commonly known as partial-transparancy or alpha-transparancy, or an alpha layer, or something along those lines.. It basically allows you to have semi-transparent pixels outside of graphics programs, using a special alpha channel. It allows for much smoother and cooler graphics.
  8. Larger-sized version of a banner/logo/whatever I'm working on for a school website... Please only constructive comments or criticsm, if you "rate" it, I will flog you. Some specific things if you'd like to help even more: I'm not too happy with the shadow(s) on "CWR", any suggestions there would be nice. Any ideas on better ways to carry out the "O" in "online" or somewhere completely different I should place the whole word.. EDIT: Version 2 after a bit of playing... Feel free to comment on either version, though. In fact, please do, if you can. :)
  9. Ok..hmm... What will my future in the next few years be like? -Andrew
  10. Here at least, there's an arrangement with the school administration that anyone participating is exempt from any activities that would require them to speak.
  11. Box doesn't neccesarily have to imply anything rectangularly prismatic...
  12. Try posting a HJT log, it's possible that even though you use Spybot and etc, you still have some spyware. If you're fairly sure you don't have any spyware and stuff.. Could you take a screenshot of one of the pop-ups? It's possible it's messenger pop-ups, which are quite easy to disable. Post a HJT log and a screenshot of one of the pop-ups, if you can.
  13. Actually that's quite untrue. Windowblinds (if he's running it.. SDMCP isn't windowblinds specifically, I believe it's the updater, can't remember for certain).. anyway, Windowblinds sometimes uses a negligable ammount more resources than the standard XP themes. Most times it actually uses less, or just as much. It also doesn't run on top of the standard XP theming, it runs in place of it. Other programs such as DesktopX may take up a good bit more RAM, but Windowblinds, Iconpackager, etc don't make much of a difference.
  14. Drum will get what he deserves. Let's leave it at that..no need to publicly chastise him more than we already have... :)
  15. ..That would be cool, except.. you didn't take the picture.. or did you? I had a go at doing those types Delayed exposure on the camera makes the image blur where theres movement. Looks especially effective with lights at night like that one... I know that, my point was that he didn't take the picture.. Do to circumstances I'm sure everyone understands, I'm going to lock thi now.
  16. We do not support illiegal activities here. If you feel my lock has been in error, please PM myself or another staff member.
  17. Are you sure you saved it as a 24-bit png? What are you using it for?
  18. Looks pretty good, but, the breasts, the right especially, seem way off-angle. It looks like she has them on the side of her body..
  19. This borders too much on spam for my liking.
  20. ..That would be cool, except.. you didn't take the picture.. or did you?
  21. Well, we haven't had a random game highscore thread in a while, so I thought I'd do the honors... Post your highscores for Kitten Cannon! http://www.addictinggames.com/kittencannon.html Here's my best thus-far: The only unfortunate thing about the game is that the "obstaacles" seem to be randomly distributed each time you fire, so there can't be a lot of skill involved. It's still a lot of fun, though.
  22. If it really bothers you, you could back-up any user data you needed, and then uninstall and reinstall the programs. Personally, I would just ignore it, it's not really hurting anything. Also, I know that it was said that the way windows calculates size is back-assward, but, I dunno if it was said why it is that way.. One of the things is that it says that you have 2 instances of PSP, each one taking up 200mb, but what you actually have is 1 instance, that's taking up 200 mb. Same with FireFox.
  23. My grandmother has a folder icon on her desktop that goes nowhere, has no label, and can't be deleted (access denied). I think it's the result of something I did when I was setting-up the computer. She had a bunch of software disks that She had never been able to use, so I decided to just install them to let her play around with them. Several of them I uninstalled after she deemed them no use to her. After uninstalling one of them is when this ghost icon appeared. I tried reinstalling the program and then uninstalling it again, to see if that would by chance remove the icon, but it didn't. System is running WinXP Home SP2 Any ideas? I apologize for how obfuscated that was, my eloquence seems to have taken a coffee break..
  24. What right do you have to tell somone to "go away" ? Hulk's question was perfectly reasonable, and this is a perfectly reasonable place to ask it. By your logic, this board shouldn't even exist, because everyone should be asking their questions on official support forums. And as far as I can see, you're the only person "talking ____". yeah true..thats why no one of u knew this.. :roll: Knew what? We didn't know that if you uninstalled one instance of the program, it will uninstall most of the files critical to the rest of them? We didn't know that if you uninstalled something that you would lose all your data for it unless you backed it up? I fail to see how you drew that conclusion, as it seems that several of us/them gave more or less that exact information. However we/they worded it better, and they included other information. Such as: the way windows calculates "size" isn't very accuarte, and the reason that he has multiple instances of FireFox is due to a bug.
  25. Exactly what I was doing...
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