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Everything posted by Greatsilverwyrm

  1. Ok..first thing that I can see.. Go a notch down or two on the processor, and upgrade the graphics card.
  2. I believe it's about 2 or 3 times a year on the expans, Ryan, not every 2 months.. and I think they're called "Chapters", not expans :)
  3. in the books, elves did appear at helms deep i thought, because i know the movies made a mistake when they showed Haldir dying, but he didnt die. No, no elves appeared at Helm's Deep in the books, except Legolas. Like I said, no Elves appeared in battle alongside humans in the triliogy.
  4. You mean the ones seen at Helm's Deep in the movies.. No elves appeared in full-out battle in any of the triliogy, except for Legolas..
  5. That'd be funnier if it weren't an advertisement... :(
  6. Good luck with that HDD...have fun when it dies in a few months..
  7. I'm jealous of only your caffeine stash...minus the Dr. Pepper (Cherry Pepsi > Dr. Pepper).. The alienware is cool and flashy but I dunno, I can't bring myself to pay that much for bragging rights..
  8. Seen it many times.. actually done a few of them.. The first one is fun. Especially when the cart has several 3'-long pillows shaped like trout in it.. :D
  9. I think maybe they don't get it because they're expecting something...you know..funny... Let me give a hint to those who "don't get it".. You get it, it's just really, really unfunny.
  10. Just my car-key.. Futurama, I have a laser pointer too, but I always screw around with it so much the batteries go dead within a day or so :(, so I don't keep it on my keychain.
  11. We are concerned about our users, and we do keep removing bad ads, but they keep coming back. Unfortunately due to several circumstances we are unable to change advertising companies at this time. We are, like I said though, removing bad ads as soon as we become aware of them, and we are going to change ad-companies as soon as possible. However, you should take some extra steps to protect yourself. If you're getting ad-ware it either means you're using an inferior browser, or just not being smart about your security. Oh, yeah, and calling us "morons" doesn't exactly want to make us help you in particular.
  12. Just for the heck of it...what does your keychain look like? Here's mine.. Not too many keys, I know, but, I don't need many, so :P...
  13. If anyone is well-versed in CSS, could you please contact me on MSN? I'm having some troubles that I can't find information about anywhere... Thanks. EDIT: Solved. Thanks, Rick..
  14. For god's sakes. I keep having to make posts like this, and it sucks. He didn't ask for your opinion, he didn't ask you to pay for it, so, no offence, but butt out! Seriously, guys. This media community used to be awesome, now it's filled with the biggest bunch of jerks I've ever seen. If you haven't got anything nice to say, shut up. I don't mean that you can't give criticsm, but not if they're not asking for it, and certainly not if you're going to be rude about it. sworddude6, I'm sorry I had to lock your post, and I'm sorry these guys ruined your post. Feel free to re-post this topic in the media market, where, for future reference, you should post buying/selling sig topics.
  15. I played Majora's Mask a bit and hated it.. dunno why really, just seemed .. less involving The only one I know is that you get Epona from Lon Lon Ranch I think...
  16. Unfortunately laptops, especially older ones, are really not upgradable.
  17. I've participated in a few campaigns but I could never really get into it...
  18. Once when I was a baby.. I've been in the newspaper numerous times, though. :)
  19. http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0,1 ... 273,00.asp Things obviously won't be exactly the same for you, but it could be helpful. :)
  20. If you seriously believe that, you really need to get your facts straight. Mk, but I dont know ANYbody that uses a mac, or anybody that would even consider using one, they're far inferior in my opinion I know a lot of people who own macs, and a lot of people who want one. Myself included. Macs really aren't that inferior/superior to PCs. It's just a matter of preference 99% of the time.
  21. If you seriously believe that, you really need to get your facts straight.
  22. Databases was the hardest? Was it design theory or what?
  23. I was going to lock this because debates like this are so utterly insipid and lame, but, I won't.. I will say this, though.. Yoda and Dumbledore, are not only different creatures entirely, but they exist in vastly different worlds and realities. Comparing them isn't like comparing an apple to an orange. It's like comparing a Quasar to a q-tip. It just doesn't make sense.
  24. It's an eye for freak's sake! No offense, but doing manipulations on pictures of eyes, especially in that style, are one of the single most cliche'd concepts ever. Do something interesting and modify a picture of your big toe or something.. I really diddn't mean offense at all by that, and I mean it in the best possible way. You seem like you probably have some talent, and it stinks when people waste talent on completely overdone concepts..
  25. I voted Windows simply because that's what I use on a daily basis and am most farmiliar with. However, I'm not opposed in any way to the others. They all have their strengths and weaknesses and etc..
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