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Everything posted by Greatsilverwyrm

  1. I did this for another board, so, don't tell me it's too big.
  2. That looks like it could be your problem. Have you used the restore disk yet?
  3. Did this start after you reformatted? If so, it could very likely be that you don't have the USB drivers installed. I thought XP pre-loaded them, but I could be wrong, and you could be using something other than XP.. Right-click on My Computer, go to Properties -> |Hardware| -> Device Manager See if you have an item named "Universal Serial Bus controllers".
  4. If it makes you feel any better, my brother hit a school bus once backing out of our driveway. It was empty, and it wasn't really his fault, but.. :) My first and only accident do date was hitting my brother's truck backing into my driveway. Doh.
  5. http://selectsmart.com/dog/ Try that, one of the questions has to do with shedding/allergies. :)
  6. Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Karn Evil 9 (1st Impressions - Pt. 2)
  7. That's one of the great things about XP... Unless you have some strange no-name device, it's just like "You've plugged something in! Here.. let me find the driver for that.. OH! You've plugged in a Lexmar model blabla bla thumbdrive, what would you like to do with it?"
  8. A Beautiful Mind "Chrome breasted input eater!" If somone doesn't get it within a few hours I'll change it to something easier.. :)
  9. Why..? Also, isn't that really ridiculously dangerous?
  10. My real dream would be to be like the computer version of all those custom car shops ant etc.. Building custom rigs all modded-out and all that Jazz.. The problem as I see it though is that 1, custom computers are really a niche market right now, and 2, hardly anyone would want to drop a lot of money on a rig only to have it be obsolete in less than 2 years. So, I'd have to wait until the market grew and the technology stabalized to where things don't go out of date so quickly.. Being realistic, an electrical engineer or something along those lines..
  11. Thinking of what it would be like is also different from actually considering doing it.. Keiphus- That would suck.. Across town for me is only like 10 or 15 minutes :)
  12. PM me when you actually have some pics and I'll unlock this.
  13. I think some of you are misunderstanding.. It's songs you think other people should hear sometime in their lifetime, not songs you want at your funeral or whatever..
  14. A few years ago in Columbine Colorado, 2 or 3 kids took a bunch of guns to school and killed like 15 people before killing themselves.. There's a fair bit more to it than that, but, that gives you the general idea.
  15. I still think that, by definition of freak, the Columbine kids aren't freaks..
  16. Ok, I guess I was wrong, evidently monitors can go up that high, but I think it's only at lower resolutions, unless you have a really nice monitor.
  17. To elaborate on what Jeppoz and Liquid said.. There are basically 2 types of graphics: Raster and Vector. Raster graphics are made up of squares of color known as pixels. Vector graphics are made up of mathematically defined lines that are filled or stroked with color. These lines/shapes can be scaled either up or down with no loss of quality whatsoever. Technically speaking, all graphics you see on a computer are raster graphics, but some of them were made using vectors. Since it's easier to show you what's not raster, I'll give you an example of a vector: Notice the crisp lines, fairly low detail, etc.. There are however some incredibly amazing and detailed vectors that you would swear are photos.. As for the rest of your questions.. Grunge: I can't really show you an example of premade, but, basically, it's anything that you personally didn't make, but use.. Vector I already showed you.. Abstract is kind of vague, but, as far as the whole graphics community on the web goes, this is an abstract:
  18. I can still see a flicker at 60 hz.. I wasn't even aware modern monitors went as high as 180 hz... Can LCDs go higher than CRTs or something?
  19. It's very possible, but, to be perfectly honest, the fact that you're asking this question makes me nervous about you doing it yourself. If you can find somone who's worked with computers before to help you..
  20. To be honest I can't defend that point very well at the moment because I haven't done much research on the subject, but.. The very fact that the Columbine kids did a mass shooting and serial killers do what they do shows an intrinsic difference between the two.
  21. Or..not.. I would seriously seriously seriously avoid used computers. It's kind of like buying used underwear. You don't know what could be lurking.
  22. I think that probably applies to everyone at one time or another..
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