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Everything posted by Greatsilverwyrm

  1. True, but if they aren't allowed to marry, odds are they either won't marry. Or, they'll marry a member of the opposite sex but their heart won't be in it, which means probably a bad marriage, probably divorce, bad environment for any possible children. There's also the whole idea that homosexuality is hereditary..
  2. If the entire species becomes homosexual, sure, but just because * marriage is allowed doesn't mean every human being is going to become homosexual. No but it certainly isn't benefitting the species which violates evolutionary Laws (or theories). No, but it's not hurting us, so, why prohibiting it? If it's not hurting us or helping us, then it should neither be prohibited or encouraged. It doesn't do any good to outlaw something that's harmless or to promote something that's useless. So, if people want to practice homosexuality, let them, but don't encourage it by changing the law to make them feel more accepted. Allowing it isn't neccesarily encouraging it, it's just allowing it. It's not like there's going to be an ad-campaign "Guys, marry other guys! It's FUN!!"...
  3. If the entire species becomes homosexual, sure, but just because * marriage is allowed doesn't mean every human being is going to become homosexual. No but it certainly isn't benefitting the species which violates evolutionary Laws (or theories). No, but it's not hurting us, so, why prohibiting it?
  4. If the entire species becomes homosexual, sure, but just because gay marriage is allowed doesn't mean every human being is going to become homosexual.
  5. You can't do it, but you can get a program that does it.. There are numerous ones. Just search google or download.com for screen capture programs..
  6. gehjl, simply because they cannot reproduce shouldn't keep them from being married. Whether they're married or not they're still not going to reproduce. They're also not going to turn straight just so they can be married. So..what's the point?
  7. ..What she said ^ Also, I still maintain that it's seriously unfair to judge an entire country on the actions of one moron, or a group of morons, that are running it. Every country has had it's bad leaders, and it's government idiocies. I, in my little middle-class refuge of the midwest am untouched by the crap that goes on in Washington or Hollywood. I'm free to do pretty much whatever I want (short of you know..murder rape theft etc.). So, at this moment, I am proud to be an American. Also, I have faith that within my lifetime America will come under a leadership that can stop pretending that we're gods, and fix the country up to what it should be.
  8. You should really check out WindowBlinds. Not only is it much more powerful than StyleXP, but you can, if you really want to, run MSStyles on it. It automatically converts them to .wba's I believe.. (although it's possible you have to have SkinStudio for that..hmm) If you do have to have SkinStudio, it's no big deal. It comes with Object Desktop. It's a fantastic software package, you get about a dozen great programs for only $50 a year. EDIT: That is, you buy the subscription to it for $50, that gives you all the programs and any updates within that year. After that year is up, you can still use the programs, you just can't get the updates. And if you want to re-subscribe, it's only $35. I've been doing it for 3 years now and don't have any regrets.
  9. There are a lot of contradictory and obfuscated ideas there.. I'd nitpick but you said you were in a rush and may need to explain more, so, could you? One thing that popped-out was that when you explained "option 1" it became the same as "option 2" and, just.. :-/ -more stuff- The "-stuff-" was referring to your whole post. However, now that I re-read it, and it's not 2 in the morning, I think I misread it.. Sorry.. Oh, and don't call me "worm" .
  10. gehjl, when Hannibal said the bible can be interpreted in many ways, he means interpreted from it's original language. As in, you can interpret the version you have in many ways, but that's not exactly what God said. The only way to know exactly what God said is to talk to him, which you obviously can't do. So saying that the bible is a set of rules and you should follow it directly is kind of silly, because, for all you know, you could be contradicting what god said because of a mistranslation.
  11. (When was the last time you saw a girl/woman wearing pants?) Right, so taking fruit from someone else is not stealing as long as I eat it on the spot? You have fun with those rules, gehjl.. Oh, yeah, and don't double-post.
  12. Seems not. Don't act like you're right all the time.. Well, do, if you want, but don't tell people who don't beleive what you beleive that they "can't think"..
  13. There are a lot of contradictory and obfuscated ideas there.. I'd nitpick but you said you were in a rush and may need to explain more, so, could you? One thing that popped-out was that when you explained "option 1" it became the same as "option 2" and, just.. :-/
  14. Well, yeah, monkey is just a simple term. Some sort of primate.. *shrug* At some poing it was a common ancestor, iirc. And I also believe the change between traveling on 4 legs and 2 legs has been suggested as the need to travel between clusters of trees as the jungle or whatnot receeded and grasslands / savana became more dominant. The ability to travel on 2 legs had said group traveling between tree clusters quicker and it also allowed them to carry stuff in the free arms. I'm not sure how accurate that is since it was only a suggested change of sorts as to how it happened. But the general concept remains the same :) There are a ton of theories in that area.. An interesting one I heard about was that at some point our ape ancestor began to take to the water a lot, which is why we shed most of the hair covering our bodies, and a few other things.. should find more info on that or watch the show again or something..
  15. That's the classic argument.. However, there are lots of reasons now to get married aside from the whole children thing. Not only that, but there are lots of married couples who can't reproduce, or don't want to reproduce, and go into marriage knowing that they won't have kids. What about them?
  16. I dunno whether it was intentional or not, but a frog to a cow is about as far as you can get from anything that's held to be true with evolution. At the moment, I believe in evolution, because that's what we have the most credible proof for at the moment. Not only that, but nature never ceases to amaze me, so a monkey, over the course of thousands or milions of years, becoming something more, doesn't surprise me much at all. Off-topic slightly.. Please keep this clean. If you haven't got anything productive to say, don't say anything. Also, keep in mind, this is evolution versus creation, not christians verses everyone else. Keep the misc. religious/antireligious dribble out of it.
  17. Did you know that statistically pizza delivery is more dangerous than firefighting? Yeah..
  18. It's good to see some people are making steps towards true equal rights. Way to go, Canada! As for locking this, I won't now, but please people, keep it clean.
  19. Hmm, Tttia, looking at it again, I think one thing that's really bugging me is the tone of the wood.. Try either making it match the rest of the deck/portch/whatever, or maybe giving it like a white-washed feel? (So you'd still have the grain, but, it'd be white-ish..)
  20. It's a program called WindowBlinds, you can find it and other great software at http://www.stardock.com. Warning though: I highly advise against the uxtheme.dll hack (if you don't know what I'm talking about, good), if you happen to come across it while looking for themes, stay clear. It can cause problems for your computer, and, not only that, Windowblinds is much more powerful. Also, stay way clear of StyleXP. It's basically a graphical frontend to the hack I mentioned above. So, not only is it not as cool as WindowBlinds, they're charging you for a product that's illiegal and can be gotten for free anyway.
  21. Very nice, except for the wood on the railing. Are you going to make everything else as crisp as that?
  22. For the reasons mentioned above, it's not gonna happen.. As for raising the size limit on sigs.. I've been campaigning for that for ages, and it's always been concluded that there's just no reason.
  23. I believe that satellite is fast, but is horrible for online gaming. The problem is that while you get good speeds, your ping is horrid, because your signal has to go through the wires, out a transmitter, off a satellite, into a receiver, and through some more wires, and then back again.. Ping is like 6 seconds or something.. So, no, I don't think it'd work, sorry. I could be wrong, though. Wait for more people to post.
  24. Well, to be honest, it looks like you've got a missing driver, but I don't know where to point you, so I'll try to find somone who knows and have them post here. The ports aren't gone, they're just missing a driver. A driver, if you don't know, is a little peice of code that tells the operating system what to do with a peice of hardware, basically.
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