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Everything posted by Greatsilverwyrm

  1. You know, that's a good question.. He wouldn't take any money he got off of it though, all the money he's raised so-far has gone to a charity.
  2. Almost anything from Soul Coughing: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/searc ... 90-8870306
  3. They definitely are, Keiphus.. Once the guy gets a few hundred he should put them all together in a giant collage, would be very interesting..
  4. I think "freak" is a bit harsh.. those guys weren't serial killers or anything..
  5. Was anyone using the computer while you were away? I shudder to ask this, but, you have tried restarting, haven't you?
  6. Seems like an extremely out-of-date program, mk. The download.com link doesn't even work. That's sad.
  7. Common Sense 5.0 is your best defense. I've been running it for as long as I can remember, and I've never gotten one.
  8. I would only scratch one side so that the possibility of a ginormous dissapointment wouldn't exist.. :) Or, you know, do what Rick said..
  9. http://www.lavalys.com/products/overvie ... =1&lang=en That's a great program, gives you a heck of a lot of info, and generates reports.
  10. I think the fish is pretty original too, Nad.. Who'd have thought a german fish and a snackfood-loving alien would end up in the same family? I smell a sitcom.. *cough*
  11. King of the Hill is alright, but I rarely laugh.. Most of the time when I laugh it involves Bill, though, and when the humor is very unlike the rest of the humor.. Like when Dale gets a Falcon and he takes it's hood off and it attacks Bill, and then it attacks him again later in the show. That was hilarious.. And I agree, Ryan, Futurama is great, although I think it's better than Family Guy. If Futurama was making new episodes, they would be much better than Family Guy. Futurama is just getting stale now because everyone has seen all the episodes a dozen times..
  12. The majority of queries on this subject have been given the answer that selling sigs is fine. Not to mention that I've never heard of somone being banned for selling sigs.
  13. Actually, American Dad was created before Family Guy. When Fox decided to bring back Family Guy I guess they thought they'd throw AD in as well.. I agree with most things being said about American Dad. At least two of the characters, The Dad and the Son are really kind of...I want to say shallow, but that doesn't adequately describe them. Since the Family Guy characters are shallow as well but not in the same way, as Adam said. I dunno, I think it just relies too much on site gags and..and..*shrug* I will say though that the Alien is usually pretty funny, and the goldfish has quite a few moments. "Here's your allowence: 5 bubbles. Oh, what the hell, 6 bubbles (don't tell your mother)" or when the Alien installs a dimmer-switch and nobody cares and he tells them they suck..that was good..
  14. I may have found the problem. My motherboard has a little fan for the SLI chipset I beleive is what it's for. It's not working for some reason, hopefully that chip hasn't already burned out. I'm going to see if I can get the fan working.
  15. Error log shows nadda, scandisked several times about a week or two ago, including a couple of times in safe-mode. One of them showed errors but it fixed them. Try again? Also, RSInn isn't loading for me now so I'll have to check that post later..
  16. CPU usage is normal when this happens, I can't even see any [bleep]es when it hangs, which is why it's wierd.. Using AMD Athlon 64 3500+ Let's see...Trillian does it sometimes, IE, Opera, Firefox do it sometimes, Filezilla does it a lot, winamp does it fairly frequently now.. and the list goes on.. Things like ultramon and mIRC though seem to have no problem
  17. The weird thing is that I haven't been using any more/less programs than I did before it started happening.. I also have a gig of ram, and usually my usage is under 50-60%...
  18. About two weeks ago, a couple of extremely annoying problems started happening.. The first one is that some programs, but not all programs, take forever to start. Before this started happening they'd start-up pretty-much instantly. But now, I get the waiting cursor for a few seconds, then cursor goes back to normal and the program actually starts-up anywhere from 10 seconds to 10 minutes later. The other problem is every once in a while my computer will hang. It did this before, but not nearly as much.. I've done several virus scans, and spyware scans with Ad-Aware, Spybot, and Trendmicro's free scanner. I did a HJT about a week ago and didn't find anything, but I'd be open to doing another one. Any thoughts would be extremely appreciated.
  19. Ok..talked to the guy again and he's not having problems anymore..so, safe, I guess.
  20. I've heard from somone that today's update completely screwed them over... anyone else had problems like this?
  21. lets see you make an uruk-hai look using the Buddy Kit No offense, and I mean this in the best possible way, but, you're not that great, and making Uruk-hai using the buddy kit is fairly easy. Most people will refuse because they a. don't want to be caught dead using the buddy-kit, or b. don't feel the need to prove themselves to somone like you..
  22. You didn't get an SATA HDD, that'd be a good idea..
  23. First, it's screen refresh rate. As to what you should set it to, depends on your monitor, the resolution you're running, and possibly your graphics card. Assuming you have a somewhat new monitor (IE not 10 years old), and you're not running above 1600x1200, you should set it anywhere between 60 and 80 hz. If you could give us the monitor you're using(if possible), and the resolution you most-often run at, it'd help.
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