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Everything posted by Greatsilverwyrm

  1. I'm thinking the server I'm using just has some error with the configuration. I've tried every possible permission configuration to no yeild, I've tried an extremely simple code and it doesn't work. I've tried the code from php.net verbatum (meaning all I changed was the file references), and nothing has done any good.
  2. There are a lot of 30+ year-old adults that spend all kinds of time on the computer..
  3. I think they're all Christian bands, right? Could be why you've not heard of them.. (no offense to christians..)
  4. In my opinion Bo was a good deal better tuesday night and a lot better wednesday night.. It seems like everyone else thought he was gonna win, too. Everyone came on stage for his performance.. Paula looked stunned that Carrie won. Carrie looked stunned that Carrie won..
  5. Meh, completely wrong decision if you ask me, but, it's not like the results mean that much. We all remember Clay Aiken and Reuban Studdard..
  6. Not to mention that prescription drugs have the possibility of being just as bad if not worse than illiegal drugs..
  7. Ad Hominem doesn't help the cause, Tigra. I also believe that Pipalonias has said several times that he "realized he was addicted and stopped, and now is trying to save us from the same fate" or something along those lines..
  8. Pipalonias: I believe that marijuana and cocaine and/or meth are the most-common drugs. LSD hasn't been used mainstream since the 60's/70's.. Also, last time I checked, you smoke marijuana usually, with a lot of the tar and other fun stuff you get from cigarettes, which, while they may be legal, contain an addictive drug. Your only data source is statistically misrepresentative. Computers and MMORPGs are a constantly growing and changing market. Statistics from 3 years ago don't mean spit in this particular case. As BlueTear said, if you were to take the population of the world, however, 3 years ago would probably be pretty accurate, as the population has pretty much stabalized for the time being.
  9. I found this really cool photo at a stock site and just had to do something with it..
  10. Voted in all of them.. It'd be easier for people to vote if you put them next to eachother in rows of 4 or something. At the moment the scrolling down gets really annoying.
  11. Ok, I got it working on one host, but not on another server, and it's the exact same code, so, I guess the server isn't configured properly?
  12. :/ I take back what I said.. Futurama, watch the language!
  13. There's this sect of 3 or 4 kids who call me "Clem" because one of them jokingly called me that during a biology class 2 years ago..*shrug* I also have a group of friends who call me "X-Ray" sometimes. That came from us joking around in Guild Wars and giving eachother radio alphabet letters for names. Mine was the only one that stuck, for some reason...
  14. Post the links anyway, if you can, it'll help us help you.
  15. If you could, post the links to each of the items, it would greatly help.
  16. I'm in a PHP class right now, and as sort of an extra credit thing, I'm doing an image uploader as part of my project.. Running into some problems, though.. Just to learn things, I took the code off of php.net's file uploading manual: Send this file: <?php // In PHP versions earlier than 4.1.0, $HTTP_POST_FILES should be used instead // of $_FILES. $uploaddir = '/var/www/uploads/'; $uploadfile = $uploaddir . basename($_FILES['userfile']['name']); echo ''; if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile)) { echo "File is valid, and was successfully uploaded.\n"; } else { echo "Possible file upload attack!\n"; } echo 'Here is some more debugging info:'; print_r($_FILES); print ""; ?> I've changed __URL__ to the url I'm using, and the dir to the dir I'm using.. When I try it, I get "Warning: move_uploaded_file(/uploads/): failed to open stream: Permission denied in blablabla" I set the permissions on the dir to which its uploading to allow everything (777 ( I don't know what I'm talking about here. )), but it still doesn't work. Any help would be appreciated.
  17. It may not be a true vector in technical terms, but it does have many design elements that you'd find in a lot of vectors.. IE: Clean, solid shapes and lines.. That's actually pretty cool..nice job! The only thing I think you should change is the text, it's a tiny bit hard to read.. Also, did you make the monkey yourself?
  18. Right. Based on no knowledge of psychology or anything remotely similar, here's my cliche' response... Teenagers are trying to find who they are, so when they find something they're really into, like a musical style, they cling to it with everything they have.
  19. Also keep in mind that whatever from your computer is being displayed on your tv will look like junk unless you have a high-definition tv...
  20. blork.deviantart.com ph34r my non-updating-ness
  21. If Carrie wins I will seriously question the sanity of the American public.. Then again, though, Bo is going to get a record deal somewhere, so for him it doesn't matter that much whether or not he "wins".. I mean, c'mon, look at Clay Aiken and Reuban ...
  22. Read most of Redwall when I was younger.. Have also read the entire HHGTTG, Keiphus, so absurd is definitely not out of the question... I've heard some good things about the His Dark Materials books, but, several things bother me about it/keep me from reading them.. Firstly, I'm already regarded as kind of "odd" at school, and while that isn't bad, I don't want people to think I'm some crazy cultist devil worshipper or something.. Also for a similar reason.. my mom is more or less devoutly christian, and I dunno whether she'd go for me reading them.. again, not that I care, but, I don't want to get into a huge fight over it or something.. Is a space oddyssey something I could read by itself, or is it recommended that I read the whole series?
  23. I've searched through the few "favorite book" threads, and similar ones, and haven't found anything that really sparks my interest, so, I thought I'd ask right out.. Can anyone recommend any good books? To give you an idea of what I'm looking for.. I really like Ender's Game, and the parallel series with Bean, and I'd be reading the next book in that series, but I can't find it anywhere.. I liked Lord of the Rings a lot.. I've read the entire Dune Chronicles several times.. I've read things like A Clockwork Orange and Fahrenheit 411, so, "classics" along that line, too. Preferably single books or short series for now, I only have about 3 weeks to fill before I need to start re-reading Harry Potter in preperation for the 6th book (hooray!), however if you have any suggestions of longer series that you think I'd really like, maybe I'll check them out after I'm done with that.. Thanks in advance for any help! :) Oh, and, I know that was specific, sorry if I sounded demanding or anything..
  24. Are you sure you got all of the updates? From the looks of your log it seems you don't have SP1/2 yet, nor is your Internet Explorer up to date..
  25. Dont let Thesith see you! :shock: Im going next Tuesday, its cheaper on that day. Plus less people. Almost people in my school is coming. :lol: My friend has an Episode III shirt that says "Sith Happens" on the back..:) I'm most likely going to go see it this weekend or the next week, it should be awesome!
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