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Everything posted by Joltia

  1. I like wearing Dharoks Plate and Legs with Guthans Helm, it has the same defence bonuses as Full Torag (maximum helm, plate and legs melee defence bonus in the game) but looks about a thousand times better. Try it! :mrgreen:
  2. A friend is borrowing my full guthans off me as I type this, I've also lent veracs helmet, obby cape and ranger boots to someone I only met through my clan, he gave it back. I have atleast 4 friends which I don't know IRL that I would trust my entire bank to. :)
  3. I just went everywhere I could think of and evetually found him in Lletya. He wasn't listed there anywhere I could find. :evil:
  4. :mrgreen: . Thanks for the free bump Pepper. :3>
  5. I prefer the teleport tablet one. Looks like ninja dust. :XD: \
  6. Same.. I've crafted 350k+ nats in the abyss now and I've never seen it.. Then again, I may just have missed it. My mind is always in "auto pilot rc mode" so I don't really pay much attention to what I'm doing.. I just do it :shock: It's on the opposite side of the abyss when you're teleported in, try it for yourself if you'd like. :
  7. Incorrect, the price of ess rose over 70 gp, the price of natures only rose 30 gp. Runecrafters now make 40gp less than they were before the pure ess update. It also made it extremely hard to find pure ess sellers now. =D> They only make 10 gp less with your calculation, because they are 91+, and make two natures instead of one. With 91+ RC before pure ess: Buy ess for 30 gp each. (Well atleast 'I' used to.) Make ess into natures, then sell 300 each. 600 gp from made per ess, minus the cost of ess = 570 gp profit made per ess. With 91+ RC after pure ess: Buy ess 110 each. (You can find sellers for 100 each, but it takes time.) Make ess into natures and sell 330 each. 660 gp made per ess, minus the cost of ess = 550 gp profit made per ess. Since the pure ess update, people with 91+ RC make 20gp less profit per ess than they did before the update.
  8. Incorrect, the price of ess rose over 70 gp, the price of natures only rose 30 gp. Runecrafters now make 40gp less than they were before the pure ess update. It also made it extremely hard to find pure ess sellers now. =D>
  9. It was from a person hiring runners to run them ess to make nature runes, you just stole someone's hard earned ess. :o
  10. This is a relatively old method of runecrafitng through the abyss, there is a full discription in my guide, which is posted in my Sig. :)
  11. Added a note in the What to Wear section about getting your Bearhead back.
  12. Yes it is DEFINATLY possible, I Runecraft nature runes through the abyss and can make atleast 1.1m an hour without even using super energy potions (I can make 2 natures per essence). With super energy potions, although I lose some money for the expense of the pots, I can make 1.4m+ an hour.
  13. Heh no problem, I can assure you, you're not the only one, I'm actually surprised how many people avoid the abyss. :? Oh I'm sorry you missed me, I'll be sure to keep an eye out in future. :wink: The bearhead is a pretty uncommon, yet very useful item, I'm just glad more people are realising it's potential now. I'm not 100% sure on how to get your Bearhead back as I have never actually died while wearing it (I think that's a good sign? :mrgreen: ), but if I ever do end up losing it, I'll make sure to post on if/how you can get it back. :) EDIT: Confirmed, you can get your bearhead back by simply talking to the Chief in the village, I got a few more myself. Read the note in inventory for details.
  14. That is possible but I suggest having atleast 10 glory amulets to use the abyss to it's full portential, any less and you might as well just use the actual altar itself.
  15. I like to do that too, although they are extremely annoying, they make RCing less monotone. :?
  16. I don't think it was removed, I think it is on the Archive of Wisdom forum. They moved alot of guides, and they probably tried to move this one too. Since the link on the Archive of Wisdom sticky is a dead link, it must have gotten lost in Dimension X. That place steals alot of my golf balls too. I wish you would have posted this in the Archive forum though. Now we have to wait for a mod to move it. :P I'll fix the link once it gets moved. This thread created when the Archive of Wisdom was just a sticky in this forum, I'm sorry for the hassle. #-o
  17. I'm not really sure, I've never counted. I've done atleast 6k in day (yesterday) and I wasn't even on most of the day. :|
  18. I updated the "What to Wear" section slightly. :
  19. It must be a fairly new update, becuase while I was RCing on world 66, a few people had mith scimmys from the Quiz Show randoms, and another had a rune plate on the island for a couple of weeks. :?
  20. Thanks, I've never died while using this method, just make sure to click your form of teleport as soon as you can't move, and you should be fine. :) Yeah, I thought the extra ess was better than the tele. #-oThe tele is the most important thing you can bring, the D-hide is just so the spells bounce off more than they hit - saving time + teleport tablets. :thumbsup:
  21. I have a santa hat, soon to be red mask in about a week. :o
  22. This is posted on my guide *points to signature*. :mrgreen:
  23. Thanks, I've never died while using this method, just make sure to click your form of teleport as soon as you can't move, and you should be fine. :)
  24. I like to make the PKers get really aggrivated because their magic spells bounce off me 5 times in a row, but your way seems fun also. :mrgreen:
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