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Everything posted by imhomer

  1. I'll be willing to try the Avvy (haven't used that small of a canvas yet). BTW if you know a good way to shade water, that would be great.
  2. Wow, didn't actually think my sigs were that good.:shock::shock::shock: Who knows though, don't see many pixels around here anymore. :?
  3. Came up with this on accident while trying to find a good strategy for pixelling water. Whoever wants it gets it, no names attached so if more than one person wants it, go ahead and take it. I like the kinda abstract feel to it. :wink:
  4. Stick Figs in the background :? Grass is good though, 5/10
  5. Stickys and search are your friends :lol:
  6. what program has the 'grass brush'?
  7. 1. Start with 3 colors 2. Differ at least 6 pixels wide 3. Airbrush side to side, dark to light and then reverse: reapply once dry :wink:
  8. It's magical :wink: Actually if you read the entire thread you would see that ganondorf said there are two pegs in the wall holding the top half up. They're there if you care to look.
  9. ?? :? ?? Since I'm not doing a cartoon style........ cmon you can finish the subordinate clasue, I know you can! :wink:
  10. :oops: That's a veeeeeeeery interesting render you got there........... :shock: Are you one of those wierd people who really, really, really likes electric tape? Hope the mods are too :shock: to remove it.
  11. I am by no means as skilled as some at pixels but I think I know how to fix the armour. It seems to me that it fits the person's body too tightly........like a pair of rune colored pajamas. I would try to "harden up the look" by making it look like it wasn't made for just one person. Generally keep the body's curves in the armour, just don't make them as pronounced.
  12. Can't pay for it with RS items/money. BTW if a mod sees this it's gonna get locked.
  13. Dunno exactly, it was before I started doing sigs, probably about 1.5-2 months ago.
  14. BTW Jagex made it illegal to buy/trade for sigs now.
  15. I have no idea what I'm supposed to see in those links but... Live Long and Prosper!
  16. Ok here they are, my first 19 pixels. All have been made since May 2006 I think you'll see that sometimes I get lazy and don't even finish them :oops:. #1: Started this but had no idea what I was doing. NEVER FINISHED #2: After giving up on my first one I decided to start on another generic sig. Not really for anyone just from my mind. This was my first completed sig. I spent about 30 hours on it and now that I look back, the shading kinda hurts my eyes. #3: Cruised the forums for a bit, found someone looking for a pixel. Tried to do this one and finished but didn't like it. I ended up relpacing this sig with #5 for the same person. Spent only about 8 hours on it. Completely horrible, don't know what I was thinking :oops:. #4: Got a PM request for this one. Wanted to make sure I did better than the last sig. Couldn't figure out a good way to shade sand or water and the guy looks like he's doing limbo/pelvic thrust. :? Still,I think the idea was good, just poor execution. #5: Doing this one for the same person as #3 because I screwed up the last one. For this sig I finally got the hang of it and it's the first I've made that the person actually put into their sig. :) #6: Tried a new style, kinda sketchy with few colors. Spent some time with the pencil and fill tools and the palette colors. Some people don't think it's in good form but I like it. I spent about 45 minutes on this one. Pirates FTW! #7: Watched Back to the Future III and thought I'd do a sorta Clint Eastwood sig. Shading on the poncho needs work but I think the sky is awesome. :D #8: Just a random picture. It's the first I've drawn by hand before pixeling. I also tried a new pastel/painting style and I think it turned out pretty well. Total 9 hours. #9: I also came up with this avvy while I was trying to figure out a way to shade water for sig #5. #10-18: After taking a break since early June, I came back in mid august and made these. They're mainly texturing practice. I'm personally very proud of the ice and water avvys. #19: Once I got back into things doing the elemental avatars, I did a Starcraft Pixel. Not really a sig unless you turn it on its side. Total time 30+ hours.
  17. Enjoy the tacky palatte colors that 10 min of work brings :wink:
  18. Simple but much better than my first sig. Keep up the good work!
  19. imhomer


    Don't bother trying to talk to blipo, I think he let this post die. BTW no all the images are from Jagex, the letters page.
  20. Thanks for the tip, just changed it.
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