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Everything posted by imhomer

  1. Dude, are you aware of how arrogant that sounds? I'm not sure if I'm taking it the right way but to me it sounds really arrogant. Sorry, what I meant was I tend to spend too much time on my sigs and obsess over making them uber realistic. I really am sincere when I say I appreciate how y0ur_m0ther doesn't obsess over every detail, like I do. That gives a very good cartoony feel.
  2. 1. I started posting there but figured this was a rant. I didn't want to put it in rants because they're supposed to be about so I ended up here. 2. Check out the Movie Trailer posted by a TET Member here: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=450780&start=0&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight= So, complain on that post or remove it from my post. Check and mate. :twisted:
  3. Bond is Bond, I'll watch it even though the most recent movies have ben horrible. (Die Another Day, Goldeneye) Personally I love the old bonds, though the Roger Moore ones weren't that bad except for the wierd one with the tarot cards(I forgot the name). Ok I lied, Moonraker was pretty bad too.
  4. Ok I just got back from two whole days of riding on a bus. We watched some of the worst movies ever. Here's my list: 1. Fantastic Four: OMG the **** was the director smoking??? Comic movies don't work. The only ones that do have been around for almost a decade (batman, superman). Spiderman was good, but only the first time you watch it. 2. Tristan and Isolde: Don't care if I spelled this right at all. This was one [cabbage]ty movie. A three hour chick flick set in the middle ages, can't get much worse than that. Made me want to jump out the window. 3. Jackaz the Movie:(sorry mods, had to spell around the censor) maybe try Jackaz the Jackaz. What is wrong with those people?!?!?!? "Yes, I'm going to electrocute my balls/nipples. That would be fun!!! And you know what else? I'm going to do it in a pond of alligators just to sweeten the deal!!" All MTV execs need to die...............slowly...................from cancer........................in a burning building....................that caught on fire when they lit up their stash. So, post the movie that made you feel physical pain and post them here.
  5. No, it's fine, I won't redo it 'the right way'. It's your sig and your style, I just don't like it. Nothing against you personally.
  6. Man, you just make these sigs like no one's business. Nice job. Looks like there wasn't excessive effort in it (like in my sigs :?) which goes really well with the sort of cartoony style.
  7. It's Arnold!! I'll be back!!!(perhaps to spam some more :wink:)
  8. Your pixels make me want to cry. It could be your inexperience ( I doubt it) or just your style (more likely), but you seem stuck in the noob phase of pixeling. Good luck with your flat people man :? . EDIT: ^^Probably flaming, I'll remove this if the topic starts to smolder
  9. The link gets me to lumby defence, not the game you're talking about.
  10. Don't bump an old topic. Terley is working on the sig if you are on the waiting list or he is working on your sig, he'll probably tell you. Because of that there isn't any more point to bumping. I realize that by posting this I'm bumping it but it's already at the top of the forum.
  11. Please read the title. I won't accept any more requests. If you wish to have one once the waiting list is completed, resubmit your application.
  12. GANGSTAELL: congrats, you will be the last sig I accept at this point. I will leave a few avvy spots open but only for people I like :wink:
  13. Thanks climaxje, you've been added to the waiting list. Bear in mind it might take a while to finish your sig komodo, yes I do avvys but I find it difficult to work on that small of a canvas. I would be willing to try though
  14. bloodredsword, your request has been accepted. megadeadhead, im sorry but that's not in my style at all. Besides, the application was not done right
  15. Waiting List 1. bloodredsword-Basic Linework 2. climaxje-not begun 3. GANGSTAELL-not begun Welcome to the Gnome Free Pixel Sig Shoppe! I've been experimenting with pixel art for about 2 weeks now and I've really gotten into it. It seems that most of the pixel siggers have lain dormant for the time while Jagex has banned selling of sigs and avatars. I have come to fill that gap, and here it is. I will be taking orders for free pixel sigs. An example of my work: Because many of the free shops on this forum continue to be spammed I'm going to set down my rules and be a hard [wagon] about them. Here is the application form: If you do not follow this application, your request will be ignored. I don't want a post to look like this: ^This post will be ignored and repeated posts like this will get you banned from my thread, you'll never get a sig. Here's what a application should look like: ^This is an acceptable post. On a final note, there will be a waiting list. Just because you posted doesn't mean I'm going to do everyone's sig. Even if your application is perfect, I am not obligated to do your sig if I: A. Am busy and the waiting list is full B. Have too much school work at the time (usually this just means a slow down and not a cancellation of a sig) C. Just don't like you.............yes you :twisted: Once you post your request, I don't want seven other posts about "have you done my sig yet?" or "when am I going to get my sig?" If you do this repeatedly after my warnings, your sig will be cancelled I will post on the waiting list the sigs and applicants that I accept. A final disclaimer: This won't be a one day fast thing. Many people are used to Abstract/grunge sigs which take only a few hours to do. At this point in the year you can expect a sig from me to take anywhere from 5-14 days. I think that's about it, post any questions or comments you have. BTW: Tip.It replaces the other word for (donkey) with wagon. :lol: EDIT: I am also willing to do clan banners, just give me extra time as they are usually about as large as at least 3 sigs.
  16. ooooooooh, looks like a Mac :wink: Off topic: Do you wish to share how you pixel water?
  17. OMG penguins!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok enough spam, I like it :D
  18. Wondeful, I love the shading on the rune rocks. Only complaint: Paint style text. Enough said, good job. .................90 minutes......holy crap :shock:
  19. ummmmmmmmm..................yeah, I am still working on your sig you asked for last time. It's not exactly what you've asked for here (no fishing guild, no docks, no pile of sharks) but personally I think it's my best so far.
  20. :shock: OMG, I didn't even think they were all that good. Imitation is the sicerest form of flattery. :wink:
  21. This is a cool pixelled waterfall I found while looking for stuff on google.
  22. GRRRRRRR! :wall: Ok, sorry for the spam title. I have just spent the past 3 days trying to get making water right. I've tried everything in paint, airbrush, curved lines, tried drawing real thing in paint, even tried drawing things by hand (of which I have no skill). Could anyone, anyone point me in the right direction? Edit: And yes, I have tried google
  23. ok I lied, this is the last bump, then im going to atlanta for a week
  24. ummmmmmmmm................. :roll: #1 Please post in an existing topic, there are already 3 or 4 if you took the time to look #2 You need to be more specific with your request........................a lot more specific...............................in fact you should be specific at all. Ex.
  25. Last bump, then I'm letting this thread drop.
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