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Everything posted by Paul00

  1. Agility, I can't stop it. I remember back on Rsc when it came out, I was the only person under level 80 at the Barb course it was so strange O.o
  2. Well, after I get my agility cape, I'll post an outfit. So this is kind of reserved for a month in advance :D
  3. I loved One Small Favour easy, but very fun and annoying.
  4. I don't know if this counts but i got a robin from 2 different clues one clue apart.
  5. Don't be sad we still love you and go for the goal! Woot woot woot!
  6. Woo! another MANY skill dude! I'm also going for a manly first 99 (Agility) add me Paul00 for a chat!
  7. It's not pointless at all.....the shortcuts are amazing and your running will regenerate insanely fast. Defiantly not useless, just no one wants to train it because they say its not worth it.
  8. Add me (Paul00) I'll lend/Give you my Black mystic hat. You can pay it back later if not, oh well. :P (Maybe this is why I'm broke all the time)
  9. Yeah it's addicting after you do it for awhile you get so used to it, most people don't wait though. and Jessy, This was originally was in rants but it was moved for a reason I don't know.
  10. Fletching of course, but just because it's easy I have to have it a high level? Offtopic- Michigan Ftw!
  11. I'm really not seeing where people get the "you can't go on forums" thing, I'm doing agility and reading forums.
  12. People ask to be rated dude, if I said "rate me" and had 5 fletch people would go off. I just don't understand why no one cares about agility, even skillers. I really don't care how high my level is compared to others either.
  13. I sometimes put on gnome robes with bunny ears randomly dropping flowers. Does that count? :lol:
  14. I know we can already cancel by a variety of ways, but a cancel button would just be a lot nicer.
  15. 30 Crystal bow ranging :o but people with 50+ is amazing.
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