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Everything posted by magician_xy

  1. Omg, that's crazy. That's a lot of level 3's! Worry about yourself and not others then you won't have to confuse us with macroers k? thx God people these days in rs .. If you don't talk its like "pmfg r u macring @@?@?@?", doesn't even matter your combat level. I saw a post here the other day where someone was harassing a suspected autoer just because the person "looked" and "acted" like a bot. I'm sorry but seriously I want people to back off. If you think we are autoing, report us, don't talk to us, don't accuse. Just FO and report. Hmm... I disagree with this. If someone says something to you and you can hear (see) it, I believe it's just common courtesy to say something back, even if it's just: hi OMG, that took a whole half a second to type. And now the person knows that you're probably not an autoer. Problem solved. Now, if you've got public chat turned off, you obviously can't hear anybody saying anything. Sooo... Then you don't have to say anything. Then the person can go ahead and report you for "autoing" (even though it's really more like reporting for having public chat turned off). And as to the other point about being called a bot because you look like one... Um, yeah, that's called reality. If you go and dress up like a weirdo, I would guess that about 95% of people who see you are going to think, "Hey, that guy is a weirdo."
  2. Any of the bolded ones would rock :D I also like the idea of being able to pick your reward, so you could have something more to your liking. We already have those. lol We do? Explain what the items are that let you turn into a bunny... :roll: I love the easter egg ring idea, where you can get your old ring upgraded or whatever so you can roll around. If Jagex does that, there are going to be eggs rolling around the game of RS for weeks! (And, of course, the great Magician Xy will be rolling with rest of them [/overinflated ego])
  3. Oh, my god. This would absolutely, definitely, positively solve the problem. However, to accomplish that, every single word in the German language, including every slang/leetspeak term ("gut3n t2g"), would have to be entered into a database into the Runescape game. Not only would this take FOREVER, but what if Jagex felt like adding another language, like Spanish? They would have to do the same thing for all of those languages, too ("H0la!!!11!!"). That would take such a massive amount of money... Jagex would never do that. Sorry to burst your bubble. It was a good idea otherwise, though. :roll:
  4. heh, these are all pretty good... I'm gonna start collecting them to make one giant picture collection... My pic is in my sig, check it out. I examined the candles in the Varrock East Bank Vault :mrgreen:
  5. Nope. Absolutely not. If you like a game, play it, I say. I'm a minor at the moment (not revealing actual age), but when I was younger (about 7th grade) I was always teased because I loved playing Neopets, which is considered a game site for babies. Now, I have outgrown Neopets, but my point is that I played the game because I liked it. Frankly, I didn't care whether I was too old for that site or not. So, if you can afford it, and you enjoy it, go for it! Just a word of caution: Don't let it take over your life. I've heard horrible stories about people who get so addicted to something (whether it be games or drugs) that their whole life collapses around them. Make sure you do other stuff with your life, too. Spend time with your wife, go to parties, whatever. Magician Xy
  6. See? Even the Editor agrees with this basic idea. Slightly off topic, the article from a few weeks ago about luring can be backed up with this quote. If you pay attention and use common sense, nothing horrible can happen. Back on topic: Maybe Tip.It can make up a topic on the forums with the translations of the more commonly scammed items. For free-to-play, regular sapphire, emerald, ruby, and diamond amulets are often used for scamming amulets of magic, defense, strength and power, because they look so much alike. Being f2p, I don't know any members look-a-likes, but I'm sure that for people who don't know German, this scam can be very devastating. German was my mother language, so I volunteer to find some free-to-play item look-a-likes and find the exact translations. Tip.It is a great community, and I'd do anything to help out! (Also, I have a question... are the German servers actually up now? I know some people were invited to test them, but I never heard if the servers are publically available yet.)
  7. You can telegrab every item in the Varrock bank vault, except for the ruby ring to the left.
  8. lol i tried to collect bones for a while... the most I ever got was 25 because that's how many you need to finish the silverlight quest with the wizard guy. Anytime I see a bone on the floor, within seconds it's buried. Anyway, I do collect and tinderboxes, mostly because when I started RS, I thought the tinderboxes would run out of fire sometime and I better have a spare when that happens. As it happens, I now have about 150 "spares". Hooray for planning ahead! :thumbsup:
  9. Oh... Sorry... I just thought this would be a better place, since it relates to Runescape... but if it's already been posted, a mod can lock this if need be. Hehe... sorry again #-o
  10. I'm sorry if this is the wrong forum, but I found this on the internet and just had to share it with my fellow TipIters. Please note that this was not written by me; I just found it. The original can be found at here. President Bush "Ownz" on Runescape Prior to the November 7 midterm elections, many political analysts wondered how President Bush would handle the last two years of his presidency if the Democrats seized control of the Congress. Nearly all agreed it would be a lonely time for a President accustomed to being surrounded by friends in Congress. None of the analyst's observations included the possibility that President Bush would retreat from the world stage to the world of online gaming. It appears, however, that that is just what President Bush has done as he has been using the "Internets" to do more than to just use "the Google" to look at images of his ranch in Crawford, Texas, but is a passionate player of the online game Runescape. Runescape, made by British game developer Jagex Limited, is a Java-programmed Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) based in the fantasy world of Gielinor. Players create characters and develop skills in order to undertake quests, earn wealth, battle monsters and fight other players. Runescape has over nine million active free players and over 850,000 paying members, of which President Bush is one. A source inside the White House revealed that many senior members of the White House staff became concerned over the President's continuing removal from day-to-day affairs around mid November when he began missing his own Presidential Daily Briefings and on the rare occasion he did attend he kept referring to world leaders as "noobs" or yelling "owned" or "woot" at various points in the meeting. It has gotten to the stage that he now refuses to show up to his meetings and rarely holds press conferences. His reason for the withdrawl from the public eye was made clear in a leaked email to the senior White House staff, "I can't worry about those rl [real life] problems. Too many noob scammers around begging for 'phr33 st00f plox!'" Another White House source who wishes to remain anonymous and is familiar with the President's various Runescape characters noted that President Bush discovered Runescape via various conversations with some of his daughters' various boyfriends during March and April of 2006. President Bush became increasingly fixated on his first character, Prezp00nage, which was a pure mage (no levels on melee, range or prayer) designed entirely for PKing (player killing). Apparently, the President had fun 'owning' with his mage at the lower levels, but became increasingly frustrated at PKing as his combat level increased (mage + hit points). The White House source noted, "On the eve of the midterm elections and while everyone was focused on the big day the President summoned some of the White House interns into the Oval Office to discuss ways in which his 'mage could stop being pooned in the wildy by rangers.'" According to the White House source, this infamous meeting led to President Bush creating his prized combat level 67 range staker from which he claims to won a green party hat and over seven million gp (Runescape currency). This staker is more of a hybrid (some mage levels in addition to range levels in order to increase his hitpoints along with a bit of defense, but still without prayer) ranger than a pure ranger and the President has excelled in setting up the stakes and rules in the Dueling Arena to his advantage. Avant News created an account on Runescape in order to catch up with President Bush on his hybrid range staker account, Leg0Las666, in game. He refused to add me to his "Friends List" until I traded him a D Scimmy (Dragon Scimitar) and 2k lobbies (2,000 lobsters). The following is the transcript of the private chat conversation: To Leg0Las666: Mr. President, I understand you have been spending a lot of time here. From Leg0Las666: Lol, wanna stake, noob? To Leg0Las666: No Sir. I am curious to know if you understand the country wonders where you are. From Leg0Las666: Soz, Now I'm at greaters, but heading off soon to jellies for Slayer To Leg0Las666: I mean in the Real World, Mr. President. From Leg0Las666: O From Leg0Las666: omfg, rl sux. This is where its at. W000t!! Leg0Las666 has logged out Leg0Las666 has logged in From Leg0Las666: Soz, was lagging major. Leg0Las666 has logged out Leg0Las666 has logged in From Leg0Las666: grrrr. ******* Jagex keeps loosing my connection!!! From Leg0Las666: gonna switch worlds. Leg0Las666 has logged out Leg0Las666 has logged in To Leg0Las666: Are you there, Mr. President? From Leg0Las666: Sup? To Leg0Las666: I only wanted to know what your goals are for the remainder of your term From Leg0Las666: hmmÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâæFull set of phats would be nice. Full dragon, full guths full torag From Leg0Las666: 99 runecrafting. I want that cape and hood cos the emote is sweet From Leg0Las666: Also, I want to get a lava cape, but I'll need prayer first. :( From Leg0Las666: That's all. I'm gonna go alch some yew longs now. Saving for a whip. To Leg0Las666: Well then, I guess that's about it then as it's difficult to reach you. From Leg0Las666: gr8! L8r n00b! <3 Two days later the following message was received from President Bush: From Leg0Las666: Hey, u got 500 gp I can borrowÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâæI got haxed. Immediately following that message the President was added to the ignore list. It truly must be lonely at the top.
  11. lol these are great stories! My first day of runescape was pretty weird, too. I finished tutorial island pretty quick (I'm naturally good at following directions :mrgreen:) but then got totally lost in lumbridge casle. Then I got angry b/c there were no banks anywhere. I was like, :?: why in the world would they put banks in the tutorial if there are no banks in the real game?!?!? :?: Then I realized that lumbridge was not the only town you could go to... so i went to varrock. in varrock, I saw some people killing guards, and I was like, "OMG, why are you killing guards? aren't they the good guys?" and the other guy called me a weirdo (which is okay, I get that sometimes.) Then, after watching people kill more and more guards, I decided to kill one myself. (Keep in mind I'd never played any MMORPG game before, so I had no idea what a difference of, oh, 18 levels meant). I died in like 2 hits O:) I logged off after that. The next day, I searched the internet for runescape beginners help... and found Tip It! The rest is history...
  12. I don't know wahat these people are talking about... I think this is a pretty good achievement, if you really only play one hour a day. The attack, defense, and strength are nice and evenly distributed, plus youve got a (relatively) high magic level. Nice work! 6/10.
  13. What if when the mod presses the "freeze" button, It doesn't actually "freeze" the player like one of those ancient magic ice spells. Instead, it just disallows the player from doing anything - walking, clicking, or getting damaged. The only thing that can be done when "frozen" is chat. The PMod would say som,ething like "If you're not an autoer, say [insert randowm word here]". Then the person says it, and the PMod lifts the freeze. That way, the only way a PMod could abuse this feature is if they annoy someone by repeatedly freezing them. I don't think anyone would risk giving up PMod status just to annoy someone a couple of times, right? But yeah, there's the issue of how to stop PMods from freezing you all the time if you act close to like an autoer in game. (Like if you are low level, and you cut a lot of yews, you might get frozzen alot.)
  14. Ok, I haven't actually tried it, but I'm going to make some conjectures based on my programming knowledge. I'm sure this works for quite a lot of autoers, because I'll bet a lot of them are programmed to pick up excess yew logs/ess on the floor. However, I also think that most autoers are only programmed to chop the wood themselves, not pick them up. Then again, I've never used a bot, so I guess I wouldn't know. :D
  15. NO! No, no, no, no! In my opinion, Runesape is a point and lick game. The keyboard isn't used during game play at all, except for camera movement. The moment you add more keyboarding, the more like other games Runescape becomes. I play Runescape because 1. its free, and 2. its different than other MMORPG games. Besides, like someone said earlier, I bet a quickbar would only help autoers anyway. EDIT: Runescape is a point and click[ game, not point and lick. Sorry for that odd typo. :oops:
  16. I think this is actually a pretty good idea. Generally speaking, there is a penalty system for being "evil". (PKing is "evil", right? The penalty there is that someone can sneak up on you and kill you, resulting your loss of expensive weaponry.) However, what happens when a person lures? The victim complains: "[insert name here] is a scammer!" After that, no one trades with that person... for about an hour. Then the lurer is right back to where he started, scamming whoever he can. I'll admit, I like being the bad guy (PKing - not luring) every now and then. However, when I act evil, I know there are consequences for those actions. I think some consequences should be put in place for luring, too. A blacklist idea was mentioned earlier in the thread...Maybe whenever you trade with a blacklisted person, a warning pops up? In any case, I just want to restate that I firmly believe luring is completely legal, but also completely unethical. I mean, geez, if you're gonna PK somebody, do it honestly in the Wildy of in the Duel Arena; don't hide in the shadows and be a weeny who picks on the (no offense to anyone) slower people.
  17. I think this is a pretty good point. There are some people out there who are, in real life, very kind, and nice, and all goody-two-shoes about everything. But they're only human. In my opinion, no matter how polite or wonderful you are normally, everybody's got a mean streak somewhere inside. For some, it's near the surface and it manifests often. For others, it's very deep, and hardly ever shows. But seriously, you can't tell me you've never, EVER thought of how much easier it would be to just scam someone to get that dragon weapon or abyssal whip, or some fancy whatever it is. However, most people can refrain from scamming at all, which is what keeps the playing experience from becoming un-fun. (Thank goodness for those honestly moral people out there! =D> ) That said, I would have to say that luring is, in the context of a game, legal. However, at the same time, I would also have to say that luring is not acceptable. Just note that these are my thoughts on luring after having read this post. To be honest, I never even really knew that people were getting scammed like this because I always assumed that if anyone gets anywhere near the wilderness, they bank their items first. The wildy is for player vs player combat, not trading. :-s
  18. Tip.It is waaaaaaaaaay better than RuneHQ for most things, but Tip.It doesn't have an item database... *cough*. Other than that, Tip.It rules! YAY TIP.IT! :wink:
  19. Oh, my gosh, this is the greatest idea ever. I've been wanting a bury x for a long time now. The monotonous, continuous clicking on each bone individually is ridiculous. I go out and train specifically to get bones, and I don't feel like killing my mouse finger just because no one can figure out there's an easier way... However, this would get rid of lots of the random events associated with burying bones. I'm not sure I'd want those gone, those are fun. (Especially the graveyard... I WILL get full zombie one day...) Other than that, put on the list for the bury x petition!!!!! :D
  20. This is case and point, right here. If only mods were allowed to report abuse, think of how many more poeple Jagex would have to make mods in order to police the many people who play. I personally don't see mods very often, and when I do, I add them to my friend list for future reference. As such, I only have 3 mods there now. Now, in a world with up to 2000 players and only one mod, there's no way all the abuse will be caught. And besides... How do you think you get the silver crown in the first place? :| Jagex doesn't make a person who doesn't do anything a mod. He has to report abuse accurately and responsibly.
  21. i agree with ancalagon, it would take an enormous amount of programming, since you have to make it sound human (not computerized), and you'd have to program each seperate question individually. Other than those setbacks, This is a GREAT idea. I'm tired of everyone calling eachother names and being mean to one another. This could help!
  22. Password stealing? An auto talker would be able to steal anyone's password, unless they repeatedly said "Ooh, Jagex blocks your pass, see *****" and then someone was stupid enough to say their pass. But who falls for that anymore? (somewhat off topic, I think jagex should censor your pass, that way one scam is eliminated.) Back on topic, thanks to whirliebird for that REALLY long post. It's amazing what autoers do now. I think I even saw a pking autoer, because i tried talking to him after I ran and he didn't respond. (normally pkers call me chicken or noob when I run for my life.) I watched this guy, and he never said a word. He killed about three players, then went to bank and came back. (Probobly to get food.) I think Jagex should unban auto talkers. Did you know that keyboarding fast and repeatedly can give someone carpal tunnel? My mom has that (she works all day with computers) and she says it really hurts when she moves her wrists after being on the computer. Jagex should let people use auto talkers not only because they're harmless, but because it may prevent jagex from being sued by some jerk.
  23. Accidentally walked to popular pk spot by varrock and died, lost about 10k worth of stuff. :oops: In anger, I rushed back to kill the person who killed me. Stopped by the bank to get full inventory of lobsters, then attacked the mean old fart. Of course, that's when my computer decided to be really slow, and I didn't eat a lobster in time. I lost about 25 lobbys. :evil: I decided to give up after that. (Besides, I had no more food left.) :roll:
  24. Alright, here's another thought: auto miners are bad, I get it. But what about auto talkers? They can't affect the economy, other than the person using it may be able to sell more items because they don't have to type it in themselves. All they do is talk. Granted, if the person using it is a noob, it can get annoying, but then just put them on your ignore list. What is the popular opinion on auto-talkers?
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