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Everything posted by magician_xy

  1. Not complaining, just curious. And as far as "ping latency" goes... I have no idea what you're talking about. :D Hey, my biggest complaint is the multi-monster thing, which does seem to be on the decline. I might be a little more for rangers if my ranging was higher... I've been playing for five years and it's only twelve. hehe This was a good argument, with rational points. Tip.It is the only place you can find those. This is Mage Xy, signing off. ;)
  2. Broom: useless for f2p. Goulash, robes, everything else: TOTALLY AWESOME! This was the best holiday ever, with the exception of that one easter where we got the rubber chicken. God, I love that thing... :twisted: To the poster who said we can get the broom back: that's actually not true. Technically, it's not a holiday item, but a quest item. And if maggie disappears from f2p worlds, then we can't get it back until we get members.
  3. I will freely admit that I am too scared and too weak to fight man to man in a true PvP setting. If I were to go on a PvP world (happened once, never again :oops: ) I would target the skillers, because like others have said, they know what they are risking and they are the weakest (or the least prepared for battle.)
  4. Out of curiosity, compfreak, are you a ranger? Because you sure seem to want to defend them... :D Like I said before, I've got an pretty fast internet. Can you think of a good reason why rangers always get the monster before me? (other than they are faster clickers... it should be about 50/50, if accurate) And by always, I mean about 90% of the time, at least. Unless my internet is a lot slower than I thought...
  5. You want an argument? Okay - your ideas stink and you have no idea what ur talking about! What? Oh, sorry, misread that... by argument, I thought you meant "flame war"... :oops: Just kidding about the above, just so you know. To what the poster above me said, I always thought that was true. I have a pretty decent and fast internet connection, but when I go to kill hill giants, rangers always beat me to the punch.
  6. One thing you have to understand is my opinion is based on what I see, and if you look at my sig, I'm pure f2p. As in, I have never been a member. Therefore, I don't know about cannons and multicombat ancients. I'm just saying for f2p, it's very annoying and I can't think of a good reason to keep it the way it is. For members it might be different.
  7. This actually made me laugh. I guess if range can be unrealistic... why not? Eh, I don't agree here so much. Everyone should be limited to one monster at a time. If you're melee-ing, you can only have one monster (provided it's not a multicombat zone). Really the only thing that prevents it from happening is the fact that monsters cannot attack back if you're behind a rock or whatever. So because rangers (and mage, for that matter) have "safe spots", they get to attack as many as they want while melee lags behind? That doesn't seem fair. I think the answer is easier than a ten second wait, though: just don't allow people to attack more than one monster at a time.
  8. Well, everyone's got their own style of playing. I for one don't mind rangers too much. However, there are a couple of things they do that tick me off (at least a little...) 1. They seem to have priority when attacking monsters. Like, if a mage, a meleer, and a ranger all click on the same monster at the same time, the ranger will get it first. At least that's what it seems like. 2. They hide behind rocks so bigger monsters can't attack them, then attack two or three monsters at a time, not allowing others to get a chance to slay their own monster. (Monster hogging is so unpolite :shame: ) 3. Considering that they have to get an arrow out, nock it, pull back, aim, and fire, they have insanely fast hit speed. Other that, I guess I really don't care. But number two is what really makes me mad. What, one monster not good enough for you? You have to steal other people's kill (and therefore time) too? Whatever happened to being considerate and sharing? :x
  9. In the air runecrafting alter, free to play players can get a glimpse of the pay to play monster, rabbit (lvl 2). They are located in the east and the north. If the rabbits move in the right position, you can attack them with magic or ranged (very rare).
  10. Someone mentioned a cool-colored cat as a reward for this quest. Is this true? If so, is it member's only? What I meant to post here before I started reading posts is a question. Does the broom count as a holiday item, since you get it from a quest? What I mean by that is, if I destroy/lose it, can I get it back from Diango? I love this Halloween event! The clothes, meh, broomstick, meh, goulash, OH YEAH! :thumbsup:
  11. Hey Tip.It! I've just got a few questions about the Target pre-pay cards. 1. How much do they cost? (For one month and three month) 2. How long does it take to activate membership after inputting the password? 3. If I bought two cards, would I be able to input them three months after purchase? Like let's say I got two three month cards, used one, then waited until membership ran out until I used the other one. Thanks!
  12. The reason the majority of feedback is negative is because the whiners just want to complain. Those who are actually enjoying the update are not wasting their time posting on the RSOF. Therefore, only the bad things are being seen.
  13. As far as people quitting because if this update... Excellent. That means less whiners and complainers to deal with. \ Geez, it bugs the crud out of me when I see people (especially f2p) pissing and moaning about updates. :evil:
  14. Yes, maybe. But we did get pvp worlds... that's pretty close in my opinion. Now, it may just be me, but I think f2p has never been better. I absolutely LOVE all the different stuff we've got now. Despite what a lot of people say, I really think Jagex is a good company. There are some games I've played (specifically, MapleStory) that was just total crap. There were spelling mistakes all over the game, glitches popped up every ten minutes, and it was so easy to hack, my grandmother could do it. Really, RS is so much better than a lot of the alternatives.
  15. In my humble, free-to-play opinion, we've got plenty of stuff. For Party Pete's sake, last year f2p didn't have bounty hunter, grand exhange, fist of guthix, duel arena, pvp worlds, or a ton of other stuff. This last year has been a gold mine for f2p. The reason Jagex is giving f2p a couple new things is because if they kept f2p the same for years on end, people would not get the right picture about how members is. For example, before fist of guthix, I didn't know what's so special about minigames. Now, I am even more determined to get members because I know minigames are fun!
  16. I think we should count ourselves lucky. Yeah, so there are weirdos who try to get a gf or a bf in game. That's nothing compared to Maplestory, where players can actually MARRY each other in game. Plus, when they do, they get attack bonuses for fighting together, among other things. :shock: :wall:
  17. If F2P got the HD update, they would be limited to reporting bugs in the F2P zone, which is about... i don't know, a fourth of the P2P area. Plus, there would be a lot of duplicate reports. I wonder how many people have already reported about the mime mask glitch, where your talking head is partially erased?
  18. What this article says is so true. I remember first entering Runescape and marveling at how detailed everything was, considering it was a browser based game. I stayed in "Lumby" for almost a week because I couldn't stop being amazed at the goblins, the people, and the castle. (That, and the fact I couldn't figure out where to leave :mrgreen:) But after exploring new areas, they became old to me. I still liked playing, but the graphics weren't what I noticed as exemplary. Similarly, I used to play Maplestory. The detail in that game was incredible. Almost every background looked handpainted, and there were numerous backgrounds per area (due to parallax scrolling). I was astounded at first, but after a few weeks, the backgrounds became old, something to deal with as you trudged endlessly onward past countless levels. I quit that game because it was always the same thing. I stayed with RS because the company Jagex actually cares about its consumers, be they members or F2P. Even though I don't pay money, I still feel as though Jagex is giving a fair amount of new content, and everytime they do, I spend at least a day playing with new features, or in this case, admiring new landscapes. =D>
  19. Probably as a promotional feature to get players excited and want to buy members. If you've never noticed, you can see the POH button in the menu for F2P, but you can't actually access the features. I bet it will be the same after the beta is over. You can see the switch to FS in the options menu, but you won't be able to click it. My opinion: as long as F2P does get this awesome HD upgrade, I don't care if I have to stay on this tiny screen size. And since Jagex has already promised to give it to F2P, I'm super excited... \
  20. Thanks, found it! :thumbsup:
  21. Is there any clan chat for tip.it people? I know HYT was the channel a long time ago, but no one uses it anymore.
  22. One thing, at least in F2P: I saw everyone had those cool kites you can get from Diango, so I went to go get one. I had about 250 coins in my inventory. I clicked buy one kite, and all of my coins disappeared! The kites only cost 100! :o WTF? Diango is a robber! Also, an observation: Jagex got rid of the classic RS dance! You know, where you jerk one side of your body back and forth, then the other side... Now you actually dance when you do the dance emote. I miss the old dancing... :cry:
  23. First of all, though I'm not a member, I got to say WELL DONE JAGEX!!! There's no way there will be too many complainers now. Having said that, I'd like to complain. :mrgreen: This is what I looked like before the graphics update: I liked this style because it was very cartoony and pretty simple. Now, this is what I look like: OMG. What happened? What happened to my hat?! It's friggin bigger than my torso! This style is so serious. It's too much like the big MMOs, IMO. I liked the old school RS. On the bright side, they updated the animations for walking. It's so much smoother! And when I run, my cape ACTUALLY WAVES back and forth in the wind. Before, it just kinda... you know. It was like wearing a two by four. All in all, this update gets a 15 out of 10. Yes, it's that good.
  24. Ah, nuts... it seems my pic's not in there. Well, only one thing to do... take up more of imageshack's bandwidth and server space! Oh, er, I mean... *cough* Repost my image from my own website. Yeah. That's what I meant. And what I will do. : Stop grinning, I do too own imageshack! :P
  25. So, is there an "official" Tip.It clan chat? I fish all day long, and believe me, it gets a little monotonous sometimes.
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