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Everything posted by Artificial_Doom_Flavor

  1. Some of us have fun training the skill, aru Which scares me. Why do you punctuate your sentences with "aru"?
  2. No, they really haven't. Anyone with the knowledge and half a brain knows that revenants can easily be stopped by trees. TREES, for God's sake. Not only does that work on every monster (then I guess there never was danger against any monsters period) but Pkers with ranged attacks could be stopped the same way, and are stuck for crucial seconds. If your target was halfway between you and the edge of the mini-map, you have no chance of catching up with them to cast Entangle unless they ran out of energy. And notice, I said it brings it CLOSER, not COMPLETELY FINISHES making the Wilderness dangerous. Good PKers learn with time that the way to avoid being stuck on obstacles when pursuing a target is to disengage from the target whilst bringing the option to attack them up in queue by right-clicking on the target such that you are running in the direction of your target but not attacking them. This prevents you from being stuck behind a tree. So while you miss a couple of attacks, it leaves you open to continue your assault. Yes, I have been *stuck* behind trees before, but I could generally use this strategy to avoid such a situation. Revenants, on the other hand, remain constantly stuck behind trees and make absolutely no attempt to correct themselves. So which is more dangerous, a slow-moving enemy that can hit 30 but doesn't know how to negotiate obstacles, or an enemy that hits 16 but can move around anything you try to throw at them and runs just as fast as you? Most F2P players are apparently just so scared of the revenants' max hits that they just try to run without thinking of how to use their surroundings to their advantage. They also apparently forget to bring food and charge their prayer before entering. It's a little ridiculous, if you ask me.
  3. If online prestige really matters that much to someone, perhaps they need a little boost in the real world.
  4. No, they really haven't. Anyone with the knowledge and half a brain knows that revenants can easily be stopped by trees. TREES, for God's sake.
  5. Well, there's a problem: Dueling is limited to 3k in f2p. Don't think you'll get much more in members, either: The limit is 30k IF you've done EVERY quest. I really recommend against playing again unless you somehow like skilling. F2P has been burned to the ground.
  6. Look, say what you want about it being utterly necessary, an emergency state, the sky is falling, what have you- I don't care about that. I just want my bloody game back, and goldfarmers didn't personally do anything to me except give me ore when I killed them sometimes or slow me down a bit when I tried to fish at Karamja. Now I gotta leave just because some piece in China wants to sell something that isn't his? Is this what's to become of the MMO market? See you guys in StarCraft 2. P.S.: I'd like you to read this, Fey, and tell me with a straight face that the removal of the Wilderness to be replaced by Bounty Hunter was the best decision they could have made.
  7. I'm hoping to get money for fighting someone with a brain. Why now is this not possible? Why am I only allowed to make money by investing or skilling? The first I don't mind (but requires a lot of money to begin with), but the second is intolerable. Why is it that in the past one got rewarded for being an exceptional player and not a huge nerd that had time to spend clicking stuff? Revenants are tougher than most PKers anyways. They might be able to hit 40+, but they sure are dumb. People have no reason to be scared of them and many runite miners simply aren't anymore.
  8. ...Not to mention that skillers don't seem to understand that things like the Runite Rocks were in 46 wild for a reason. This nonsense has to be stopped.
  9. And THERE is what is killing RuneScape. Let's not make anything take too much thought!
  10. While we're on THAT subject, what about Smithing?
  11. That's true, but what about all the others? If the majority of this game is satisfied with skilling, then maybe I'm better off leaving.
  12. First HALF of the new year. That could mean tomorrow, it could mean June 30th. Stupid argument.
  13. By encouraging players to not give their feedback on their problems with features and stating the only way Jagex can to allow the game to function is to allow RWT as is implied by everything posted here after your initial disclaimer, that you don't in fact support RWT. Why instead repost unreliable material you've taken from RWT sites, when it's obvious if you go to any MMOs forum that neither players nor game developers welcome RWT; in fact they despise it as much as our player community does. It's the in Terms & Conditions/Terms of Service of all MMOs that prohibit RWT. * Unsanctioned RWT is prohibited because that it damages the reputation and playability of MMORPGs; it's in the interest of game developers to prevent it. * Sites that are not licensed resellers by MMO Developers are illegal sites. * All honest players abhor illegal RWT it since it promotes cheating and has historically ruined the mechanics of many a game. * All honest fansites that do not promote it such illegal activities. What you've posted here simply leaves in my view a lot of unanswered questions: Why on Gielinor are you pasting the exact same material I've seen posted previously (before this was posted on Tip.It) on other forum by different RuneScape username? Was that other username I saw this material posted under your username perchance? If that was your username and you did write this why the alias if that's the case? And if you are quitting, as you say you are anyway, why would you care to use an alias? And if you are quitting why do you care to post and respond here since the fate of RuneScape is no longer within your the sphere of interest as online game? Otherwise, if this is not your material then why not simply do your own research to support your claims, or else give credit to the original author so we can see your sources? I know you are restricted in that you cannot by the rules post sites here but surely the original author would want credit for their views. By posting this under an alias, in my view, it only makes these claims harder to credit given the severity of criticism being made against Jagex. My apologies if you feel accused here, but when you accuse others by pointing such major bones, and picking apart the legitimate business of the company whose game upon which this is a fansite (Tip.It) is based, you must be prepared for similarly close scrutiny. The facts are in my view, that Jagex would not be making such serious legal claims against these RWT operators if there were not sound legal foundation to Jagex's statements about the level of fraud committed by these sites. If you were to do your own research and write your own material (unless that was you who posted this on that other forum) that would at least offer some integrity to these severe criticisms being levelled in this thread at Jagex. In my view it's clear it's rule-abiding player base who want nothing to do with RWT, nor would they want RWT back in the game. I'm really annoyed by the fact that you completely disregard how damaged this game has become through Jagex's policies against goldfarming. I'm also annoyed that you post pedestrian arguments about it that we've seen and already know. Goldfarming is bad, we hate it, it's ruining the economy, it's pissing off banks- We know this, and we'd like it to stop, but the reason there is such a problem with the updates to "stop" them is because they were simply done the wrong way. They DESTROYED a significant portion of (if not in whole) what made the game fun. That might be worth it to you or Jagex or many others who play in a RuneScape bubble who haven't experienced the best aspects of the game AS IT WAS, but I can honestly say- and I've been all over the place in this game- that it wasn't worth it. Jagex is NOT open to many reasonable player ALTERNATIVES (note that they are open to suggestions concerning the updates, but not alternatives- this demonstrates how narrow their thinking is) and exceedingly slow in implementing the rest, and you cannot deny this. If Jagex had better, much more viable substitutes ready for what was removed (I seriously doubt they were in a state of emergency at the time of the changes), or took more interest in what their more vocal (but mature) players had to say, then there may not have been the problem there is now. Alas. Again, what this boils down to is you saying that the removal of goldfarmers (I prefer not to use Jagex's PC term for them) was an issue bad enough to justify any action on Jagex's part to stop them. I suppose I can liken this this to the drug trade: it's a serious problem that has lasting negative consequences wherever it spreads, but it rarely cripples society as a whole. You wouldn't place the whole city under martial law and book everyone just in case they happened to be involved somehow, in case they MIGHT be involved later. That just doesn't make sense. Yet, what Jagex has done here has destroyed a great deal of the content that it offered in the name of stopping this problem. They've put a chokehold on trading, charity, and PlayerKilling, for EVERYONE. EVERYONE, from Zezima to the weakest level 3, is a suspect; nobody's innocent or can be trusted. That's the kind of paranoid mentality that leads to decadence. It's absurdity.
  14. You're going to regret this three years down the road when you realized how much time you spent not enjoying what you were doing.
  15. I'll wait for summoning, and I'll be pleased if it isn't a grindfest skill. Historically, though, RuneScape's skills require little skill and lots of repetition, in which case it might be fun for the first 30 levels or so and I'll get bored of it- assuming it's F2P.
  16. You're completely right here. F2P is no longer fun, so get members? But wait, I DID find it fun before these updates! If P2P was affected similarly, then why should I be paying $5 a month for something I probably won't enjoy? if u dont like the updates and stop playing I will, thanks. The word is "then," by the way.
  17. It's pointless to set a goal for something when you know it's just a testament to how long you were willing to click on something repeatedly, not for any particular purpose, not really requiring any real skill or innovation. For instance, I wanted 99 Smithing before the trade massacre so that I could give free rune stuff I'd made myself to people. But now, what the hell's the point? There IS no point in leveling anything anymore past a certain point, unless for some reason having a pair of nines in your stats makes you feel fulfilled when deep down you know it was a humongous waste of time. Maddox puts it well:
  18. Party room my stuff to give to a bunch of ungrateful fools? I'll pass. I'd rather let my stuff rot in the bank.
  19. We have here a failure to communicate: There is simply nothing for a lot of the people complaining to "adapt" to and hence no way to "get over" it. Everything that they have or could have enjoyed is gone, yet you make "adaptation" sound like some kind of Darwinian survival mechanism; like the old ways of doing things were primitive, obsolete. It's just a matter of preference in a game, and for a lot of us this has stopped being a game and turned into a chore. I think it's reasonable for people to complain when what they're getting isn't what they signed up for.
  20. You're completely right here. F2P is no longer fun, so get members? But wait, I DID find it fun before these updates! If P2P was affected similarly, then why should I be paying $5 a month for something I probably won't enjoy?
  21. I'll be honest with you. I think all three of those suck. And zap, I already know what's in members. I've been playing RuneScape for three years and have been a regular at a member-inhabited IRC. The point is that it isn't worth it for me. There are better games out there: What this game used to offer me is gone. I can replace questing with a better RPG; the multiplayer element with an FPS or something similar. I've no doubt that some of members is fun, but I don't want to join after I've been essentially slapped in the face.
  22. Come to think of it, why didn't Jagex do THIS along with border and tele restrictions on the Wilderness instead in the first place? Full support.
  23. No, it's like giving the patient radiation treatment, while the cancer is still at a relatively early stage, but will cause the patient's hair to fall out. It's the right thing to do, will cause some sacrifices, but it's nothing a few cosmetic treatments won't fix. Unfortunately it's the cosmetic treatments which weren't very good. Not the initial treatment. Not the updates, the optimism.
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