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Everything posted by Artificial_Doom_Flavor

  1. I thought you might not want the Wilderness restored, but I'm just curious if you think the idea could float.
  2. The teleporting idea would be a good anti-trading device to put in place; indeed, it would enhance the recording system, but it isn't going to stop traders from making their transactions. More difficult, but certainly not impossible. I'm not sure what the issue with giant teams is, since most of those are clans anyway. That said, thanks for the support.
  3. People like you are just as bad as they are; elitist snobs who think that anyone who sets foot in the Wilderness to do harm is barbaric. You hurt the game's community as much as any abrasive Abyss PKer.
  4. Skilling is boring, and I don't feel like working when I'm playing a game.
  5. The Wilderness changes made were effective in their goal, but unnecessary and very harsh on PKers; furthermore, the Wilderness was not meant to be a safe place to runecraft or do your treasure trails. I understand your frustration with PKers- I am a runite miner and have been attacked countless times myself- But I knew what I was getting into when I went out there. Now the Wilderness is boring and not dangerous. It was a bad update, and catered to people who couldn't/wouldn't defend themselves in the Wilderness and expected somehow not to be interrupted in their task. I agree that this certainly helped, although I think much more thought should be put into developing a formula to allow people to make money from trading other than simply quest points. As well, an "account-tie" option should be given a glance that will give another person's account the same trading rights as their main accounts per their experience and the trust that they have built over the years. That's a big problem. What Jagex has done- like with the Wilderness update- is eliminate risk for non-PKers. It has removed a punishment for being careless or even AFK training- and that's no good. If they had simply made what other people dropped invisible and taken away the gravestone update, that would be fine, but this is plain stupid. The ability to have your items indefinitely preserved after death? Watch some dueling videos on YouTube and you'll understand what was lost with the 3k limit. You don't say? Not going to happen, and I am of the mind that Jagex has done more to damage the game than goldfarmers have thus far. I hate goldfarmers myself, but Jagex did not NEED to do what they did. I would still be playing a game with bots, scammers, nasty PKers, runite goldfarmers, and people too lazy/stupid to know how to raise accounts without drop trading from their mains, but that's ok with me, because I always rose above that filth when I needed to. Making the game safer is precisely the wrong direction for RuneScape. People don't learn from their mistakes if they don't lose anything. I confess that this is true. I'd rather have a bot-infested RuneScape than the travesty we will have starting in January.
  6. Drops it, as in, just drops it, or drops it when he dies, or drops it when he gets killed? Just drops it, not when he dies. Revised.
  7. It also slows down people who want to donate good items to new people, stops contests and parties, and prevents people from making good money buying and selling items outside of the GE. You don't understand. The Wilderness's PvP element was removed and hence for all players with protection prayers and/or a brain its danger has virtually vanished. Risk has disappeared. A huge, dynamic, open arena has disappeared. Getting loot from one-on-one kills has disappeared. Fair PvP is gone, too. All this in the name of stopping Real-World Trading? Killing a trademark and arguably the most exciting part of the game? Let's face it- chopping magics and runecrafting just don't compare. And if anyone bothered to apply a little thought here, they'd realize it was largely unnecessary to remove the PvP aspect of the Wilderness to stop the vast majority of goldfarmers. Many other measures could have been taken, and Jagex chose the worst.
  8. Bounty Hunter DOES NOT replace PKing. Not at all. No. Neither will single-player PvP, since the fighting is not in the Wilderness and you cannot go after the people that you want to go after (in my case, people who attack runite miners or just other PKers). Not only that, but the Wilderness is now not dangerous at all to someone with protection prayers and a little bit of food. A 30k trading cap is only IF you have done EVERY quest. And sorry, summoning won't be enough to make me subscribe. It's not going to stop me from quitting by the end of January, either, if things don't improve.
  9. Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner! Slayer ftw! Not everyone likes Slayer. And don't rely on it if you want to raise magic. Not enough alchable drops in my experience. Not to mention f2p players.
  10. Well, maybe it was HIS FAULT FOR WALKING INTO THE WILDERNESS! So you never went into the wildy not knowing what it was? I used to mine coal and a number of other assorted ores in the Wilderness. I still mine runite out there. And I used to complain about getting attacked by PKers for no reason other than a good laugh for them- But you know what? I didn't want PvP to go away, I just wanted people to be nicer and leave miners alone. They never did, of course, and I came to hate them. However, I didn't want PKing gone from the Wilderness because I enjoyed the idea of fighting other players in such an environment when I was ready (getting revenge and protecting other miners was big for me). And now, I want PKers back: they break the monotony of mining runite and they were actually smart predators. They aren't idiotic like these revenants are. Now, people who were too cowardly to set foot in level 1 Wilderness are freely coming to 46 to mine ore in no armor. I don't think that's right. There has to be more risk. I never attacked my fellow miners out there unless they themselves did (or seemed to be goldfarmers), but now I have come to resent their presence when mining. And no, even when I started out it was very difficult to go into the Wilderness without knowing what it was because of the pop-up screen (and all the people fighting on the borders). You should have known what you were getting into when you approached.
  11. Glad to see that you also think that PvP is in terrible shape. Could you give the suggestion in my signature a quick read and tell me what you think of it?
  12. Keep in mind that a lot of people (like me) are waiting for the next move before we decide to quit or move on.
  13. Let's assume you're anti-dragon potted or have an anti-dragon shield. Does any kind of armor enhance your defence against dragon's breath? If so, what kind?
  14. If it were from China, there would be no 12/10/07, no random events, and more yew trees
  15. Found you! (Runic Breeze) Thanks a lot for the cool stuff! Also Happy New Year ^_^ But blasted be that silly 3k limit for my new account.
  16. I'd rather have bots than the mess we have now, that's for sure. I hated them- they slowed down the work for all the honest players- but if the price of them going is fun, then I'll take them.
  17. im only 90 str and with pot i can do 30's in f2p The max hit in f2p is 26 with scim, 32 with 2h.
  18. I agree with this. Because they aren't devoted enough to keep playing just because of one lousy update, then they are obviously too immature to be playing the game in the first place. And again, the elitist snobbery continues. Who are you to judge people because of the decisions they make on an issue that largely affected them when you were not? Are you somehow more mature than someone else who quit because your enjoyment was not diminished like theirs was by this update? Because their preferences are different than yours? If anyone needs to grow up, it's you.
  19. Of course, that's a silly way to train smithing and magic when you can sell the raw ore and buy lesser bars to gain more xp for your money. But hey, if it makes you feel better about yourself...
  20. So now don't complain if you get completly DESTROYED by a 126 knight :wink: LOL you act like revenants are dangerous Probably because you spend all your time in RuneScape in a microcosm. So quitting because the game we enjoyed playing was irreversibly and intolerably altered is somehow immature and idiotic? Tell me this, if the one update was the removal of combat from the game, would it be immature or idiotic to leave because it's just "one update?" Are you insane? Evidence?
  21. Assist system is useless if your friend doesn't need it. Giving advice is useless if your friend doesn't need it. I'm already friendly toward a person who is my friend. Then help others? The game isn't only you and your friend. Sure I understand if you want to help your friend, but it seems like he doesn't need help if he doesn't need any advice or skill help. Point is that financial help or gifts are the best way to help a friend more than anything else. And no, starting January, I can't help others in the way that I've wanted to from the beginning, which is to give them sets of rune for just being nice people. People rarely need my assistance (or can use it due to lacking the materials) or listen to my advice. Fat lot of good those things do next to giving them what they need to do things. Thats BS. Not in RuneScape, it isn't. There are ways of making money other than merchanting? Really? Well Christ I though 87 mining was only for show! lolol Yeah, real good suggestion there buddy. I'm going to bring both of us out to the rune rocks to get bombarded by revenants and waste food while he mines the ore and gives me xp I could have gotten if I'd just mined it myself. Dumb, dumb, dumb.
  22. I hate that cowards who once clung to PKer-free supplies of runite now come to the runite rocks that I've risked my life for countless times. Although the price of my favorite commodity has gone up, it comes at the cost of competing with miners I once felt a kinship with and a need to protect.
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