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Everything posted by BoffoBoy

  1. hehe was about to post the same thing... US military at least, curious if the brits call it with official? Cheers -BB
  2. ok with trees, they have X logs to cuter from, more people on a treee the less logs everyone gets before it stumps. your wc rate remains the same, you just have to move around to new trees. with fishing, there is no such thing as X fish in the spot. you can have 5000 people fioshing the same spot and so long as they are all fishing (and not *starting* to fish) the fishing spot will move evntually like no one was fishing it. The main problem with too many people fishing at the same waters is that when one first starts to fish by dipping the pole in the water, you can get a random. one of the randoms is a fish that pops up and spits your rod/cage away and killing the fishing spot. this means that if there's more people on a fioshing spot, more fish spitting rods per second and more moving around =) Other than that, no rate of change on the fish coming in. Cheers! -BB
  3. trout and slamon are great for fishing and cooking exp.. to only fish them and not cook is cheating yourself of their real valuse.. As for resale, free players will buy np as their lower level combat means they do not need lobsters. Fly fishing is ownage for exp, monks are fantastic for food to use for training. the main problem with monks btw is that cooking gauntlets do not (last I checked) help their burn rate. To get to no burn on monks is like 90 + cook - ouch. At 78 cooking I burn about 12% of all monks I catch for my personal food. when I go back to fishing/cooking, I'm simply going to buy 20k + feathers and hole up over at shilo. whatevr it takes to get 94ish cooking and fishing. Cheers! -BB
  4. think the standard route is selling deaths for tokul. Best bang for the buck so to speak in that you can craft the deaths and they sell for quite a bit to the hiz. Bloods are too rare in their own right to sell for tokul. Cheers! -BB
  5. hehe black mystic looks neat, that's all it has over blue other than it's player resale value. why you would feel compelled to use it in regicide, no idea. I did regicide at combat 75 wearing boots of lightness, leg cape, charged glory and a dds. Was over 65 agility at the time though so the traps weren;t too bad. Used ard cakes for food (amount of heal in one eat is meaningless) and would recommend an atni pioson or 2. Those leaf traps are evil stuff as I still fail them alot even over 70 agility so keep those in mind and tehy dish out 15 damage. At the worst, if you get low on hp you can natually regan teh hp, there's no rush. if you are really paranoid about food, just bring a hachet and a tinderbox. The trails in elfland have lots of bunnies you can cook and trees to cut for fires. Cheers! -BB
  6. you can now go to the evil chckens lair to beat that guy down at your pleasure. And think of all the featehrs you'll score! :twisted: Cheers! -BB
  7. they use a combination range + melee that hits alot.. what I did for thee was wear my standard melee kit and use range prayer. My equipment is nothing special. Combat 89 btw. they did hit a bit , but not too much, I didn't wear any + prayer gear and at 55 prayer could kill about 15 before running out of anti range. Their drops blow and they have low hp (therefore low slayer exp) and they take a ton of effort to set up kit for.... I'll burp any further killerwatt missions I get. Cheers! -BB
  8. wow nice thank you tons... was just about to compile this list myself. This post needs to be stickied and guided imo =) Cheers! -BB
  9. not that somoen level 30 farming has a nature ammy. :mrgreen: Cheers! -BB
  10. just incedaentally, people are much more likely to help you if your post title hints as to what you are looking for.. :D Cheers! -BB
  11. look in game at the herbalore guide and there's a new potion that needs 57 herb. In quests, skill reqs are for spcific parts, so I'd 99% it that yes, you can use stat boosters on herb in order to make the potion. Cheers! -BB
  12. well I never much killed white knights to matter, but I leveled from 12 to 69 magic killing that black knight in sarim prison.. after wanted I was the starting rank as if I'd never killed a black knight before. So I assume you start with a blank slate. Cheers! -BB
  13. they stop being aggro after about 15 mins like any other mob, just move to a new location or run away and come back. As for why, the security stronghold mobs spawn super fast no matter what the server population is and if one area is crowded, move to another server or area, there's a ton of exp in there. barb village is close to both varrock and edgeville for banking the mad loot. Some of the mobs really pack the loot in btw like the above mentioned flesh crawlers. Cheers! -BB
  14. find out the high end prices of X item used for tradeskills, one that people you see are buying alot of. now go to a location where you can get said item from the people farming them. You can normally buy in bulk and choose a lower price that the treadskillers will take. Price you sell it for - price you buy it for = profit yay! pick locations where the item you are selling is in great demand. When selling items that people need now!!! (i.e. food potions), don;t sell as soon as you see their plea for 50 sharks or whatever.... make them wait and they will pay more out of desperation. Charge more per item for people buying low quantities, lower price for people buying from you in bulk. always leave private messages on so people know your status/ can tell you in crowded situations. try using the official marketplace forums to line up buyers. Cheers! -BB Find regular suppilers/ customers.
  15. nice post, I'll book mark this one Cheers! -BB
  16. I don;t understand the 10k for a glory.... if you can sell me glorys for 10k I'll buy 500 of them thanks. :D Cheers! -BB
  17. nope, monkey love disallows you to attack anyone in monkey form. Btw the different types of monkey gree gree have different run speed. Cheers! -BB
  18. security stronghold. pick a mob whose drops you like and wail away. Fast respawn and auto aggro regardless of cb level (like rock crabs). Cheers! -BB
  19. swan song is 2 spawns of seaweed accessable from a single standing spot, with roughly 12 seconds apart. That equates into a seaweed every 6 seconds with minimal bank time involved. not good for fishing and collecting seaweed.... but alching? :D In general, not targeted at anyone in particular, Swan song is not a trivial quest to complete btw, need alot of background to start it. Cheers! -BB
  20. uh? huh? seriously think about this. A report is between the reporter and the server... in no shape or form does the target of said report have any recourse other than simply log out from the server before the report is made. to 'hack' this process would need to intercept and modify communications from the reporters pc and the server. If so, they already know your log in and password and recovery and friends list and where you are now.... not the type to spam one of the oldest scams from varrock bank for cheap account access. Why spread rumors about 'hacks' like this? Honestly. Cheers! -BB
  21. oh hehe was about to boggle at the "no good drops from flesh horrors" comment, then relised on free, yeah their drops blow =) Cheers! -BB
  22. ghostly robes are doable once you get to the mirror potion of d treasure. So you can use the robes on the bosses. Cheers! -BB
  23. an added wrinkle to the house port is that the flesh horrors in security drop dust runes... often! that means dust + law = home port and one can keep up a pick for abyss. Cheers! -BB
  24. it's faster on pc island if not using a glory. I'd recommend getting 6 or so glorys and hero to recharge them if you doing glass. glorys just own for trade skills. Cheers! -BB
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