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Everything posted by Capheraekton

  1. Any skill that doesn't use all of the 50k xp in the 30 minutes that it's active (any skill that's less than 200k xp per hour) will be the same, assuming you don't factor in any money used to gain the xp.
  2. I'm going for 200m in all skills, and I'm pretty sure I need less hours than Paperbag does.
  3. These are my spins since the April 2 update, but they do include the weekends. If the monkey items/horns/tattoos replaced other common/uncommon items instead of just being added to the list, it wouldn't affect the number of lamps received. Then that's pretty much useless for the purpose. It's not useless because the extra horns/tattoos/monkey stuff doesn't affect lamps. In the 13 possible rewards from a spin, there is always 1 unassigned small, 1 assigned small, 1 unassigned medium, and 1 assigned medium lamp. The only real problem with it is it's a small sample size.
  4. These are my spins since the April 2 update, but they do include the weekends. If the monkey items/horns/tattoos replaced other common/uncommon items instead of just being added to the list, it wouldn't affect the number of lamps received.
  5. http://services.runescape.com/m=news/wild-weekends
  6. It looks like Jagex saw the negative response.
  7. If players could make their logout timers longer than it is right now, server space would be wasted by idle players, but I don't think there'd be any harm in giving players the option of having a shorter logout timer.
  8. Or maybe those people who want to sell quick and who sell below med would sell their items to those people who need it badly and who pay above med. If they sold it for a higher price, they might not be able to sell it instantly.
  9. http://runetrack.com/records_skill.php?skill=slayer http://runetracker.org/records-19
  10. This was a fun quest, and the reward was nice too.
  11. It looks like Jagex is releasing Distractions and Diversions for every skill.
  12. What was your previous RuneScape name that you are listed under on the highscores?: Cphperson What is your current RuneScape display name?: Capheraekton What Tip.it highscore list(s) are you currently added to?: p2p
  13. If the healers are right next to Jad, they'll still heal him, even if they're attacking you. If you move farther away from him, getting the healers to follow you so they're not right next to Jad, they won't be able to heal him. I think it has been that way since Kuradel was released, but I'm not sure.
  14. I'm actually surprised that it's such a low number. I'd expect it to be at least 1000. I've spent 515 days myself(average of 7 hours per day), and I could have easily played for a lot more.
  15. Are people actually taking this seriously? His claims are extremely ridiculous.
  16. I don't think I've ever been saved by a ring of life, but there were a couple times that it activated when I didn't want it to.
  17. 488 days and 7 hours in 4 1/2 years. That's an average of 51,346 xp per hour, 1,232,296 xp per day, and 7 hours per day.
  18. It's not against the rules. It doesn't interact with the game, so it doesn't give any advantages. I've been using the Xfire to detect the official client for 1 1/2 years now.
  19. I might use this to post levels in the future, or I might also use it for other things. I guess it depends on how lazy I am.
  20. The poll results aren't very surprising. Pking is the most important thing in Runescape for some people, but it doesn't seem to be the most important thing for most people. Keep in mind that it is possible for somebody to spend most of their time raising combat skills specifically for pking, and end up spending more time raising their combat skills than pking (the poll asked what you spend the most time doing, not what your favorite thing is or what the most important thing is).
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